9,457 research outputs found

    Lifecycle information for e-literature: a summary from the LIFE project.

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    The LIFE Project has developed a methodology to calculate the long-term costs and future requirements of the preservation of digital assets. LIFE has achieved this by analysing and comparing three different digital collections and by applying a lifecycle approach to each. From this work LIFE has identified a number of strategic issues and common needs. The critical strategic issues are: ā€¢There is a need for a wider collaborative approach between Higher Education (HE) and Libraries to aid in the cost-effective development of tools and methods. ā€¢The time required for the realistic development of the next generation of these tools and methodologies is largely unknown and should form part of a collective responsibility within the digital preservation community. ā€¢There exists a real opportunity to establish long-term partnerships between institutions to address common requirements. The challenge is to establish multidisciplinary Project teams and programmes to lead these developments. ā€¢There exists a real opportunity to establish long-term partnerships between institutions and industry to develop this methodology and to establish new opportunities to share knowledge and experience. The LIFE project could become an important vehicle for the development of these new opportunities

    Lifecycle information for e-literature: full report from the LIFE project

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    This Report is a record of the LIFE Project. The Project has been run for one year and its aim is to deliver crucial information about the cost and management of digital material. This information should then in turn be able to be applied to any institution that has an interest in preserving and providing access to electronic collections. The Project is a joint venture between The British Library and UCL Library Services. The Project is funded by JISC under programme area (i) as listed in paragraph 16 of the JISC 4/04 circular- Institutional Management Support and Collaboration and as such has set requirements and outcomes which must be met and the Project has done its best to do so. Where the Project has been unable to answer specific questions, strong recommendations have been made for future Project work to do so. The outcomes of this Project are expected to be a practical set of guidelines and a framework within which costs can be applied to digital collections in order to answer the following questions: ā€¢ What is the long term cost of preserving digital material; ā€¢ Who is going to do it; ā€¢ What are the long term costs for a library in HE/FE to partner with another institution to carry out long term archiving; ā€¢ What are the comparative long-term costs of a paper and digital copy of the same publication; ā€¢ At what point will there be sufficient confidence in the stability and maturity of digital preservation to switch from paper for publications available in parallel formats; ā€¢ What are the relative risks of digital versus paper archiving. The Project has attempted to answer these questions by using a developing lifecycle methodology and three diverse collections of digital content. The LIFE Project team chose UCL e-journals, BL Web Archiving and the BL VDEP digital collections to provide a strong challenge to the methodology as well as to help reach the key Project aim of attributing long term cost to digital collections. The results from the Case Studies and the Project findings are both surprising and illuminating

    The Dynamics of Food Deprivation and Overall Health: Evidence from the Canadian National Population Health Survey

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    The paper explores whether the responses to food deprivation questions on the longitudinal Canadian National Population Health Survey help explain the links between socio-economic status and health. Transitions in food deprivation status are correlated with changes in health status. While health transitions are correlated with changes in food deprivation status, there is little evidence that change in food deprivation status leads changes in health status but some evidence that change in health status leads change in food deprivation status.Food insecurity; Granger causality

    The Dynamics of Food Deprivation and Overall Health: Evidence from the Canadian National Population Health Survey

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    The paper explores whether the responses to food deprivation questions on the longitudinal Canadian National Population Health Survey help explain the links between socio-economic status and health. Transitions in food deprivation status are correlated with changes in health status. While health transitions are correlated with changes in food deprivation status, there is little evidence that change in food deprivation status leads changes in health status but some evidence that change in health status leads change in food deprivation status.Food insecurity; Granger causality; NPHS

    How much does it cost? The LIFE Project - costing models for digital curation and preservation

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    Digital preservation is concerned with the long-term safekeeping of electronic resources. How can we be confident of their permanence, if we do not know the cost of preservation? The LIFE (Lifecycle Information for E-Literature) Project has made a major step forward in understanding the long-term costs in this complex area. The LIFE Project has developed a methodology to model the digital lifecycle and to calculate the costs of preserving digital information for the next 5, 10 or 100 years. National and higher education (HE) libraries can now apply this process and plan effectively for the preservation of their digital collections. Based on previous work undertaken on the lifecycles of paper-based materials, the LIFE Project created a lifecycle model and applied it to real-life digital collections across a diverse subject range. Three case studies examined the everyday operations, processes and costs involved in their respective activities. The results were then used to calculate the direct costs for each element of the digital lifecycle. The Project has made major advances in costing preservation activities, as well as making detailed costs of real digital preservation activities available. The second phase of LIFE (LIFE2), which recently started, aims to refine the lifecycle methodology and to add a greater range and breadth to the project with additional exemplar case studies

    LANDSAT Digital Data Base Preparation for the Pennsylvania Defoliation Application Pilot Test

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    A LANDSAT digital mosaic data base for the State of Pennsylvania was prepared for use in the development of an automated system to annually estimate the extent and severity of Gypsy Moth defoliation of hardward forests. The techniques for detecting the defoliation and development of a geographic information system (GIS) to assess damage is being developed jointly by NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center and Pennsylvania State University using the JPL prepared mosaic base. The JPL processing involved the use of ground control points from the Master Data Processor for planimetric control, resampling of the LANDSAT data to 57 x 57 meter pixels, realignment to north, and reprojection to the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection in UTM zones 17 and 18. The completed mosaic for each UTM zone was subdivided into 1 degree of latitude by 2 degrees of longitude quadrangles for easy data handling. Consideration is given to the issues of mapping standards, sensor and spacecraft platform characteristics, and their implication to geographic information systems operation. Methods for obtaining measures of accuracy for LANDSAT mosaics are reviewed

    The LIFE Model v1.1

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    Extract: This document draws together feedback, discussion and review of the LIFE Model from a number of sources: 1. The LIFE and LIFE2 Project Teams, and the staff of their institutions 2. Feedback from review by independent economics expert 3. The LIFE Project Conference 4. Early adopters of the Life Model (particularly the Royal Danish Library, State Archives and the State and University Library, Denmark) The result is a revision of the LIFE Model which was first published in 2006 by the LIFE Project . In line with the objectives of the LIFE2 Project, this revision aims to: 1. fix outstanding anomalies or omissions in the Model 2. scope and define the Model and its components more precisely 3. facilitate useful and repeatable mapping and costing of digital lifecycles

    Lifecycle information for E-literature: an introduction to the second phase of the LIFE project

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    Introduction: The first phase of LIFE (Lifecycle Information For E-Literature) made a major contribution to understanding the long-term costs of digital preservation; an essential step in helping institutions plan for the future. The LIFE work models the digital lifecycle and calculates the costs of preserving digital information for future years. Organisations can apply this process in order to understand costs and plan effectively for the preservation of their digital collections The second phase of the LIFE Project, LIFE2, has refined the LIFE Model adding three new exemplar Case Studies to further build upon LIFE1. LIFE2 is an 18-month JISC-funded project between UCL (University College London) and The British Library (BL), supported by the LIBER Access and Preservation Divisions. LIFE1 was completed in April 2006. LIFE2 started in March 2007, and was completed in August 2008. This summary aims to give an overview of the LIFE Project, summarising some of the key outputs. There are four main areas discussed: 1 From LIFE1 to LIFE2 outlines some of the key findings from the first phase of the project as well as summarising the motivation behind this second phase. 2 The LIFE Model describes the current version of the model (version 2) which has been thoroughly updated from the first phase. 3 LIFE2 Case Studies describes the three new Case Studies for LIFE2. It does not include the results from the Case Studies (these are available in the overall LIFE2 Report), but offers some background on each of the studies as well as discussion of why they were chosen. 4 Findings and Conclusions outlines all of the findings and outputs from the entire project

    The LIFE2 final project report

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    Executive summary: The first phase of LIFE (Lifecycle Information For E-Literature) made a major contribution to understanding the long-term costs of digital preservation; an essential step in helping institutions plan for the future. The LIFE work models the digital lifecycle and calculates the costs of preserving digital information for future years. Organisations can apply this process in order to understand costs and plan effectively for the preservation of their digital collections The second phase of the LIFE Project, LIFE2, has refined the LIFE Model adding three new exemplar Case Studies to further build upon LIFE1. LIFE2 is an 18-month JISC-funded project between UCL (University College London) and The British Library (BL), supported by the LIBER Access and Preservation Divisions. LIFE2 began in March 2007, and completed in August 2008. The LIFE approach has been validated by a full independent economic review and has successfully produced an updated lifecycle costing model (LIFE Model v2) and digital preservation costing model (GPM v1.1). The LIFE Model has been tested with three further Case Studies including institutional repositories (SHERPA-LEAP), digital preservation services (SHERPA DP) and a comparison of analogue and digital collections (British Library Newspapers). These Case Studies were useful for scenario building and have fed back into both the LIFE Model and the LIFE Methodology. The experiences of implementing the Case Studies indicated that enhancements made to the LIFE Methodology, Model and associated tools have simplified the costing process. Mapping a specific lifecycle to the LIFE Model isnā€™t always a straightforward process. The revised and more detailed Model has reduced ambiguity. The costing templates, which were refined throughout the process of developing the Case Studies, ensure clear articulation of both working and cost figures, and facilitate comparative analysis between different lifecycles. The LIFE work has been successfully disseminated throughout the digital preservation and HE communities. Early adopters of the work include the Royal Danish Library, State Archives and the State and University Library, Denmark as well as the LIFE2 Project partners. Furthermore, interest in the LIFE work has not been limited to these sectors, with interest in LIFE expressed by local government, records offices, and private industry. LIFE has also provided input into the LC-JISC Blue Ribbon Task Force on the Economic Sustainability of Digital Preservation. Moving forward our ability to cost the digital preservation lifecycle will require further investment in costing tools and models. Developments in estimative models will be needed to support planning activities, both at a collection management level and at a later preservation planning level once a collection has been acquired. In order to support these developments a greater volume of raw cost data will be required to inform and test new cost models. This volume of data cannot be supported via the Case Study approach, and the LIFE team would suggest that a software tool would provide the volume of costing data necessary to provide a truly accurate predictive model

    Oil Spill Containment and Removal in Arctic Ecosystems

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    Statistics on 16 arctic and subarctic oil spills, their locations, the amount of oil spilled, combatant schemes used, and causes for the spills were culled from the literature. This information has been used to analyze the effectiveness of available chemical, mechanical, and destructive means of oil recovery or disposal under arctic and subarctic conditions. The choice of the best cleanup procedures to follow in any particular instance is clouded by a number of variables and must be weighed against such considerations as wind, sea, and ice conditions, properties of the oil, and effects of chemicals on marine and wildlife. Access to remote arctic sites may well create a major difficulty. Some recommendations for further research on these problems are also given
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