151 research outputs found


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    Corporate finance participates in economic development of Romania. There are theories and approaches which shape investment decisions and finance decisions. During the euro crisis these theories and approaches failed to emulate reasonable use of such decisions. Romania has remained robust during the euro crisis. Therefore the investment decisions and finance decisions are independent to theories and approaches during the crisis. Theories and approaches are describing the changes in investment decisions and finance decisions.  The explanations are only offered

    Internationalization of emerging markets multinationals: Strategies

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    Enormous studies have gone deeper to understand internationalization of emerging markets multinationals and different views have emerged. Despite their best efforts and studies still the strategies on the internationalization of merging markets multinationals are found elusive and incomplete. Internationalization theories are not capable of defining the internationalization of emerging markets multinationals. There are challenges and problems. Global financial crisis can simply dislocate all the strategies of multinationals irrespective emerging markets or advanced markets. Theories are theories and the problems are occurring and reoccurring with various impacts and effects. Theories are with assumptions and the assumptions are neither universal nor sacred. New challenges bring new strategies and new aspirations for success. National problems and national economic policies directly influence the strategies. The microeconomics and macroeconomics do shape strategies silently


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    The banking system has emerged slowly and steadily over a period of time leading in front the economy of Romania. Many challenges have been obstacles to its development.  Certain decisions have benefitted the banks in Romania. There are opportunities which must not be missed. International institutions like European Union, European Central Bank, World Bank and International Monetary Fund have played important roles in the promotion of banks. Still there are challenges and opportunists for the growth and development of banks in Romania


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    Financial crisis has discovered new philosophy of Green Economy. Green economy facilitates the implementation of sustainable development. There are several strategies to implement the greener economy. The beginning is made in several countries on green economy. It is encouraging but problems are persisting. Achieving sustainable development is the ultimate object of greener economy. Green economy faces innumerable challenges. Finance and technology remain the biggest challenges. National economic policies and global policies do not sail through successfully when there is global financial crisis


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    The monetary policy is the backbone of economic system. It is equally important instrument of regulating inflation with or without inflation target. Romania has rightfully adopted to price stability despite the fact that European Union and European Commercial Bank preferred price stability. JM Keynes in his General theory suggested that the monetary policy would be associated with interest rates for credit expansion and contraction for employment and growth. John B Taylor and other economists have opted for other measures including sacrifice of economic growth for inflation targets. The policy mix does play important role in this regard among other options. There are different views on price stability and financial stability while deciding the monetary policy options

    Evaluation of cognitive evoked potential p300 and correlation to serum insulin levels in alcohol dependence patients

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    BACKGROUND: Alcohol dependence is an increasing burden to the society worldwide. Alcohol dependence causes cognitive impairment. Cognitive evoked potential P300 is impaired in alcohol dependence. Newer cognitive markers for alcohol dependence are emerging. Insulin is a cognitive marker for Alzheimer’s disease and Type 2 Diabetes mellitus. Insulin is under research as a cognitive marker for alcohol dependence. It is observed that insulin levels are higher in non-diabetic alcohol dependent individuals. AIM AND OBJECTIVES: To correlate cognitive evoked potential P300 values with serum Insulin level in alcohol dependence individuals and to evaluate whether insulin can be kept as a biomarker for cognitive functioning. METHODS AND METHODOLOGY: There were sixty participants in the study. Thirty participants with alcohol dependence were taken as case group and thirty healthy volunteers were taken as control group. Cognitive evoked potential P300 was measured in both case and control group. Fasting serum insulin and sugar levels were measured in both the case and the control group. RESULTS: The P300 latency was prolonged and amplitude was diminished in the case group compared to the control group (p< 0.0001) The serum insulin and sugar levels were raised in the case group compared to the control group(p<0.01).The serum insulin values correlated significantly with P300 latency and amplitude values. CONCLUSION: The patients with alcohol dependence had significant impairment in event related potential P300 latency and amplitude when compared with controls. The study group had significant increase in fasting serum insulin and blood sugar levels compared to the control group. There is significant correlation between the P300 latency and the serum insulin level and also the P300 amplitude and the serum insulin level in the study group. Hence it can be derived that there is cognitive impairment in alcohol dependence and that serum insulin can be used as a cognitive marker in alcohol dependence patients


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    Recession is one of the challenges to financial institutions. Economic growth is the causality and many firms disappear. Capital is lost and management skills are questioned. Efforts are always visible to the wisdom of management but how these efforts turn to be futile it is mystery. Man is competent each time from failure but the economy struggles always. Many governments disappear and there is political instability. There are several management and political decisions which are contributing to institutional failures. Reasons are many including natural calamities. It directly affects financial institutions. Financial institutions should survive or perish. Mechanism has to be reinvented suitably

    Management Control of European Banks: A Review

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    Banks are purveyors and manufacturers of money. Banks carry out several functions and there shall be a proper control and supervision. It has primary functions and secondary functions. The primary functions are important functions of banks and the secondary functions are services by banks to public. The banks provide finance functions and it is one of the financial institution of finance sector. All the functions are economic functions and it is blood and nerves of financial system. Any failure of banks directly affects economy and national growth and development. The effective management control of banks protects economy of the nation. The collapse of the banks means that the entire financial system is collapsed

    Long Term Investments and Sustainable Development

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    Long term investors in fast and fragmented financial markets find problems to make investments. The financial risks are obstacles to the financial decisions of long term investments. The long term investments are essential infrastructure development and other development purposes. The reduction of long term investment is encouraging financial stability and the financial crisis is inevitable. There are shocks which affect financial markets and thereby the long term investors are reluctant to make investment. It affects sustainable development

    Comparison of Intraocular Pressure(IOP) estimation by Perkins Tonometer done by Ophthalmic Assistant and Goldmann Applanation Tonometer done by Ophthalmologist

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    INTRODUCTION: Glaucoma refers to a group of disorders that have in common a characteristic optic neuropathy associated with visual field loss with elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) as one of the primary modifiable risk factor. Glaucoma is one of the second most common cause of blindness worldwide. WHO has reported that due to glaucoma around4.5 million people are blind. Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness in India with 12 million people affected and nearly 1.2 million people blind from the disease. Majority of Glaucoma cases approximately 90 % of remains undiagnosed in the community. Jacob A. et al, in their study conducted in Vellore, found that the prevalence of POAG in South India were 4.1 per 1000. The Andhra Pradesh eye disease survey (APEDS) reported a prevalence of 1.62% for POAG, 0.32% for OHT, and 0.71% for manifest PACG in those 30 years of age or older. Aravind comprehensive eye survey (ACES) reported a prevalence of 1.7% for POAG and 0.5% for primary angle closure glaucoma (PACG). AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To assess the agreement of intraocular pressure (IOP) measured with Goldmann applanation tonometer (GAT) by glaucoma consultant and Perkins Tonometer by Ophthalmic Assistant METHODS: 500 patients in the age group of 20 to 70 years underwent both Perkins and Goldmann applanation tonometry in both eyes in an interval of 15 to 30 minutes, cyclically permuted in the order. Both the readings are masked for the examiner. Goldmann Applanation Tonometer is measured by an experienced Glaucoma consultant. Perkins tonometer is measured by an experienced paramedical person. The comparability of results given by the two instruments is evaluated using the Bland–Altman method. RESULTS: The Intraocular Pressure under study ranged from 5 to 60 mm of Hg. The mean GAT IOP in right eye and left eye was 17.74 mm of Hg (+/-7.20 ), 17.21mm of Hg(+/-6.18) respectively. The mean Perkin’s IOP in right eye and left eye was 15.91 mm of Hg (+/- 5.70), 15.93mm of Hg(+/-4.98) respectively. The interclass correlation value in RE and LE were 0.950 and 0.922 respectively which shows that IOP measurement by ophthalmic assistant is highly correlated to Glaucoma consultant. The Bland Altman graph shows that the mean difference of IOP between the two groups are 1.554(95% CI 1.228 to 1.880). CONCLUSION: we conclude that trained ophthalmic assistant can be used as an alternative for reliable measurement of IOP. Training of Midlevel Ophthalmic assistant in measuring intraocular pressure reduces the burden of Ophthalmologists. It will allow for better use of resources in both secondary and tertiary centers
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