460 research outputs found

    Escuelas de campo de agricultores. Investigacion participativa

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    Sistemas de semilla de papa. Conceptos basicos

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    Role of Oxidized LDL in Atherosclerosis

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    Valorization of passion fruit stalk by the preparation of cellulose nanofibers and immobilization of trypsin

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    Fibers from passion fruit stalks were first recovered with a pulping and bleaching process. Two mechanical treatments were further applied to the fibers, homogenization (with and without ultrasound), and blender application. The effect of those treatments on fibers was evaluated. The chemical composition of the different stages of fibers undergoing treatment were measured according to TAPPI standards and were also analyzed by SEM, FTIR, and XRD. Trypsin was immobilized by adsorption and by covalent binding. The biocatalyst support-trypsin was evaluated in terms of immobilization yield, retention, and enzymatic activity. The experimental results demonstrated that the final cellulose concentration in the fibers was 44 % higher than that in the raw stalks. The cellulose nanofibers obtained by homogenization presented a size distribution between 20200 nm, and the application of ultrasound did not show a significant effect on size (between 50 to 300 nm). Trypsin immobilized using glycidol presented an immobilization yield of 67 % and presented higher retention and enzymatic activity (1.17±0.05 U/mg protein and 44.0±2.0 %, respectively). These results show that passion fruit stalks can be successfully used as a source of cellulose nanofibers and also can be used as carriers for the immobilization of trypsin.The authors acknowledge the financial support of Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Hermes code project 34573), COLCIENCIAS call 727-2015 National Doctorates. FONTAGRO (ATN/RF-16111-RG Productividad y Competitividad Frutícola Andina), and Erasmus+Programme Key Action 1. This work was also supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of the UID/BIO/04469/2020 unit and by the BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fortaleciendo los sistemas tradicionales de producción de semilla en los Andes en Perú.

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    Los cultivos alimenticios en el Perú han estado históricamente asociados a la pequeña agricultura andina, caracterizada por predios muy pequeños (<3ha), tecnificación tradicional y producción destinada principalmente al autoconsumo y una pequeña proporción para la venta y producción de semilla. El Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) a través de su programa Papa Andina/INCOPA promovió una serie de innovaciones que han permitido revalorizar la biodiversidad de la papa y organizar cadenas productivas inclusivas para articular a pequeños productores pobres alto andinos a nuevos mercados. Sin embargo, esta innovación generó demanda por semilla de variedades nativas con potencial de mercado, la cual no ha podido ser satisfecha debido a que el sistema formal de semilla no abastece la demanda interna y las variedades nativas no han sido priorizadas por dicho sistema. Como alternativa, los proyectos del CIP como InnovAndes (Junín y Huancavelica) y McKnight (Pasco), están promoviendo esquemas no convencionales como una alternativa flexible para mejorar los sistemas tradicionales de producción de semilla y responder a la demanda de los pequeños productores. En ambos casos, en las comunidades participantes se organizaron comités de gestión de semillas, que fueron capacitados en técnicas de multiplicación de semilla e identificación de plagas para tener a su cargo la producción de semilla básica en campos semilleros e invernaderos empleando la técnica de selección positiva. La capacitación se realizó a través de escuelas de campo de agricultores (ECA) semilleristas. Como resultado de la intervención, del Proyecto McKnight en las comunidades de La Quinua y Quichas (Pasco) se logró reducir en más del 92% la incidencia de virus (PVX y PVS), enfermedades (P. infestans) e insectos (Epitrix spp, y Diabrótica spp) que afectan la calidad de la semilla, lográndose aumentar el rendimiento promedio de tubérculos en 53%. En este proyecto, el comité de gestión de semillas se constituyó como empresa y cuentan con un invernadero de aeroponia para producir semilla prebásicaa bajo costo, habiendo producido hasta la fecha 54,000 tuberculillos de 6 variedades nativas. En el marco del proyecto Innovandes, los productores de Chicche y Pomamanta (Junín) aprendieron la técnica convencional de propagación y multiplicación de semilla pre-básica en sus respectivos invernaderos. En 2011 la producción fue en total 20,574 tuberculillos de variedades nativas con demanda en el mercado, con lo que han constituido un fondo rotatorio de semilla de las variedades Leona y Cceccorani de uso en gastronomía y la industria, respectivamente. Los resultados indican que la producción de semilla pre-básica en combinación con la técnica de selección positiva ayudará a gestar un mercado regional de semilla de calidad, con posibilidades de evolucionar hacia un esquema o modelo no convencional, similar al de semilla de calidad declarada (QDS)

    Valorization of rice by-products: Protein-phenolic based fractions with bioactive potential

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    Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcs.2020.103039.Rice bran (RB) is an important by-product from the rice production with a high valorization potential. The aim of the present work was to explore this potential by considering combined protein and phenolic fractions and enzymatic hydrolysis. The influence of different protocols in the recovery/fractioning of protein were evaluated, including defatting procedures, in rice brans from two very different locations: Portugal and Colombia. The different protein fractions achieved were characterized. Proteins were further hydrolyzed using trypsin and their hydrolysates were characterized in terms of degree of hydrolysis and peptide size. Moreover, the total phenolic content (TPC) and phenolic compoundsâ profile on extracted fractions and hydrolysates of RB from Portugal and Colombia were determined. The functional potential was assessed in terms of antioxidant and antihypertensive activities. Though the protein concentrates had already significant potential bioactivities, protein hydrolysates showed that the TPC, antioxidant and antihypertensive activities significantly increased with the digestion by trypsin. Hydrolysates of RB from Portugal presented a higher antioxidant and hypertensive activities in comparison with hydrolysates of RB from Colombia, moreover it presented a higher content of TPC. This study indicated that the exploitation potential of rice bran can be increased with simple fractioning procedures, that combined protein/phenolic fractions are important to deliver functionality and that hydrolysis can be a relevant tool to release that functionality. Furthermore, regional differences in rice bran composition are also important factors to consider. Overall, this knowledge can be used to increase the industrial potential of valorization for this by-product.The authors acknowledge the financial support of the National University of Colombia, call to International Mobility 2017–2018, COLCIENCIAS call 727 National Doctorates, the ErasmusþProgramme Key Action 1, the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology FCT under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2019 unit, the European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund under the scope of Norte 2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (BioTecNorte operation - NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004 and doctoral advanced training call NORTE-69-2015-15 - ref. NORTE-08- 5369-FSE-000036).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio