1,175 research outputs found

    Growth and Characterization of L-Glutamic Acid Thiourea Crystal for NLO Applications

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    The L-Glutamic acid doped thiourea single crystals were grown successfully by slow-evaporation technique. The structure and morphology identified through XRD analysis. The functional group and cut-off wavelength are performed thorough FTIR and UV-Visible spectroscopical analysis.  The non-linear behavior analysed with second harmonic generation set up. The thermal stability of the growned crystal studied with thermo-gravimetric analysis(TGA), differential thermo-gravimetric analysis(DTA). The hysic-mechanical nature of crystal also studied. Keywords: L- Glutamic acid; Crystal; NLO, XRD, FTI


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    In Today’s world social network play a vital role and provides relevant information on user opinion. This paper presents emotional health monitoring system to detect stress and the user mood. Depending on results the system will send happy, calm, relaxing or motivational messages to users with phycological disturbance. It also sends warning messages to authorized persons in case a depression disturbance is detected by monitoring system. This detection of sentence is performed through convolution neural network (CNN) and bi-directional long-term memory (BLSTM). This method reaches accuracy of 0.80 to detect depressed and stress users and also system consumes low memory, process and energy. We can do the future work of this project by also including the sarcastic sentences in the dataset. We can also predict the sarcastic data with the proposed algorith

    Microwave antenna system for passive discrimination

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    A novel passive antenna system, capable of discriminating specific electromagnetic signals is addressed. This antenna system will be able to detect signals of certain bandwidths, amplitudes and propagation directions. The philosophy behind this design was to maximise the signal discrimination at a stage prior to reception. The development of such systems could relieve the work involved in post detection discrimination, which may be time consuming and expensive. A major motivation of these studies lies in the difficulties inherent in signal detection for mobile radio communication systems operating at microwave frequencies. Such an antenna system consists of two components. They are the filter section and the detector array. The filter is designed in such a way that only the near normal signal to the locally flat area will be admitted and the rest reflected. The detector array will be at an appropriate position below the filter. Two types of filter structures have been studied for this angular filtering property. They are the Dielectric Multilayers (DML) and periodic arrays of slots as Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS). DML are constructed by stacking layers of dielectric material whose permittivities vary in a near sinusoidal manner. Such a structure is known to have the ability to admit certain frequency bands of signals. The conventional transmission/reflection matrix method is used for its analysis. Also an optimisation procedure is carried out to minimise the loss of the signal in the DML. The characteristics of the DML as a beam-director and Beam-shaper have also been investigated. FSS exhibit the characteristics of band pass and band stop filters, depending upon the nature of the surface (periodic arrays of elements or slots) . Here the band pass nature is utilised by using arrays of slotted elements. These surfaces are tuned to admit narrow band signals. The well-known modal analysis method has been employed to study the FSS characteristics. The FSS have been studied in the context of frequency scanning, beam shaping, beam directing as well as angular scanning. A prototype has been constructed to simulate a multi signal environment in which the above structures have been experimentally assessed

    Diabetes and thyroid diseases - a review

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    The fact that insulin and thyroid hormones influence each other actions assumes significance since diabetes mellitus and thyroid disease are the two common endocrine disorders in adult population. Poorly controlled diabetes results in a low T3 state and a loss of TSH response to TRH. Regardless of glycemic control there is an absence of nocturnal THS peak. There is an increased incidence of dysthyroid optic neuropathy in patients with Graves disease and coexistent diabetes. Also, the visual prognosis after treatment is poor. 50% of thyrotoxic patients who were previously euglycemic exhibit variable glucose intolerance while frank diabetes occurs in 2-3% cases. In diabetic patients presence of thyrotoxicosis deteriorates the glycemic control. Diabetic patients with hypothyroidism may suffer from recurrent episodes of hypoglycemia. Type 1 diabetes mellitus patients have a high prevalence of thyroid dysfunction with nearly one third of all newly detected patients showing thyroid autoimmunity. Also, Type 1 diabetes mellitus and hypothyroidism co-exist in downs syndrome as well as congenital rubella. In autoimmune polyglandular syndrome Type 2, autoimmune thyroid disease and immune mediated diabetes are among the components

    A study on anti-stress property of Nardostachys jatamamsi on stress induced Drosophila melanogaster

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    Stress is a feeling that’s created when we react to particular events. It s the body’s way of rising to a challenge and preparing to meet a tough situation with focus, strength, stamina, and heightened alertness. As a result of the stress immune system can be suppressed by chronic stress opening to increased infections and increasing the risk of autoimmune diseases. So one has to learn away to overcome stress. Here is an attempt made to overcome the stress induced in Drosophila melanogaster a model organism, in this study. Methotrexate is used to induce the stress at different concentration taking different group of flies and a Nardostachys jatamamsi plant extract having antistress property is used to relieve the stress induced. This stress relieve measured by the various stress related enzymes like catalase and Superoxide dismutase by this antistress property of the plant Nardostachys jatamamsi was shown

    Performance analysis and comparison of m x n zero forcing and MMSE equalizer based receiver for mimo wireless channel

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    Wireless transmission is affected by fading and interference effects which can be combated with equalizer.The useof MIMO system promises good improvement in terms of spectral efficency,link relaibility andSignal to Noise Ratio (SNR).The effect of fading and interference always causes an issue for signal recovery in wireless communication. Equalizationcompensates for Intersymbol Interference (ISI) created by multipath within time dispersive channels. This paper analyses theperformance of Zeroforcing and MMSE equalizer for MIMO wireless chaneels. The simulation results are obtained usingMatLab tool box version 7.0 at RF signal processing lab.The Bit Error Rate (BER) characteristics for the various transmittingand receiveing antennna is simulated in matlab tool box and many advantages and disdvantagesof the system is descrbed.The simulation results show that the equalizer based zero forcing receiver is good for noise free channel and is successfulin remving ISI,but MMSE is a better choice than ZF in terms of BER charateristics and under Noise performance

    Wetting Characteristics of Oleate Monolayers Adsorbed at Calcium Mineral Surfaces:a Molecuar Dynamics Study

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    In this paper we present our Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations results on the wettability characteristics of the surfaces of three calcium minerals namely, fluorite, calcite and fluorapatite with an adsorbed oleate monolayer in the presence of water. The contact angle of water on these oleate-adsorbed mineral surfaces are computed and compared with experimental values available in the literature. The modeled adsorbed oleate monolayers on calcite (104), fluorite 11 1 1 ) and fluoroapatite (100) are packed so as to achieve the most favorable configuration, that is, 100%, 67% and 75% packing respectively
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