3,867 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Effectiveness of Alternative Extension Methods: Triple-Bag Storage of Cowpeas by Small-Scale Farmers in West Africa

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    This study examined two questions related to the adoption of triple-bag storage technology for farmers storing cowpeas in West Africa. First the effect of an extension program, focused on village demonstrations, on adoption was considered. Second, the effect of radio messages to augment this extension program was analyzed. The results indicate that adoption was positively affected by the extension program and radio messages do augment the effectiveness.Effective extension methods, cowpeas, hermetic storage, Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession,

    Synthesis of CoAl2O4 by double decomposition reaction between LiAlO2 and molten KCoCl3

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    Submicronic CoAl2O4 powders were prepared by double decomposition reaction between solid LiAlO2 and molten KCoCl3 at 500 ◦C for 24 h. The reaction mechanism involves the dissolution of LiAlO2 shifted by the precipitation of CoAl2O4 until complete transformation and the reaction leads to powders with a very homogeneous chemical composition. The powders obtained were mainly characterized by XRD, FTIR, ICP, X.EDS, electron microscopy and diffraction and diffuse reflexion. The blue pigments obtained exhibit a high thermic stability allowing their use for the colouring of ceramic tiles

    Dynamical invariants and nonadiabatic geometric phases in open quantum systems

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    We introduce an operational framework to analyze non-adiabatic Abelian and non-Abelian, cyclic and non-cyclic, geometric phases in open quantum systems. In order to remove the adiabaticity condition, we generalize the theory of dynamical invariants to the context of open systems evolving under arbitrary convolutionless master equations. Geometric phases are then defined through the Jordan canonical form of the dynamical invariant associated with the super-operator that governs the master equation. As a by-product, we provide a sufficient condition for the robustness of the phase against a given decohering process. We illustrate our results by considering a two-level system in a Markovian interaction with the environment, where we show that the non-adiabatic geometric phase acquired by the system can be constructed in such a way that it is robust against both dephasing and spontaneous emission.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures. v2: minor corrections and subsection IV.D added. Published versio

    Experimental approximation of the Jones polynomial with DQC1

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    We present experimental results approximating the Jones polynomial using 4 qubits in a liquid state nuclear magnetic resonance quantum information processor. This is the first experimental implementation of a complete problem for the deterministic quantum computation with one quantum bit model of quantum computation, which uses a single qubit accompanied by a register of completely random states. The Jones polynomial is a knot invariant that is important not only to knot theory, but also to statistical mechanics and quantum field theory. The implemented algorithm is a modification of the algorithm developed by Shor and Jordan suitable for implementation in NMR. These experimental results show that for the restricted case of knots whose braid representations have four strands and exactly three crossings, identifying distinct knots is possible 91% of the time.Comment: 5 figures. Version 2 changes: published version, minor errors corrected, slight changes to improve readabilit

    Frequency up- and down-conversions in two-mode cavity quantum electrodynamics

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    In this letter we present a scheme for the implementation of frequency up- and down-conversion operations in two-mode cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED). This protocol for engineering bilinear two-mode interactions could enlarge perspectives for quantum information manipulation and also be employed for fundamental tests of quantum theory in cavity QED. As an application we show how to generate a two-mode squeezed state in cavity QED (the original entangled state of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen)

    La lagune de Ghar El Melh : Diagnostic écologique et perspectives d'aménagement hydraulique

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    La lagune de Ghar El Melh, située au Nord de la Tunisie (dans le Golfe de Tunis), est caractérisée par une superficie de 28,5 km2, une faible profondeur et une faible communication avec la mer. Actuellement, sous l'effet des actions anthropiques (les rejets terrestres), elle connaît une dégradation progressive de la qualité de ses eaux et sédiments dont les conséquences sont la chute de la richesse biologique et la réduction des ressources halieutiques de la lagune.Dans ce travail, nous présentons les résultats de l'analyse des caractéristiques physico-chimiques et biologiques des eaux de la lagune. Ces analyses montent bien l'hyper-eutrophisation du milieu caractérisé par de fortes concentrations des eaux en azote total et en phosphore total. Les résultats de simulation du fonctionnement hydrodynamique, que nous avons réalisée à l'aide d'un modèle à 2 dimensions intégré sur la hauteur, montrent une stagnation des eaux dans environ 80% de surface de la lagune qui a fortement amplifié la dégradation de la qualité de l'écosystème. Parmi plusieurs scénarios d'aménagements simulés, nous proposons la création d'une nouvelle communication avec la mer dont la simulation hydrodynamique montre une nette augmentation des échanges d'eau mer-lagune. Nous présentons ensuite un modèle écologique homogène de la lagune de Ghar El Melh qui a été mis au point et calibré en s'appuyant sur les mesures de terrain. Les simulations, avec ce modèle, montrent que l'arrêt total des rejets terrestres et la création d'un nouveau grau réduisent considérablement l'eutrophisation du milieu ce qui conduiraient certainement à une nette amélioration de la production halieutique dans la lagune.The Ghar El Melh lagoon is a Mediterranean water body, situated in Northeastern Tunisia, on the Northwestern side of the Gulf of Tunis. The Ghar El Melh lagoon is a vestigial part of the Utique Sea, and this lagoon was largely open at the time of the Roman invasion. Due to a combination of the shape of the coastline and alluvium deposits from the Medjerda River, this small gulf has become progressively closed from the Utique Sea, causing the lagoon to become progressively shaped to its present morphology. The coastal barrier separating the lagoon from the Mediterranean Sea was interrupted, allowing a permanent hydraulic communication across a local opening. The lagoon has an elliptical shape of approximately 28.5 km2 and an average depth of 0.8 m. Due to human activities within the lagoon itself and in the surrounding area, the lagoon ecosystem has suffered a progressive deterioration. This deterioration has led to a reduction in biodiversity resulting mainly in a decrease in fish resources and production.In order to improve the water quality of the lagoon for ecological and economical purposes, a diagnostic survey was carried out to characterize the present site conditions and to provide data for calibration of hydrodynamic and ecological models. The main results of the annual survey of biotic and non-biotic parameters demonstrated the existence of zones within the lagoon, with some seasonal variation. Thus, a decreasing biotic and non-biotic gradient was measured from the area of the lagoon under marine influence towards the bottom of the lagoon, under the continental and anthropogenic influence of the west side. The lagoon could be considered hypereutrophic with an annual average concentration of total phosphorus of 350 mg/m3. In order to conceptualize and optimise hydraulic structures for water quality improvement in the lagoon, a numerical model of the velocity fields (depth averaged) and water depth was used. The hydrodynamic model used was bi-dimensional, adapted for use in shallow lagoons. After model calibration using in-situ measurements, simulations were carried out to analyse the present hydrodynamic condition of the lagoon. Several stagnation zones were detected, which contributed to the altered water quality that was observed. Several management practices were proposed and simulated, aiming to control and improve the internal circulation and water exchange between the lagoon and the Mediterranean Sea. The main goal of these simulations was to improve water mobility inside the lagoon, and thus improve the water quality. The proposed hydraulic development measures consisted mainly of the creation of a new hydraulic communication in the south-eastern area of the lagoon, by dredging the south part of the lake or by channel creation in front of the new communication, reaching the stagnation zones of the lagoon. The impact assessment of the proposed development was verified with simulations using the bi-dimensional hydrodynamic model.An ecological model based on nitrogen and phosphorus cycling, was also developed for Ghar El Melh lagoon. It took into account one ecological compartment, the macro algae, that included Cladophora sp., Ulva sp. and Enteromorpha sp. Algae (A), inorganic nitrogen (NA), inorganic phosphorus (PA), organic nitrogen (NEorg) and organic phosphorus (PEorg), were the main variables of this model. After calibration of the model, a 10-yr simulation showed that all variables demonstrated a steady behaviour and that the lagoon eutrophication level remained. Model sensitivity analysis allowed the choice of some restoration scenarios and the prediction of their impacts on the ecological behaviour of the ecosystem. The simulations showed that wastewater load deviation combined with an increase in the sea-lagoon water exchange, instead of a decrease of nutrient diffusion from the sediments, led to a substantial decrease in the eutrophication level of the lagoon. Indeed, the annual average nutrient concentrations decreased from 270 to 60 mg/m3 for total nitrogen and from 350 to 20 mg/m3 for total phosphorus in the Ghar El Melh lagoon