273 research outputs found

    Reducing unplanned hospital admissions in patients with neuromuscular diseases: an NHS Re-audit

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    Custos de transação e comportamento da base para o preço do milho em Rio Verde, GO.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o comportamento da base, que é a diferença entre o preço do milho de Rio Verde, GO, e o preço futuro do milho na BM&FBovespa de 3/1/2005 até 15/3/2011. Por conseguinte, a hipótese do estudo é que os custos de transação e as características regionais da comercialização do milho fazem que ocorra elevada divergência de preços entre os mercados. O modelo autorregressivo com threshold (TAR) foi usado para captar as importantes dimensões dos custos de transação. Os resultados estimados para o parâmetro TAR de 7,78% mostram uma fraca convergência entre os preços dos mercados e, por consequência, o enfraquecimento da base na região. Isso evidencia que os produtores minimizam custos de transação regionais e, por isso, estão mais preocupados com as transações de hedging privado no mercado físico, não recorrendo à bolsa de valores para proteção contra oscilação de preços

    First observational evidence of a relation between globular clusters' internal rotation and stellar masses

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    Several observational studies have shown that many Galactic globular clusters (GCs) are characterised by internal rotation. Theoretical studies of the dynamical evolution of rotating clusters have predicted that, during their long-term evolution, these stellar systems should develop a dependence of the rotational velocity around the cluster's centre on the mass of stars, with the internal rotation increasing for more massive stars. In this paper we present the first observational evidence of the predicted rotation-mass trend. In our investigation, we exploited the Gaia\mathit{Gaia} Data Release 3 catalogue of three GCs: NGC 104 (47 Tuc), NGC 5139 (ω\omega Cen) and NGC 5904 (M 5). We found clear evidence of a cluster rotation-mass relation in 47 Tuc and M 5, while in ω\omega Cen, the dynamically youngest system among the three clusters studied here, no such trend was detected.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    Photometry and astrometry with JWST -- III. A NIRCam-Gaia DR3 analysis of the open cluster NGC 2506

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    In the third paper of this series aimed at developing the tools for analysing resolved stellar populations using the cameras on board of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), we present a detailed multi-band study of the 2 Gyr Galactic open cluster NGC 2506. We employ public calibration data-sets collected in multiple filters to: (i) derive improved effective Point Spread Functions (ePSFs) for ten NIRCam filters; (ii) extract high-precision photometry and astrometry for stars in the cluster, approaching the main-sequence (MS) lower mass of ~0.1 Msun; and (iii) take advantage of the synergy between JWST and Gaia DR3 to perform a comprehensive analysis of the cluster's global and local properties. We derived a MS binary fraction of ~57.5 %, extending the Gaia limit (~0.8 Msun) to lower masses (~0.4 Msun) with JWST. We conducted a study on the mass functions (MFs) of NGC 2506, mapping the mass segregation with Gaia data, and extending MFs to lower masses with the JWST field. We also combined information on the derived MFs to infer an estimate of the cluster present-day total mass. Lastly, we investigated the presence of white dwarfs (WDs) and identified a strong candidate. However, to firmly establish its cluster membership, as well as that of four other WD candidates and of the majority of faint low-mass MS stars, further JWST equally deep observations will be required. We make publicly available catalogues, atlases, and the improved ePSFs.Comment: 20 pages, 17 figures (5 in low resolution), 4 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS on August 5, 2023. PSF models, catalogs and stacked images are publicly available at https://web.oapd.inaf.it/bedin/files/PAPERs_eMATERIALs/JWST/Paper_03

    Resistance Exercise Training in McArdle Disease: Myth or Reality?

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    McArdle disease is a metabolic myopathy mainly characterised by symptom onset during physical activities or isometric muscle contraction. Resistance (also termed strength) training is a type of physical exercise focusing on the use of resistance (e.g., lifing weights) to induce muscular contraction, which builds muscle mass and strength. Historically people with McArdle disease were advised to avoid resistance exercises and any other form of physical activity involving high mechanical loads such as prolonged isometric contraction. Paradoxically, a clinical trial exploring the benefts of strength training in this patient population was published. Te theory supporting strength training relied on the use of the ATP molecule and the creatine phosphate (ATPphosphocreatine system) as energy sources for skeletal muscles. Here, we report two patients with McArdle disease who performed weight training at local gyms. A single set of repetitions lasted for maximum 10 seconds with minimum of 30 seconds of rest period in between sets of exercises. Benefts of this type of training included improvement in quality of life and amelioration of McArdle disease symptoms. We provide further safety evidence of this type of exercise in people with McArdle disease. We emphasise the importance of using a specifc protocol developed for people afected by this condition

    Rhabdomyolysis: a genetic perspective

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    Rhabdomyolysis (RM) is a clinical emergency characterized by fulminant skeletal muscle damage and release of intracellular muscle components into the blood stream leading to myoglobinuria and, in severe cases, acute renal failure. Apart from trauma, a wide range of causes have been reported including drug abuse and infections. Underlying genetic disorders are also a cause of RM and can often pose a diagnostic challenge, considering their marked heterogeneity and comparative rarity.In this paper we review the range of rare genetic defects known to be associated with RM. Each gene has been reviewed for the following: clinical phenotype, typical triggers for RM and recommended diagnostic approach. The purpose of this review is to highlight the most important features associated with specific genetic defects in order to aid the diagnosis of patients presenting with hereditary causes of recurrent RM

    Dantrolene as a treatment option for RYR1-related rhabdomyolysis

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    The HST\textit{HST} Large Programme on NGC\,6752 -- V. Differences in Luminosity and Mass Functions among Multiple Stellar Populations

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    We exploit the astro-photometric dataset of the multi-epoch infrared parallel field of a Hubble Space Telescope\textit{Hubble Space Telescope} Large Programme aimed at studying the faintest stars of the globular cluster NGC\,6752 to determine the luminosity and mass functions of the multiple stellar populations of this cluster. Thanks to the measurement of proper motions and deeper completeness, the results presented in this paper represent a significant improvement over those of previous studies. We successfully derived membership probabilities reaching stars as faint as mF160W25m_{\rm F160W} \sim 25, allowing us to reliably distinguish the three main stellar populations detected within this cluster. We employed a new set of model isochrones that have been individually fit to the colour-magnitude diagram of each population. We present a comprehensive analysis of the luminosity and mass functions for three stellar populations within NGC\,6752. Notably, our findings reveal differences in the present-day luminosity and mass functions of first-generation and second-generation stars; these differences are consistent with the manifestation of the effects of dynamical processes acting on populations with different initial spatial distributions. Finally, we publicly release the catalogues with positions, photometry, proper motions, and memberships probabilities, as well as the stacked-image atlases and all newly calculated stellar models.Comment: 25 pages, 17 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication in A