1,264 research outputs found

    Effects of higher dietary protein and fiber intakes at breakfast on postprandial glucose, insulin, and 24-H interstitial glucose in overweight adults

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    Dietary protein and fiber independently influence insulin-mediated glucose control. However, potential additive effects are not well-known. Men and women (n = 20; age: 26 ± 5 years; body mass index: 26.1 ± 0.2 kg/m²; mean ± standard deviation) consumed normal protein and fiber (NPNF; NP = 12.5 g, NF = 2 g), normal protein and high fiber (NPHF; NP = 12.5 g, HF = 8 g), high protein and normal fiber (HPNF; HP = 25 g, NF = 2 g), or high protein and fiber (HPHF; HP = 25 g, HF = 8 g) breakfast treatments during four 2-week interventions in a randomized crossover fashion. On the last day of each intervention, meal tolerance tests were completed to assess postprandial (every 60 min for 240 min) serum glucose and insulin concentrations. Continuous glucose monitoring was used to measure 24-h interstitial glucose during five days of the second week of each intervention. Repeated-measures ANOVA was applied for data analyses. The HPHF treatment did not affect postprandial glucose and insulin responses or 24-h glucose total area under the curve (AUC). Higher fiber intake reduced 240-min insulin AUC. Doubling the amount of protein from 12.5 g to 25 g/meal and quadrupling fiber from 2 to 8 g/meal at breakfast was not an effective strategy for modulating insulin-mediated glucose responses in these young, overweight adults.T32 HL116276 - NHLBI NIH HHS; UL1 TR001108 - NCATS NIH HH

    The Isom Report - Fall 2016

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    The official newsletter of the Sarah Isom Center for Women and Gender Studies.https://egrove.olemiss.edu/isom_report/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Living with conduct problem youth: Family functioning and parental perceptions of their child

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    Parenting children with conduct problems (CP) is challenging, yet very little is known about the impact of the child’s behaviour on family functioning or how parents of children with CP perceive their child. The aim of this research was to examine whether families with children with CP and high vs. low levels of callous–unemotional traits (HCU vs. LCU) experience differences in family functioning and parental perceptions. One hundred and one parents/caregivers of boys aged 11–16 [Typically developing (TD) n = 31; CP/HCU n = 35; CP/LCU n = 35] completed the McMaster Family Assessment Device, measuring multiple domains of family functioning. Parents/caregivers also completed a written statement describing their child, used for qualitative analysis. Families with CP/HCU children had poorer affective involvement than TD (p = 0.00; d = − 1.17) and CP/LCU (p = 0.03; d = − 0.62) families. Families with CP/HCU children showed significantly poorer general family functioning (p = 0.04; d = − 0.63) and more poorly defined family roles (p = 0.005; d = − 0.82) than families with TD children. Qualitative analyses indicated that parents/caregivers of CP/HCU children characterised them as having a dichotomous personality and being superficially charming. CP/LCU children were characterised as cheeky and endearing, with parents reporting good rapport. Families with CP/HCU children presented with specific difficulties in affective involvement and parents described challenges which were in line with the child’s specific presentation of lack of empathy and shallow affect. These findings may be used to help clinicians identify targets for family interventions

    Effects of dietary protein and fiber at breakfast on appetite, ad libitum energy intake at lunch, and neural responses to visual food stimuli in overweight adults

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    Increasing either protein or fiber at mealtimes has relatively modest effects on ingestive behavior. Whether protein and fiber have additive or interactive effects on ingestive behavior is not known. Fifteen overweight adults (5 female, 10 male; BMI: 27.1 ± 0.2 kg/m²; aged 26 ± 1 year) consumed four breakfast meals in a randomized crossover manner (normal protein (12 g) + normal fiber (2 g), normal protein (12 g) + high fiber (8 g), high protein (25 g) + normal fiber (2 g), high protein (25 g) + high fiber (8 g)). The amount of protein and fiber consumed at breakfast did not influence postprandial appetite or ad libitum energy intake at lunch. In the fasting-state, visual food stimuli elicited significant responses in the bilateral insula and amygdala and left orbitofrontal cortex. Contrary to our hypotheses, postprandial right insula responses were lower after consuming normal protein vs. high protein breakfasts. Postprandial responses in other a priori brain regions were not significantly influenced by protein or fiber intake at breakfast. In conclusion, these data do not support increasing dietary protein and fiber at breakfast as effective strategies for modulating neural reward processing and acute ingestive behavior in overweight adults.R01 MH102224 - NIMH NIH HHS; UL1 TR001108 - NCATS NIH HHS; UL1TR001108 - NCATS NIH HH

    The Selective Electrochemical Conversion of Preactivated CO_2 to Methane

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    This work reports the selective electrochemical conversion of CO_2 to methane, the reverse reaction of fossil fuel combustion. This reaction is facilitated by preactivation of the CO_2 molecule with an N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) to form a zwitterionic species in the first step. In the presence of Ni(cyclam)^(2+) and CF_3CH_2OH, this species is shown to undergo further electrochemical reduction of the bound-CO_2 fragment at glassy carbon cathodes in dichloromethane electrolyte solution. Labeling studies confirm the origin of the carbon and protons in the methane product are the preactivated CO_2 and trifluoroethanol respectively

    High level software for 4.8 GHz LHC Schottky system

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    The performance of the LHC depends critically on the accurate measurements of the betatron tunes. The betatron tune values of each LHC beam may be measured without excitation using a newly installed transverse Schottky monitor. A high-level software package written in Java has been developed for the Schottky system. The software allows end users to monitor and control the Schottky system, and provides them with non-destructive and continuous bunch-by-bunch measurements for the tunes, momentum spreads, chromaticities and emittances of the LHC beams. It has been tested with both proton and lead ion beams at the LHC with very successful results.Comment: 3 pp. Particle Accelerator, 24th Conference (PAC'11) 2011. 28 Mar - 1 Apr 2011. New York, US

    Nonlinear effects of multifrequency hydrodynamic instabilities on ablatively accelerated thin shells

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    Two-dimensional numerical simulations of ablatively accelerated thin-shell fusion targets, susceptible to rupture and failure by Rayleigh–Taylor instability, are presented. The results show that nonlinear effects of Rayleigh–Taylor instability are manifested in the dynamics of the "bubble" (head of the nonlinear fluid perturbation) rather than in the dynamics of the spike (tail of the perturbation). The role of multiwavelength perturbations on the shell is clarified, and rules are presented to predict the dominant nonlinear mode-mode interactions which limit shell performance. It is also shown that the essential dynamics of strongly driven flows are governed by the classical Rayleigh–Taylor instability of an ideal, incompressible, thin fluid layer

    Childhood maltreatment and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in adults: a large twin study

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    BACKGROUND: Childhood maltreatment (CM) has been associated with increased risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adults. It is, however, unclear whether this association is causal or due to familial confounding. Method Data from 18 168 adult twins, aged 20-46 years, were drawn from the population-based Swedish twin registry. Retrospective self-ratings of CM (emotional and physical neglect, physical and sexual abuse and witnessing family violence), and self-ratings for DSM-IV ADHD symptoms in adulthood were analysed. Possible familial confounding was investigated using a within twin-pair design based on monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins. RESULTS: CM was significantly associated with increased levels of ADHD symptom scores in adults [regression coefficient: 0.40 standard deviations, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.37-0.43]. Within twin-pair analyses showed attenuated but significant estimates within DZ (0.29, 95% CI 0.21-0.36) and MZ (0.18, 95% CI 0.10-0.25) twin pairs. Similar results emerged for hyperactive/impulsive and inattentive ADHD symptom scores separately in association with CM. We conducted sensitivity analyses for early maltreatment, before age 7, and for abuse and neglect separately, and found similarly reduced estimates in DZ and MZ pairs. Re-traumatization after age 7 did not significantly influence results. CONCLUSIONS: CM was significantly associated with increased ADHD symptoms in adults. Associations were partly due to familial confounding, but also consistent with a causal interpretation. Our findings support cognitive neuroscience studies investigating neural pathways through which exposure to CM may influence ADHD. Clinicians treating adults with ADHD should be aware of the association with maltreatment


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    File replaced (incorrect version) on 17/8/2022 by KT (LDS).The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS-A) is the only self-report screening test for anxiety validated in stroke patients. However, the HADS-A has limited clinical utility, due to its length of time to administer and cost to purchase. This study aimed to assess the validity of a freely available briefer alternative, the Generalized Anxiety Disorder 2-item (GAD-2) for use in the acute stroke setting. This study used retrospective analysis of a sequential sample in a clinical database of mood and cognitive scores. The GAD-2 demonstrated strong convergent validity with the HADS-A and good specificity and sensitivity. In conclusion, the GAD-2 may be a useful screen to consider for assessment of post-stroke anxiety in the acute setting. Methodological considerations and clinical applications are discussed
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