201 research outputs found

    Telematics complex – a tool for proactive business development and a driver for long-term national socio-economic growth

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    ТЕЛЕМАТИЧЕСКИЙ КОМПЛЕКС – ИНСТРУМЕНТ ПРОАКТИВНОГО БИЗНЕС-РАЗВИТИЯ И ДРАЙВЕР ДОЛГОСРОЧНОГО НАЦИОНАЛЬНОГО СОЦИАЛЬНО-ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОГО РОСТА В статье автор рассматривает телематический комплекс как продукт те- лематики, который взаимосвязан с одной из ведущих сфер экономики Республики Бе- ларусь – IT. На основании проведенного анализа статданнных, индикаторов развития белорусской экономики, а также показателей деятельности IT-компаний, автор при- ходит к выводу, что сфера телематическая сфера является инструментов проак- тивного (на перспективу с оценкой результата и предугадыванием последствий и ре- шений) развития бизнеса. Кроме того, создавая положительный экономический ре- зультат на микроуровне (предприятия, организации, малый и средний бизнес) теле- матические решения являются драйвером долгосрочного социально-экономического роста Республики БеларусьСекция 1_ДРАЙВЕРЫ ИНКЛЮЗИВНОГО ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОГО РОСТА: ПРАКТИЧЕСКИЙ ОПЫТ РЕСПУБЛИКИ БЕЛАРУСЬ И МИРОВОЙ ОПЫТСборник включен в Государственный регистр информационного ресурса. Регистрационное свидетельство № 3061815625 от 23.05.2018

    Interrelation of Labour Productivity and Production Relations in Political Economy

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    Nowadays there is no available definition of political economy, as well as thinkers who could characterize this category in detail and comprehensively enough. In this regard there is a question of interrelation of this science with other sciences and political and economic factors which can be ranked as the characteristics of political economy as to the scientific community, the device of the state and economy interaction

    Theoretical and methodological foundations of the telematics products and services for the sustainable socio-economic development

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    The author's research is interconnected with the socio-economic policy of the Republic of Belarus. Structural components and metrics of economic efficiency in the scientific work are studied based on government demand, which is reflected in the National Strategies for Sustainable Socio-Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus until 2020 and 2030

    Objective integration factors of Belarusian policy on the example of creating a state union with the Russian Federation

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    At the present stage, international economic integration has reached global proportions. The success of the development of national economies in recent years directly depends on the participation of countries in these processes. In this regard, the globalization of the world economy and its impact on national economic systems are becoming part of macroeconomic analysis

    IT development prospects in the Republic of Belarus within the global innovation market

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    In this article, the author makes review for the current situation of IT development in the Republic of Belarus. There are analyzed the Global Innovation Index, organizations and program documents that regulate the activities of the IT sector in the Republic of Belaru

    International Experience of Inclusive Economic Growth in the Belarussian Realities

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    The slowdown in economic growth, that can be observed not only in developing but also developed countries, stimulating the adjustment of current financial instruments, economic and social policies, intensifies efforts in strategic areas. These include search for a new model of socio-economic development that can respond to the current challenges that are faced by the economy and society. In this article, the author focuses on the model of inclusive economy, as possible way to stimulate economic growth in Belarus

    International Experience of Inclusive Economic Growth in the Belarussian Realities

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    The slowdown in economic growth, that can be observed not only in developing but also developed countries, stimulating the adjustment of current financial instruments, economic and social policies, intensifies efforts in strategic areas. These include search for a new model of socio-economic development that can respond to the current challenges that are faced by the economy and society. In this article, the author focuses on the model of inclusive economy, as possible way to stimulate economic growth in Belarus

    Sustainable socio-economic development in the modern economy as a part of the triple bottom line concept

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    The author considers the Triple bottom line concept as an application for achieving sustainable development goals. The purpose of the concept is to measure the effectiveness of corporations in the process of creating a public product, taking into account 3 factors of sustainable development: people, profit, and planet