981 research outputs found

    Pathological classification of equine recurrent laryngeal neuropathy

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    Recurrent Laryngeal Neuropathy (RLN) is a highly prevalent and predominantly left‐sided, degenerative disorder of the recurrent laryngeal nerves (RLn) of tall horses, that causes inspiratory stridor at exercise because of intrinsic laryngeal muscle paresis. The associated laryngeal dysfunction and exercise intolerance in athletic horses commonly leads to surgical intervention, retirement or euthanasia with associated financial and welfare implications. Despite speculation, there is a lack of consensus and conflicting evidence supporting the primary classification of RLN, as either a distal (“dying back”) axonopathy or as a primary myelinopathy and as either a (bilateral) mononeuropathy or a polyneuropathy; this uncertainty hinders etiological and pathophysiological research. In this review, we discuss the neuropathological changes and electrophysiological deficits reported in the RLn of affected horses, and the evidence for correct classification of the disorder. In so doing, we summarize and reveal the limitations of much historical research on RLN and propose future directions that might best help identify the etiology and pathophysiology of this enigmatic disorder

    Program Guide: Smoke Detectors Can Save Your Life

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    Smoke detectors have the potential of greatly reducing the number of deaths resulting from home fires and at a very reasonable cost to the consumer. Yet some homes still do not have smoke detectors installed or do not have a sufficient number to provide a minimum level of protection

    Farm Tractor Safety

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    Tractor accidents are a major contributing factor to the high fatality rates experienced in Kentucky agriculture. Despite the variety of potential hazards on farms, nearly half of all farm fatalities and one out of ten injury accidents involve tractors. The single most common factor in tractor fatalities is an overturn

    Earthquake Planning Checklist

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    Scientists warn that a major earthquake could occur at any time along the New Madrid Fault. At the present time they believe there is sufficient energy stored in the fault for a major earthquake of 7.6 magnitude on the Richter Scale. However, these sources estimate that the most probable occurrence will be a smaller earthquake in the 6.0 to 6.5 size range. The chances of such an earthquake occurring before the end of the century is 40-60% and 97% for one occurring in the next 50 years. An earthquake of this size would cause damage over a large area

    ROPS Retro-Fit Fact Sheet

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    ROPS were first introduced commercially in 1966. ROPS first became available for most new tractors in the late 60\u27s or early 70\u27s. ROPS became standard equipment on most new tractors manufactured after 1985

    Program Guide: Fire Extinguishers: Protection for the Home and Farm

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    The right kind of fire extinguisher conveniently located and properly used can greatly reduce the potential losses from a fire. However, the user must have a knowledge of the common types of extinguishers, the types of fires for which they are safe and effective and the proper operating procedures

    Some aspects of the magnetic properties of rare earth- iron group laves phase intermetallic compounds

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    Measurements are presented of the structural and magnetic properties of several series of pseudo-binary compounds formed between the (heavy) Rare Earth metals, or Yttrium, and the 3d transitional metals, in the Laves phase structure. This work has been undertaken in an attempt to obtain a better understanding of the nature of the moments and coupling mechanisms in these compounds, RX(_2).The magnetic results are discussed on the basis of a rigid band model for the 3d electrons in these compounds and this model is shown to provide a unified account of the properties of all the RX(_2) compounds. An elementary density of states histogram for the 3d band associated with the X component is presented. The C 36 phase is found to coexist with the C 15 terminal phase at intermediate compositions in some of the series. For the C 15 phases the lattice parameters show a positive deviation from Vegard's Law and these results are discussed in relation to the magnetic properties

    Farm Accidents - How to Respond

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    Human nature leads us to believe that accidents always happen to the other guy . Yet farming along with mining are the two most hazardous occupations in the Nation. If an accident struck your farm, would all family members know how to respond

    Program Guide: A Home Fire Escape Plan

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    A home fire escape plan and regular practice with fire exit drills are essential for protecting a family from the potential disaster of a home fire. When a fire occurs, it is critical that everybody knows what to do, and through practice they have the know-how and confidence to do it

    Grain Suffocation Hazards

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    Grain and feed storage systems are a common sight on Kentucky farms and usually present no particular hazard for the user. However, flowing grain or grain that is caked or spoiled can pose a serious threat of entrapment and suffocation. To protect yourself and your family, you need to become familiar with this potential hazard