1,459 research outputs found

    Black Holes in AdS/BCFT and Fluid/Gravity Correspondence

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    A proposal to describe gravity duals of conformal theories with boundaries (AdS/BCFT correspondence) was put forward by Takayanagi few years ago. However interesting solutions describing field theories at finite temperature and charge density are still lacking. In this paper we describe a class of theories with boundary, which admit black hole type gravity solutions. The theories are specified by stress-energy tensors that reside on the extensions of the boundary to the bulk. From this perspective AdS/BCFT appears analogous to the fluid/gravity correspondence. Among the class of the boundary extensions there is a special (integrable) one, for which the stress-energy tensor is fluid-like. We discuss features of that special solution as well as its thermodynamic properties.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures (7 pdf-files). Save and view with Adobe Reader if images appear corrupted in the browse

    On quantization of singular varieties and applications to D-branes

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    We calculate the ring of differential operators on some singular affine varieties (intersecting stacks, a point on a singular curve or an orbifold). Our results support the proposed connection of the ring of differential operators with geometry of D-branes in (bosonic) string theory. In particular, the answer does know about the resolution of singularities in accordance with the string theory predictions.Comment: LaTeX2e, 17 pages, misprints correcte

    Models of G time variations in diverse dimensions

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    A review of different cosmological models in diverse dimensions leading to a relatively small time variation of the effective gravitational constant G is presented. Among them: 4-dimensional general scalar-tensor model, multidimensional vacuum model with two curved Einstein spaces, multidimensional model with multicomponent anisotropic "perfect fluid", S-brane model with scalar fields and two form field etc. It is shown that there exist different possible ways of explanation of relatively small time variation of the effective gravitational constant G compatible with present cosmological data (e.g. acceleration): 4-dimensional scalar-tensor theories or multidimensional cosmological models with different matter sources. The experimental bounds on G-dot may be satisfied ether in some restricted interval or for all allowed values of the synchronous time variable.Comment: 27 pages, Late

    Fixed target Drell-Yan data and NNLO QCD fits of parton distribution functions

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    We discuss the influence of fixed target Drell-Yan data on the extraction of parton distribution functions at next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in QCD. When used in a parton distribution fit, the Drell-Yan (DY) data constrain sea quark distributions at large values of Bjorken x. We find that not all available DY data are useful for improving the precision of parton distribution functions (PDFs) obtained from a fit to the deep inelastic scattering (DIS) data. In particular, some inconsistencies between DIS-based parton distribution functions and DY data for large values of dilepton rapidity are found. However, by selecting a sample of the DY data that is both representative and consistent with the DIS data, we are able to perform a combined PDF fit that significantly improves the precision of non-strange quark distributions at large values of x. The NNLO QCD corrections to the DY process are crucial for improving the precision. They reduce the uncertainty of the theoretical prediction, making it comparable to the experimental uncertainty in DY cross-sections over a broad range of x.Comment: 12 pages, revte

    Multi-wavelength spatially resolved analysis of quasi-periodic pulsations in a solar flare

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    Aims. We aim to perform a spatially resolved analysis of a quasi-periodic pulsation event from 8th May 1998 using microwave data from the Nobeyama Radioheliograph and Radiopolarimeter, and X-ray data from the Yohkoh satellite. Methods. Time spectra of the signals integrated over the emission source are constructed with the use of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram method, revealing the presence of a pronounced 16 s periodicity. The Pixon image reconstruction algorithm and Hanaoka algorithm are used to reconstruct images from the hard X-ray data from Yohkoh/HXT and Nobeyama Radioheliograph respectively. The phase relationship of the microwave emission was analysed with the use of cross-correlation techniques. Results. The flaring loop was resolved in the microwave band. The hard X-ray sources are found to be located near the footpoint and at the loop apex determined by the soft X-ray image. The apex source is much fainter than footpoint one. In microwave, all parts of the loop are seen to oscillate with the same period and almost in phase. It was not possible to determine the spatial structure of the oscillation in the hard X-ray band. The period and the coherent spatial structure of the oscillation are indicative of the presence of either an MHD sausage mode or a periodic regime of magnetic reconnectio

    Contribution to fusion research from IAEA coordinated research projects and joint experiments

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    The paper presents objectives and activities of IAEA Coordinated Research Projects 'Conceptual development of steady-state compact fusion neutron sources' and 'Utilisation of a network of small magnetic confinement fusion devices for mainstream fusion research'. The background and main projects of the CRP on FNS are described in detail, as this is a new activity at IAEA. Recent activities of the second CRP, which continues activities of previous CRPs, are overviewed

    Evidence for grain growth in T Tauri disks

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    In this article we present the results from mid-infrared spectroscopy of a sample of 14 T Tauri stars with silicate emission. The qualitative analysis of the spectra reveals a correlation between the strength of the silicate feature and its shape similar to the one which was found recently for the more massive Herbig Ae/Be stars by van Boekel et al. (2003). The comparison with theoretical spectra of amorphous olivine with different grain sizes suggests that this correlation is indicating grain growth in the disks of T Tauri stars. Similar mechanisms of grain processing appear to be effective in both groups of young stars.Comment: 4 pages A&A lette

    Photonic SUSY Two-Loop Corrections to the Muon Magnetic Moment

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    Photonic SUSY two-loop corrections to the muon magnetic moment are contributions from diagrams where an additional photon loop is attached to a SUSY one-loop diagram. These photonic corrections are evaluated exactly, extending a leading-log calculation by Degrassi and Giudice. Compact analytical expressions are provided and the numerical behaviour is discussed. The photonic corrections reduce the SUSY one-loop result by 7...9%. The new terms are typically around ten times smaller than the leading logarithms, but they can be larger and have either sign in cases with large SUSY mass splittings. We also provide details on renormalization and regularization and on how to incorporate the photonic corrections into a full SUSY two-loop calculation.Comment: 25 page

    Cosmologies with Null Singularities and their Gauge Theory Duals

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    We investigate backgrounds of Type IIB string theory with null singularities and their duals proposed in hep-th/0602107. The dual theory is a deformed N=4 Yang-Mills theory in 3+1 dimensions with couplings dependent on a light-like direction. We concentrate on backgrounds which become AdS_5 x S^5 at early and late times and where the string coupling is bounded, vanishing at the singularity. Our main conclusion is that in these cases the dual gauge theory is nonsingular. We show this by arguing that there exists a complete set of gauge invariant observables in the dual gauge theory whose correlation functions are nonsingular at all times. The two-point correlator for some operators calculated in the gauge theory does not agree with the result from the bulk supergravity solution. However, the bulk calculation is invalid near the singularity where corrections to the supergravity approximation become important. We also obtain pp-waves which are suitable Penrose limits of this general class of solutions, and construct the Matrix Membrane theory which describes these pp-wave backgrounds.Comment: 43 pages REVTeX and AMSLaTeX. v2: references adde
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