86 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Experiential Marketing Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Restoran Baegopa? Kota Malang

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    The experience of product as a whole is an important factor to form customer satisfaction. Satisfied customers will continue to use the product and in addition they can tell the others about their experience. Satisfied customers will create big profits for company. This reaserach aims to analyze the influence of experiental marketing to customer satisfaction in Baegopa? Malang restaurant. The method used in this research is explanatory research with the quantitative approach. Sample of this reasearch consists of 105 respondents who have been to Baegopa? Malang restaurant at least two times with age starting from 18 years old. The sampling technique used in this research is nonprobability sampling and data collection method used in this research is questionnaire with descriptive and simple liniar regression for data analysis. The result of simple liniar regression analysis showed that experiental marketing (X) had significant effect on customer satisfaction which was shown with probability value (sig) of 0,000 (p<0,05)

    Hubungan Tingkat Kecukupan Energi, Tingkat Aktivitas Fisik Dan Karakteristik Keluarga Dengan Risiko Kekurangan Energi Kronis Pada Ibu Hamil Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Dawe, Kudus

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    Data dari Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Kudus menunjukkan ibu hamil Kekurangan Energi Kronis (KEK) Tahun 2014 sebesar 5,7%, dan pada November Tahun 2015 mencapai 6,68% dengan prevalensi tertinggi di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Dawe sebesar 17,51%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan tingkat kecukupan energi, tingkat aktivitas fisik, status kemiskinan keluarga, dan adanya pengeluaran rokok dalam keluarga dengan risiko KEK pada ibu hamil. Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik sampling dilakukan secara purposive sampling dengan sampel sebesar 42 orang. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji Chi Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ibu hamil di wilayah kerja puskesmas Dawe memiliki tingkat kecukupan energi kurang (47,6%), tingkat aktivitas fisik sedang (38,1%), berasal dari keluarga miskin (35,7%) dan memiliki pengeluaran rokok dalam keluarganya (54,8%). Ada hubungan tingkat kecukupan energi (X2=13,81; p=0,000), tingkat aktivitas fisik (X2=12,79; p=0,000), status kemiskinan keluarga (X2=6,64; p=0,010), dan adanya pengeluaran rokok dalam keluarga (X2=8,78; p=0,003) dengan risiko KEK pada ibu hamil. Risiko KEK akan semakin besar apabila ibu hamil memiliki tingkat kecukupan energi yang semakin kurang dan tingkat aktivitas fisik yang semakin berat, berasal dari keluarga miskin, dan ada pengeluaran rokok dalam keluarga

    Pengaruh Destination Image dan Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan Wisatawan di Museum Angkut Kota Batu

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    The purpose of this study is to identifying the influence of Destination Image and Service Quality partially and simultaneously on Tourists Satisfаction. This type of reseаrch used is explаnаtory reseаrch with quаntitаtive аpproаch. The sаmple in this reseаrch is аs mаny аs 113 domestic tourists with minimum аge of 17 yeаrs, who visit Museum Аngkut of Bаtu City for tour. The sаmpling technique used in this reseаrch is non probаbility sаmpling by purposive sаmpling. Methods of dаtа collection using questionnаires аnd documents. Dаtа аnаlysis used is descriptive аnаlysis аnd multiple lineаr regression аnаlysis. The results of this study indicаte thаt the vаriаble Destinаtion Imаge аnd Service Quаlity together hаve а significаnt effect on Tourists Sаtisfаction. R squаre vаlue of 0.416 indicаting Destinаtion Imаge аnd Service Quаlity vаriаbles аffecting Tourist Sаtisfаction is 41,6%, while 58,4% is influenced by vаriаble not exаmined in this reseаrch. Pаrtiаlly, Destinаtion Imаge vаriаble hаs significаnt effect on Tourists Sаtisfаction аnd Service Quаlity vаriаble influence but not significаnt to Tourist Sаtisfаction

    Performance Evaluation of Equity Mutual Funds in Indonesia

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    Mutual funds considered as an investment alternative for investors. One type of mutual fund that attracts many investors was the equity mutual funds. Equity mutual fund a type of mutual funds that most part of the investment consists of stocks in the capital market so the risk rate was higher than the other types of mutual funds. For its different characteristic, the measurement for equity funds performance did not be same with other types of mutual funds. As a stock portfolio, equity mutual funds can measure with portfolio measurement methods such as Sharpe Index, Treynor Ratio, Jensen Index, Adjusted Sharpe Index, Adjusted Jensen Index, and Sortino Ratio. This study was conducted by using all of those performance measurements as most research in Indonesia was conducted by using limited performance measurements (focusing on Sharpe Index, Treynor Ratio, and Jensen Index). This study aims to evaluated the performance of 42 equity mutual funds available in Indonesia by employing Sharpe Index, Treynor Ratio, Jensen Index, Adjusted Sharpe Index (ASI), Adjusted Jensen Index (AJI), and Sortino Ratio because most previous researches in Indonesian setting disregards ASI and AJI. In general, it was concluded that the SAM Indonesian Equity was the best performing equity fund during the study period. It was further found that most equity mutual fund studied have been well diversified

    Pengaruh Customer Value Dan Word of Mouth Terhadap Keputusan Berkunjung (Studi Pada Pengunjung Pantai Balekambang, Malang)

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    The purpose of this study is identifying and explaining the influence of Customer Value and Word of Mouth partially and simultaneously to the Visit Decision. Explanatory research with quantitative approach is the type of this research. Reasearch population are all tourists/ visitors which is had gotten word of mouth information about Balekambang. Research sample is 115 touristis with purposive sampling technique in sampling used. Collecting data is using questionnaire and analyzed by descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression. The result showed that Customer Value and Word of Mouth by partially and simultaneously have a significant effect on Visit Decision. 0,736 of R Square value means that Customer Value and Word of Mouth influence 73,6% Visit Decision, whereas 26,4% other is influenced by other variable that isn\u27t addressed in this research. The result of multiple linear regression analysis showed that Word of Mouth give dominant influence on Visit Decisions where is the influence of Word of Mouth is about 1,118 and Customer Value is about 0,439 and each value of Sig. t and Sig. F is 0,000

    Hubungan Ketahanan Pangan Keluarga dan Pola Konsumsi dengan Status Gizi Balita Keluarga Petani (Studi di Desa Jurug Kabupaten Boyolali Tahun 2017)

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    The condition of family food security is influenced by the ability of the family to fulfill their food needs and result in the lack of nutritional fulfillment of family members, including toddlers. This type of research is analytical research using cross sectional approach. The population and the sample in this study were 43 toddlers aged 24-59 months selected with purposive sampling method. Data were analyzed using Pearson and Rank Spearman trials. The results of this study indicate most (65,1%) family food security in the category of not food resistant. The average food diversity score was 4,86 with moderate category (67,4%). The level of energy consumption was less than 48,8% and level of protein consumption was excessive (53,5%). Nutritional status of children under five by BB/TB was mostly (86%) normal, BB/U was in good nutrition (86%), and TB/U was normal (81,4%). There were correlations of food security with the level of energy consumption (ρ=0,000), protein consumption's level (ρ=0,048), BB/U (ρ =0,036), and TB/U (ρ=0,010); level of energy consumption with BB/TB (ρ=0,006); levels of protein consumption with TB/U (ρ=0,005). There were no correlations between food type diversity with energy (ρ=0,129) and protein (ρ=0,376) consumption level; energy consumption level with BB/U (ρ=0,785) and TB/U (ρ=0,382); levels of protein consumption with BB/TB (ρ=0,091) and BB/U (ρ=0,240); food security with BB/TB (ρ=0,324). It was suggested for the children under five's family to utilize the soil with garden plants or to raise livestock to fulfill households needs while also improving socio-economy so that nutritional needs can be fulfilled

    Pengaruh Daya Tarik Wisata dan Fasilitas Layanan terhadap Kepuasan Wisatawan di Pantai Balekambang Kabupaten Malang

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    This research purposed to identify the influence of Attraction and Service Facilities on Tourist Satisfaction in Balekambang Beach. This research type is an explanatory research with quantitative approach. Data were collected by using questionnaires distributed to the 113 tourists who have visited to Balekambang Beach by simple random sampling technique. Data analysis are used consist of descriptive analysis, classic assumption test, multiple linier regression analysis, F test and t test. The result of this study showed that Attraction and Service Facilities simultanously have a significant effect on Tourist Satisfaction, Attraction has a significant effect on Tourist Satisfaction, and Service Facilities has a significant effect on Tourist Satisfaction. Keywoards: Attraction, Service Facilities, Tourist Satisfactio