483 research outputs found

    Лексико-граматичні класи слів у словнику мови Лонга

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    У статті проаналізовано лексичну ідіосистему словника давньогрецького письменника кінця ІІ ст. н.е. Лонга та здійснено статистичний аналіз усіх частин мови у тексті роману «Дафніс і Хлоя». У межах кожного лексико-граматичного класу визначено домінанти і окреслено їх значення у мовній картині світу письменника. (In the article lexical idiosystem of Longus’ dictionary, ancient greek writer of end of the 2nd century A.D., is analysed. Statistical analysis of all parts of speech is done based on the text of the novel «Daphnis and Chloe». Central lexical-grammatic classes in the Longus’ novel and the most numerous are verbs (967 words), which are 39% from the general amount of lexical units, and nouns (912 lexemes), that is 36,5% from the general amount of words in the author’s dictionary. Thus, it is possible to assume that both verbal and nominal (substantival) types of narration are equally typical for Longus. Adjectives occupy the third place (332 lexemes) in idiosystem of the novel. On the basis of verbal, substantival and adjective semantics analysis of the vocabulary of the novel «Daphnis and Chloe» 18, 14 and 18 lexical-semantic groups were selected accordingly. The most quantative verbal lexemes form lexical-semantic groups denotating motion and physical action (accordingly 172 and 162 verbs), which also have the biggest frequency index of lexemes’ functioning in a text. The most frequent among nouns in a novel are lexical-semantic groups «Name of people and mythological creatures» (129 lexemes), which contains proper and general names, and «Things for everyday life», that is related to reflection of shepherds’ living conditions in the pastoral novel of Longus. Predominating in the text of the novel became lexical-semantic group of adjectives denotating size, form, magnitude (44 lexemes) and lexical-semantic group of adjectives which marks character strains and emotional state of a man (41 lexeme). Other parts of speech have the various system-conditioned connections with above-mentioned once. Their amount considerably smaller in the dictionary of writer’s language (adverbs– 156, pronouns – 38, conjunctions – 36, prepositions – 24, numerals – 19, particles – 9, interjections – 3). Within every lexical-grammatic class dominants were determined and their values were defined in the writer’s linguistic picture of the world.

    Techniques in occluding the aorta during endovascular repair of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms

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    Among various methods to achieve rapid occlusion of the aorta during endovascular repair for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm, particular emphasis is placed on two techniques that have been incorporated into our endovascular repair practice. The sheath-over-balloon technique (the Loan SOB technique) facilitates hemodynamic stability by transfemoral endovascular placement of an aortic occlusion balloon catheter to the infrarenal abdominal aorta. The balloon-ahead-of-graft technique (the Hornsby BAG technique) allows suprarenal hemodynamic control using a stent-graft system with a built-in balloon. The two techniques are simple, quick, and effective in achieving hemodynamic stability

    The effects of abdominal compartment hypertension after open and endovascular repair of a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm

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    ObjectiveThis study assessed if emergency endovascular repair (eEVR) reduces the increase in intra-abdominal compartment pressure and host inflammatory response in patients with ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA).MethodsThirty patients with ruptured AAA were prospectively recruited. Patients were offered eEVR or emergency conventional open repair (eOR) depending on anatomic suitability. Intra-abdominal pressure was measured postoperatively, at 2 and 6 hours, and then daily for 5 days. Organ dysfunction was assessed preoperatively by calculating the Hardman score. Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, systemic inflammatory response syndrome, and lung injury scores were calculated regularly postoperatively. Hematologic analyses included serum urea and electrolytes, liver function indices, and C-reactive protein. Urine was analyzed for the albumin-creatinine ratio.ResultsFourteen patients (12 men; mean age, 72.2 ± 6.2 years) underwent eEVR, and 16 (14 men; mean age, 71.4 ± 7.0 years) had eOR. Intra-abdominal pressure was significantly higher in the eOR cohort compared with the eEVR group. The eEVR patients had significantly less blood loss (P < .001) and transfused (P < .001) and total intraoperative intravenous fluid infusion (P = .001). The eOR group demonstrated a greater risk of organ dysfunction, with a higher systemic inflammatory response syndrome score at day 5 (P = .005) and higher lung injury scores at days 1 and 3 (P = .02 and P = .02) compared with eEVR. A significant correlation was observed between intra-abdominal pressure and the volume of blood lost and transfused, amount of fluid given, systemic inflammatory response syndrome score, multiple organ dysfunction score, lung injury score, and the length of stay in the intensive care unit and hospital.ConclusionThese results suggest that eEVR of ruptured AAA is less stressful and is associated with less intra-abdominal hypertension and host inflammatory response compared with eOR

    Affine modifications and affine hypersurfaces with a very transitive automorphism group

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    We study a kind of modification of an affine domain which produces another affine domain. First appeared in passing in the basic paper of O. Zariski (1942), it was further considered by E.D. Davis (1967). The first named author applied its geometric counterpart to construct contractible smooth affine varieties non-isomorphic to Euclidean spaces. Here we provide certain conditions which guarantee preservation of the topology under a modification. As an application, we show that the group of biregular automorphisms of the affine hypersurface XCk+2X \subset C^{k+2} given by the equation uv=p(x1,...,xk)uv=p(x_1,...,x_k) where pC[x1,...,xk],p \in C[x_1,...,x_k], acts mm-transitively on the smooth part regXX of XX for any mN.m \in N. We present examples of such hypersurfaces diffeomorphic to Euclidean spaces.Comment: 39 Pages, LaTeX; a revised version with minor changes and correction

    The effect of meteorological and chemical factors on the agreement between observations and predictions of fine aerosol composition in southwestern Ontario during BAQS-Met

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    The Border Air Quality and Meteorology Study (BAQS-Met) was an intensive, collaborative field campaign during the summer of 2007 that investigated the effects of transboundary pollution, local pollution, and local meteorology on air quality in southwestern Ontario. This analysis focuses on the measurements of the inorganic constituents of particulate matter with diameter of less than 1 μm (PM&lt;sub&gt;1&lt;/sub&gt;), with a specific emphasis on nitrate. We evaluate the ability of AURAMS, Environment Canada's chemical transport model, to represent regional air pollution in SW Ontario by comparing modelled aerosol inorganic chemical composition with measurements from Aerosol Mass Spectrometers (AMS) onboard the National Research Council (NRC) of Canada Twin Otter aircraft and at a ground site in Harrow, ON. The agreement between modelled and measured &lt;i&gt;p&lt;/i&gt;NO&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;sup&gt;&amp;minus;&lt;/sup&gt; at the ground site (observed mean (M&lt;sub&gt;obs&lt;/sub&gt;) = 0.50 μg m&lt;sup&gt;−3&lt;/sup&gt;; modelled mean (M&lt;sub&gt;mod&lt;/sub&gt;) = 0.58 μg m&lt;sup&gt;−3&lt;/sup&gt;; root mean square error (RSME) = 1.27 μg m&lt;sup&gt;−3&lt;/sup&gt;) was better than aloft (M&lt;sub&gt;obs&lt;/sub&gt; = 0.32 μg m&lt;sup&gt;−3&lt;/sup&gt;; M&lt;sub&gt;mod&lt;/sub&gt; = 0.09 μg m&lt;sup&gt;−3&lt;/sup&gt;; RSME = 0.48 μg m&lt;sup&gt;−3&lt;/sup&gt;). Possible reasons for discrepancies include errors in (i) emission inventories, (ii) atmospheric chemistry, (iii) predicted meteorological parameters, or (iv) gas/particle thermodynamics in the model framework. Using the inorganic thermodynamics model, ISORROPIA, in an offline mode, we find that the assumption of thermodynamic equilibrium is consistent with observations of gas and particle composition at Harrow. We develop a framework to assess the sensitivity of PM&lt;sub&gt;1&lt;/sub&gt; nitrate to meteorological and chemical parameters and find that errors in both the predictions of relative humidity and free ammonia (FA ≡ NH&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;sub&gt;(g)&lt;/sub&gt; + &lt;i&gt;p&lt;/i&gt;NH&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; − 2 · &lt;i&gt;p&lt;/i&gt;SO&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;sup&gt;2-&lt;/sup&gt;) are responsible for the poor agreement between modelled and measured values

    Aircraft study of the impact of lake-breeze circulations on trace gases and particles during BAQS-Met 2007

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    High time-resolved aircraft data, concurrent surface measurements and air quality model simulations were explored to diagnose the processes influencing aerosol chemistry under the influence of lake-breeze circulations in a polluted region of southwestern Ontario, Canada. The analysis was based upon horizontal aircraft transects conducted at multiple altitudes across an entire lake-breeze circulation. Air mass boundaries due to lake-breeze fronts were identified in the aircraft meteorological and chemical data, which were consistent with the frontal locations determined from surface analyses. Observations and modelling support the interpretation of a lake-breeze circulation where pollutants were lofted at a lake-breeze front, transported in the synoptic flow, caught in a downdraft over the lake, and then confined by onshore flow. The detailed analysis led to the development of conceptual models that summarize the complex 3-D circulation patterns and their interaction with the synoptic flow. The identified air mass boundaries, the interpretation of the lake-breeze circulation, and the air parcel circulation time in the lake-breeze circulation (3.0 to 5.0 h) enabled formation rates of organic aerosol (OA/&amp;Delta;CO) and SO&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;sup&gt;2&amp;minus;&lt;/sup&gt; to be determined. The formation rate for OA (relative to excess CO in ppmv) was found to be 11.6–19.4 &amp;mu;g m&lt;sup&gt;−3&lt;/sup&gt; ppmv&lt;sup&gt;−1&lt;/sup&gt; h&lt;sup&gt;−1&lt;/sup&gt; and the SO&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;sup&gt;2&amp;minus;&lt;/sup&gt; formation rate was 5.0–8.8% h&lt;sup&gt;−1&lt;/sup&gt;. The formation rates are enhanced relative to regional background rates implying that lake-breeze circulations are an important dynamic in the formation of SO&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;sup&gt;2&amp;minus;&lt;/sup&gt; and secondary organic aerosol. The presence of cumulus clouds associated with the lake-breeze fronts suggests that these enhancements could be due to cloud processes. Additionally, the effective confinement of pollutants along the shoreline may have limited pollutant dilution leading to elevated oxidant concentrations