11 research outputs found

    Mr. Eric Butterworth: A Short Story

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    Butterworth, the English scholar and the college professor, whose thirst for discovery knows no limits and accordingly leads to his downfall. An eternal journey to darkness, to destiny and eternity. A bitter quest for the self and the unknown that is shrouded in mystery. Africa the land of fertility and sterility, the battle field, and the cemetery where aliens are entrapped, baited and thus preyed ruthlessly. Butterworth’s and Akhona’s unfulfilled desire and passion to join eternity is heart-breaking. The short story is a meticulous reflection of Africanness and the African sensibility

    Marine biotoxins on the Tunisian coast: current state of knowledge: Les biotoxines marines sur le littoral Tunisien

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    International audienceIn Tunisia, the most important sector of aquaculture is shellfish farming industry. Unfortunately, in recent years this sub-sector knows many problems of shellfish contamination due to blooms of toxic algae. This phenomenon occurred for the first time in 1994 in the Gulf of Gabes after the proliferation of Karenia cf. selliformis which synthesizes gymnodimine, a potent neurotoxin. Following these effects, several collection sites especially Boughrara lagoon, were closed for extended periods. Recently, an atypical toxicity was detected, initial characterization studies carried out by LC-MS showed that the toxins detected probably belong to the family PSP toxins. The lagoon of Bizerte was also known since 2006, a repeatable events of contamination of mussels and oysters. As a result, many samples were DSP and PSP positive with concentrations up to 2100 microg eq.STX/100 g meat.Le secteur conchylicole en Tunisie est d’une importanceĂ©conomique capitale. Il connait ces derniĂšresannĂ©es des problĂšmes de contamination par les phycotoxinessuite Ă  des efflorescences d’algues toxiques. CephĂ©nomĂšne s’est produit pour la premiĂšre fois en 1994dans le golfe de GabĂšs aprĂšs la prolifĂ©ration d’un dinoflagellĂ©Karenia selliformis qui secrĂšte la gymnodimine.Suite Ă  ces incidences, plusieurs sites de collecteparticuliĂšrement la lagune de Boughrara ont Ă©tĂ© fermĂ©spendant des pĂ©riodes prolongĂ©es. Une autre toxicitĂ©a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©tectĂ©e vers l’annĂ©e 2006; les Ă©tudes decaractĂ©risation faites par LC-MS ont montrĂ© que lestoxines dĂ©tectĂ©es appartiennent probablement Ă  lafamille des toxines paralytiques. La lagune de Bizertea connue aussi depuis 2006, d’une maniĂšre reproductibledurant les saisons automnales, des Ă©vĂšnementsde contamination de moules et de huitres en consĂ©quencedes Ă©chantillons se sont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©s DSP et PSPpositifs avec des concentrations allant jusqu’à 2100 ÎŒgeq. STX/100 g de chair