15 research outputs found

    Progress in real-time photoacoustic imaging using optical ultrasound detection

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    Optical  phase  contrast  full  field  detection  in combination  with  a  CCD-camera  can be  used  to record  acoustic  fields.  This  allows  to  obtain  two-dimensional photoacoustic  projection  images  in real-time. The present work shows an extension of the  technique  towards  full  three-dimensional photoacoustic  tomography.  The reconstruction  of the initial three dimensional pressure distribution is a two step process. First of all, projection images of the initial pressure distribution are acquired. This is done  by  back  propagating  the  observed  wave pattern  in  frequency  space. In  the  second  step  the inverse Radon transform is applied to the obtained projection  dataset  to  reconstruct  the  initial  three dimensional pressure distribution. An experiment is performed  using  a  phantom  sample  which mimics the  properties  of  biological  samples  to  show  the overall applicability of this technique for real-time photoacoustic imaging

    Photoacoustic section imaging with integrating detectors

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    Photoacoustic  section  imaging  is  a  method  for visualizing  structures  with  optical contrast  in selected  layers  of  an  extended  object.  In  order  to avoid  resolution limitations  that  are  due  to commonly used ultrasound detectors of finite size, we propose  the  use  of  extended,  integrating cylindrical  elements  for  focusing  the acoustic detection  into  the  selected  section.  Two  imaging methods  based  on piezoelectric  and  optical detection  are  presented.  Resolution  limits  and results on zebra fish are demonstrated

    Ultrasensitive plano-concave optical microresonators for ultrasound sensing

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    Highly sensitive broadband ultrasound detectors are needed to expand the capabilities of biomedical ultrasound, photoacoustic imaging and industrial ultrasonic non-destructive testing techniques. Here, a generic optical ultrasound sensing concept based on a novel plano-concave polymer microresonator is described. This achieves strong optical confinement (Q-factors > 105) resulting in very high sensitivity with excellent broadband acoustic frequency response and wide directivity. The concept is highly scalable in terms of bandwidth and sensitivity. To illustrate this, a family of microresonator sensors with broadband acoustic responses up to 40 MHz and noise-equivalent pressures as low as 1.6 mPa per √Hz have been fabricated and comprehensively characterized in terms of their acoustic performance. In addition, their practical application to high-resolution photoacoustic and ultrasound imaging is demonstrated. The favourable acoustic performance and design flexibility of the technology offers new opportunities to advance biomedical and industrial ultrasound-based techniques

    A practical guide to photoacoustic tomography in the life sciences

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    The life sciences can benefit greatly from imaging technologies that connect microscopic discoveries with macroscopic observations. One technology uniquely positioned to provide such benefits is photoacoustic tomography (PAT), a sensitive modality for imaging optical absorption contrast over a range of spatial scales at high speed. In PAT, endogenous contrast reveals a tissue's anatomical, functional, metabolic, and histologic properties, and exogenous contrast provides molecular and cellular specificity. The spatial scale of PAT covers organelles, cells, tissues, organs, and small animals. Consequently, PAT is complementary to other imaging modalities in contrast mechanism, penetration, spatial resolution, and temporal resolution. We review the fundamentals of PAT and provide practical guidelines for matching PAT systems with research needs. We also summarize the most promising biomedical applications of PAT, discuss related challenges, and envision PAT's potential to lead to further breakthroughs