70 research outputs found

    The El Nino of 1972-1973 in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean

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    ENGLISH: Beginning in February 1972 the usual seasonal cooling of the surface water of the eastern Pacific Ocean in the region of the Peru Current and along the equator failed to develop. By July tropical coastal and equatorial island stations and ships crossing the equator were recording sea-surface temperatures which were 6° to 8°F (3.3°-4.4°C) above the long-term mean. The anomalies spread over most of the eastern tropical Pacific and westward into the central equatorial Pacific through September. During October surface temperatures at coastal stations along South America were returning to normal, but in November and December 1972 temperatures rose rapidly again, with a near-record temperature anomaly of 8.1°F (4.2°C) above the long-term mean recorded at Puerto Chieama, Peru (7°42'S-79°27'W). After January 1973 sea-surface temperatures began returning to normal over most of the eastern tropical Pacific, and by March 1973 the El Nino had completed its cycle. Monthly sea-surface temperature anomalies over the eastern tropical Pacific are discussed to show the extent and magnitude of warming. Annual temperature profiles at several South American coastal and equatorial island stations are compared with temperature profiles for the 1957-1958 and 1965 EI Nino years. Characteristics of the temperature anomaly profiles at Puerto Chicama during several very warm years for the 1925-1972 period are also compared. Finally, meteorological factors contributing to a relaxation of the southeast trade winds and to the decreased unwilling along the coast of South America in 1972-1973 are examined. SPANISH: A comienzos de febrero de 1972, no se registrĂł el enfriamiento comĂșn estacional del agua superficial del OcĂ©ano PacĂ­fico oriental en la regiĂłn de la Corriente del PerĂș y a lo largo del ecuador. En julio las estaciones tropicales, costeras y de las islas ecuatoriales, y los barcos que cruzaban la linea ecuatorial registraron temperaturas superficiales del mar de 6° a 8°F (3.3°-4.4°C) mĂĄs altas que la media a largo plazo. Las anomalĂ­as se esparcieron sobre la mayorĂ­a del PacĂ­fico oriental tropical, y al oeste en el PacĂ­fico central ecuatorial. En octubre, las temperaturas superficiales de las estaciones costaneras a lo largo de SudamĂ©rica volvieron a la normalidad, pero en noviembre y diciembre de 1972, las temperaturas de nuevo ascendieron rĂĄpidamente con una anomalĂ­a de temperatura que alcanzĂł 8.1°F (4.2°C) sobre la media a largo plazo registrada en Puerto Chicama, PerĂș (7°42'S-79°27'W). DespuĂ©s de enero 1973 las temperaturas de la superficie del mar volvieron rĂĄpidamente a la normalidad en la mayorĂ­a del PacĂ­fico oriental tropical y en marzo de 1973 el Niño habĂ­a completado su ciclo. Se discuten las anomalĂ­as mensuales de las temperaturas de la superficie del mar en el PacĂ­fico oriental tropical para indicar la extensiĂłn y magnitud del calentamiento. Los perfiles anuales de temperatura en varias estaciones costeras y de las islas ecuatoriales sudamericanas se comparan con los perfiles de temperatura de los años en que ocurriĂł el Niño en 1957-1958 y 1965. Se comparan tambiĂ©n las caracterĂ­sticas de los perfiles de las anomalĂ­as de temperatura en Puerto Chicama durante varios años muy cĂĄlidos para el perĂ­odo de 1925-1972. Finalmente, se examinan los factores meteorolĂłgicos que contribuyen al debilitamiento de los vientos alisios del sudeste y a la reducciĂłn del afloramiento a lo largo de la costa sudamericana en 1972-1973. (PDF contains 48 pages.

    The challenge of the identification of a new mineral species: example "Pezzottaite"

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    In 2002, a new gem mineral of commercial importance was discovered. In accordance with the need for all new mineral discoveries to be scientifically characterized (see Nickel and Grice, 1998), the gemological community anxiously awaited the results of tests to positively identify the new mineral (Hawthorne et al., 2003, Hawthorne et al., submitted and Laurs et al., 2003). This period of analysis brought into play the question: Exactly what procedures are necessary for the positive characterization of a new mineral

    Growth variation and stock structure in North Pacific albacore

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    Working paper NPALB/87/21 submitted to the 10th North Pacific Albacore Workshop. Paper reports the results of ongoing research on validated age and growth models and the elucidation of stock structure for the North Pacific albacore. (Document pdf contains 22 pages

    Spatial and Sex-Specific Variation in Growth of Albacore Tuna (Thunnus alalunga) across the South Pacific Ocean

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    Spatial variation in growth is a common feature of demersal fish populations which often exist as discrete adult sub-populations linked by a pelagic larval stage. However, it remains unclear whether variation in growth occurs at similar spatial scales for populations of highly migratory pelagic species, such as tuna. We examined spatial variation in growth of albacore Thunnus alalunga across 90° of longitude in the South Pacific Ocean from the east coast of Australia to the Pitcairn Islands. Using length-at-age data from a validated ageing method we found evidence for significant variation in length-at-age and growth parameters (L∞ and k) between sexes and across longitudes. Growth trajectories were similar between sexes up until four years of age, after which the length-at-age for males was, on average, greater than that for females. Males reached an average maximum size more than 8 cm larger than females. Length-at-age and growth parameters were consistently greater at more easterly longitudes than at westerly longitudes for both females and males. Our results provide strong evidence that finer spatial structure exists within the South Pacific albacore stock and raises the question of whether the scale of their “highly migratory” nature should be re-assessed. Future stock assessment models for South Pacific albacore should consider sex-specific growth curves and spatial variation in growth within the stock

    Reproductive constraints influence habitat accessibility, segregation, and preference of sympatric albatross species

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    Dark Blue Beryl from Pakistan

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    Dark Blue Beryl from Pakistan

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