22 research outputs found


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    Abstract. Let R be a commutative ring with identity and M be a unitary R-module. where S(M ) is the set of submodules of M . Suppose n ≥ 2 is a positive integer. A proper submodule P of M is called (n

    On finitely generated multiplication modules

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    summary:We shall prove that if MM is a finitely generated multiplication module and Ann(M)\mathop {\mathrm Ann}(M) is a finitely generated ideal of RR, then there exists a distributive lattice Mˉ\bar{M} such that Spec(M)\mathop {\mathrm Spec}(M) with Zariski topology is homeomorphic to Spec(Mˉ)\mathop {\mathrm Spec}(\bar{M}) to Stone topology. Finally we shall give a characterization of finitely generated multiplication RR-modules MM such that Ann(M)\mathop {\mathrm Ann}(M) is a finitely generated ideal of RR

    Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Hollow Steel Columns Strengthening by CFRP

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    The need for strengthening and retrofitting is well known and extensive research is progressing in this field. The reasons for strengthening and retrofitting are numerous: increased loads, changes in use, deterioration, and so on. In recent years, the use of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) for strengthening has shown to be a competitive method, both regarding structural performance, and economical aspects. Extensive research has been carried out in this field. However, most of the research has been undertaken on concrete structures and for confinement, flexural, and shear strengthening. Limited research has been carried out on steel structures strengthened with CFRP. This paper presents axially loaded steel columns strengthened for increased load. The topic is studied theoretically and through laboratory tests. The theory covers analytical methods. Carbon fiber reinforced polymers has been used to strengthen the columns. The tests have been undertaken on full scale specimens, non-strengthened for reference, partially strengthened and fully strengthene

    ORIGINAL ARTICLE LQR Optimum Control for Wind Energy Conversion system

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    ABSTRACT In this paper, a grid-connected wind energy converter system including a Matrix Converter (MC), a Squirrel-Cage Induction Generator (SCIG), a gear box and a horizontal axes wind turbine is proposed. An overall dynamical model for the proposed wind turbine system is considered. The dynamic behaviour of the model is investigated by simulating the response of the overall model to step changes in selected input variables. Moreover, a linear model of the system is developed at a typical operating point, and a LQR optimum control is designed for the system. The nonlinear and linear governing equations of the system are implemented using MATLAB. The obtained results show that the settling time of closed loop system using LQR step response is 0.002 sec., steady state error is zero and overshoot is zero too, which is highly acceptable for performance goals of this system


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    Abstract. In this paper we present a method for calculating a reduced primary decomposition for submodules of a finitely generated module over a PID. 1

    Permanents of Hexagonal and Armchair Chains

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    The permanent is important invariants of a graph with some applications in physics. If G is a graph with adjacency matrix A=aij, then the permanent of A is defined as permA=∑σ∈Sn∏i=1naiσi, where Sn denotes the symmetric group on n symbols. In this paper, the general form of the adjacency matrices of hexagonal and armchair chains will be computed. As a consequence of our work, it is proved that if Gk and Hk denote the hexagonal and armchair chains, respectively, then permAG1=4, permAGk=k+12, k≥2, and permAHk=4k with k≥1. One question about the permanent of a hexagonal zig-zag chain is also presented