113 research outputs found

    Local is not always better: the impact of climate information on values, behavior and policy support

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    In the current research, we experimentally examined the effect of providing local or global information about the impacts of climate change on individuals’ perceived importance of climate change and on their willingness to take action to address it, including policy support. We examined these relationships in the context of individuals’ general value orientations. Our findings, from 99 US residents, suggest that different kinds of climate information (local, global, or none) interact with values vis-à-vis our dependent variables. Specifically, while self-transcendent values predict perceived importance and pro-environmental behavior across all three information conditions, the effect on policy support is less clear. Furthermore, we detected a “reactance effect” where individuals with self-enhancing values who read local information thought that climate change was less important and were less willing to engage in pro-environmental behavior and support policy than self-enhancing individuals in the other information conditions. These results suggest that policy makers and public communicators may want to be cognizant of their audience’s general value orientation. Local information may not only be ineffective but may also prove counterproductive with individuals whose value orientations are more self-enhancing than self-transcendent

    Multicenter Comparison of Molecular Tumor Boards in The Netherlands:Definition, Composition, Methods, and Targeted Therapy Recommendations

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    Background Molecular tumor boards (MTBs) provide rational, genomics-driven, patient-tailored treatment recommendations. Worldwide, MTBs differ in terms of scope, composition, methods, and recommendations. This study aimed to assess differences in methods and agreement in treatment recommendations among MTBs from tertiary cancer referral centers in The Netherlands. Materials and Methods MTBs from all tertiary cancer referral centers in The Netherlands were invited to participate. A survey assessing scope, value, logistics, composition, decision-making method, reporting, and registration of the MTBs was completed through on-site interviews with members from each MTB. Targeted therapy recommendations were compared using 10 anonymized cases. Participating MTBs were asked to provide a treatment recommendation in accordance with their own methods. Agreement was based on which molecular alteration(s) was considered actionable with the next line of targeted therapy. Results Interviews with 24 members of eight MTBs revealed that all participating MTBs focused on rare or complex mutational cancer profiles, operated independently of cancer type-specific multidisciplinary teams, and consisted of at least (thoracic and/or medical) oncologists, pathologists, and clinical scientists in molecular pathology. Differences were the types of cancer discussed and the methods used to achieve a recommendation. Nevertheless, agreement among MTB recommendations, based on identified actionable molecular alteration(s), was high for the 10 evaluated cases (86%). Conclusion MTBs associated with tertiary cancer referral centers in The Netherlands are similar in setup and reach a high agreement in recommendations for rare or complex mutational cancer profiles. We propose a "Dutch MTB model" for an optimal, collaborative, and nationally aligned MTB workflow. Implications for Practice Interpretation of genomic analyses for optimal choice of target therapy for patients with cancer is becoming increasingly complex. A molecular tumor board (MTB) supports oncologists in rationalizing therapy options. However, there is no consensus on the most optimal setup for an MTB, which can affect the quality of recommendations. This study reveals that the eight MTBs associated with tertiary cancer referral centers in The Netherlands are similar in setup and reach a high agreement in recommendations for rare or complex mutational profiles. The Dutch MTB model is based on a collaborative and nationally aligned workflow with interinstitutional collaboration and data sharing

    Death, treatment decisions and the permanent vegetative state: evidence from families and experts

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    Some brain injured patients are left in a permanent vegetative state, i.e., they have irreversibly lost their capacity for consciousness but retained some autonomic physiological functions, such as breathing unaided. Having discussed the controversial nature of the permanent vegetative state as a diagnostic category, we turn to the question of the patients’ ontological status. Are the permanently vegetative alive, dead, or in some other state? We present empirical data from interviews with relatives of patients, and with experts, to support the view that the ontological state of permanently vegetative patients is unclear: such patients are neither straightforwardly alive nor simply dead. Having defended this view from counter-arguments we turn to the practical question as to how these patients ought to be treated. Some relatives and experts believe it is right for patients to be shifted from their currently unclear ontological state to that of being straightforwardly dead, but many are concerned or even horrified by the only legally sanctioned method guaranteed to achieve this, namely withdrawal of clinically assisted nutrition and hydration. A way of addressing this distress would be to allow active euthanasia for these patients. This is highly controversial; but we argue that standard objections to allowing active euthanasia for this particular class of permanently vegetative patients are weakened by these patients’ distinctive ontological status

    Recommendations for Enhancing Psychosocial Support of NICU Parents through Staff Education and Support

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    Providing psychosocial support to parents whose infants are hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) can improve parents’ functioning as well as their relationships with their babies. Yet, few NICUs offer staff education that teaches optimal methods of communication with parents in distress. Limited staff education in how to best provide psychosocial support to families is one factor that may render those who work in the NICU at risk for burnout, compassion fatigue and secondary traumatic stress syndrome. Staff who develop burnout may have further reduced ability to provide effective support to parents and babies. Recommendations for providing NICU staff with education and support are discussed. The goal is to deliver care that exemplifies the belief that providing psychosocial care and support to the family is equal in importance to providing medical care and developmental support to the baby

    Changing foreign policy: the Obama Administration’s decision to oust Mubarak

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    This paper analyses the decision of the Obama administration to redirect its foreign policy towards Egypt in the wake of the Arab Spring. It attempts to highlight the issue of how governments deal with decision-making at times of crisis, and under which circumstances they take critical decisions that lead to major shifts in their foreign policy track record. It focuses on the process that led to a reassessment of US (United States) foreign policy, shifting from decades of support to the autocratic regime of Hosni Mubarak, towards backing his ouster. Specifically, the paper attempts to assess to what extent the decision to withdraw US support from a longstanding state-leader and ally in the Middle East can be seen as a foreign policy change (FPC). A relevant research question this paper pursues is: how can the withdrawal of US support to a regime considered as an ally be considered, in itself, as a radical FPC

    Influence of germline variations in drug transporters ABCB1 and ABCG2 on intracerebral osimertinib efficacy in patients with non-small cell lung cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Central nervous system (CNS) metastases are present in approximately 40% of patients with metastatic epidermal growth factor receptor-mutated ( EGFRm+) non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The EGFR-tyrosine kinase inhibitor osimertinib is a substrate of transporters ABCB1 and ABCG2 and metabolized by CYP3A4. We investigated relationships between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) ABCB1 3435C>T, ABCG2 421C>A and 34G>A, and CYP3A4∗22 and CNS treatment efficacy of osimertinib in EGFRm+ NSCLC patients. METHODS: Patients who started treatment with osimertinib for EGFRm+ NSCLC between November 2014 and June 2021 were included in this retrospective observational multicentre cohort study. For patients with baseline CNS metastases, the primary endpoint was CNS progression-free survival (CNS-PFS; time from osimertinib start until CNS disease progression or death). For patients with no or unknown baseline CNS metastases, the primary endpoint was CNS disease-free survival (CNS-DFS; time from osimertinib start until occurrence of new CNS metastases). Relationships between SNPs and baseline characteristics with CNS-PFS and CNS-DFS were studied with competing-risks survival analysis. Secondary endpoints were relationships between SNPs and PFS, overall survival, severe toxicity, and osimertinib pharmacokinetics. FINDINGS: From 572 included patients, 201 had baseline CNS metastases. No SNP was associated with CNS-PFS. Genotype ABCG2 34GA/AA and/or ABCB1 3435CC --present in 35% of patients-- was significantly associated with decreased CNS-DFS (hazard ratio 0.28; 95% CI 0.11-0.73; p = 0.009) in the multivariate analysis. This remained significant after applying a Bonferroni correction and internal validation through bootstrapping. ABCG2 421CA/AA was related to more severe toxicity (27.0% versus 16.5%; p = 0.010). INTERPRETATION: ABCG2 34G>A and ABCB1 3435C>T are predictors for developing new CNS metastases during osimertinib treatment, probably because of diminished drug levels in the CNS. ABCG2 421C>A was significantly related with the incidence of severe toxicity. Pre-emptive genotyping for these SNPs could individualize osimertinib therapy. Addition of ABCG2 inhibitors for patients without ABCG2 34G>A should be studied further, to prevent new CNS metastases during osimertinib treatment. FUNDING: No funding was received for this trial

    Analisi dei tempi d\u2019attesa tra le varie fasi di gestione dei carcinomi mammari screening-detected a Trieste nel biennio 2013-2014: come si pu\uf2 migliorare?

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    Gli indicatori relativi ai tempi di attesa sono difficili da rispettare, come recentemente evidenziato al XIII Convegno ONS 2015 . Per questo motivo \ue8 fondamentale identificare in quale momento della gestione dei carcinomi screening-detected si concentrino i ritardi e stabilirne le cause (se attribuibili alla paziente o all\u2019organizzazione del programma o intrinseci al tipo di lesione) cos\uec da proporre mirate modifiche migliorative. Metodi: L\u2019analisi riguarda 146 carcinomi screening-detected consecutivi (biennio 2013-2014). Sono stati misurati i tempi tra le varie fasi diagnostiche (Mammografia di I\ub0 livello, Richiamo II\ub0 livello, I\ub0 approfondimento cito/microistologico, Comunicazione diagnosi) e i tempi chirurgici (Visita chirurgica, Intervento chirurgico, Referto istologico con marcatori biologici, Visita oncologica). Per ogni fase sono stati calcolati i tempi medi/mediani rappresentati tramite box plot e giustificati gli outliers.Risultati: La latenza nella presa in carico chirurgica \ue8 legato alla complessit\ue0 degli esami preoperatori (3) (tempo mediano tra richiamo al II\ub0 livello ed intervento: 53 giorni (se unico esame pre-operatorio) vs 73 (se pi\uf9 di un esame pre-operatorio, p<0.0001), mentre rispetto ad un recente studio (4) il tempo mediano tra visita chirurgica e intervento non \ue8 aumentato per i casi con necessit\ue0 di RM (28 vs 26 giorni, p=0.13), perch\ue9 gi\ue0 programmata in fase preoperatoria. Per i casi con mastectomia sempre con ricostruzione, si registra un tempo medio dalla visita chirurgica all\u2019intervento di 7 giorni superiore rispetto alle quadrantectomie. Ulteriore criticit\ue0 \ue8 il tempo mediano tra intervento e visita oncologica (44 giorni), attribuibile in parte ad un \u201critardo\u201d nella disponibilit\ue0 dei marcatori biomolecolari (soprattutto HER2/FISH) ed in parte a rinvii dell\u2019appuntamento da parte della paziente stessa Conclusioni: Soltanto un attento monitoraggio del turnaround time dell\u2019intero percorso delle pazienti con carcinoma screening detected consente l\u2019identificazione dei punti di debolezza su cui intervenire efficacemente per garantire il rispetto degli indicatori

    Studio sperimentale del trattamento combinato di reflui civili e percolati di discarica con bioreattori a membrana

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    Nel presente lavoro vengono presentati i risultati di una sperimentazione finalizzata a valutare l'applicabilitĂ  della tecnologia dei bioreattori a membrana (MBR) per il trattamento combinato di reflui civili e percolati di discarica, mediante una soluzione impiantistica non convenzionale che affianca la separazione su membrana di microfiltrazione alla sedimentazione finale del tradizionale sistema a fanghi attivi. Tale soluzione ibrida, che puĂČ consentire interessanti economie di processo rispetto alla soluzione "pura" basata sulla sola separazione a membrana, ha anche consentito alcuni interessanti confronti fra le prestazioni dei due tipi di separatori (membrana e sedimentatore) anche rispetto alle soluzioni di separazione unitaria citate in letteratura. La ricerca Ăš stata condotta in due fasi, volte ad esaminare l'efficacia di tale tecnica per il trattamento di reflui civili puri e misti a percolati. In entrambe le fasi, risultati soddisfacenti sono stati ottenuti sia su parametri di attivitĂ  biologica quali COD, solidi sospesi ed azoto, sia su composti inorganici specifici del refluo considerato, quali ferro e zinco. Per quanto riguarda l'abbattimento della carica microbica, in entrambe le fasi della sperimentazione la membrana ha garantito costantemente un effluente dalle caratteristiche qualitative molto elevate. Le prestazioni del modulo di filtrazione sono state valutate in termini di efficienza di rimozione dei principali macrodescrittori e di comportamento idraulico, evidenziando un funzionamento della membrana regolare e soddisfacente, nel corso del quale, dopo le prime operazioni di avviamento e messa a punto, non si sono evidenziati particolari problemi che abbiano richiesto l'esecuzione di lavaggi chimici o meccanici eccedenti i normali cicli di manutenzione adottati nel trattamento MBR dei reflui civili
