930 research outputs found

    Weibull approach to brake pad wear analysis in the Nigerian market

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    In this study, we evaluated the wear properties of four brands of brake pad available in the Nigerian market. In particular, we assessed the tribo performance and service life of the brake pads. We purchased four commercial brands of brake pads used in light duty cars and coded them as AU, SN, TY and SM, respectively. A small piece of the brake pad lining materials was carefully chiseled from the back plates to obtain samples for the experiments. We conducted Brinell hardness tests using a tensometer and a pin-on-disc test rig to determine the coefficient of friction and the wear characteristics of the materials. We then correlated the wear on each set of brake pads with the running time and used WeibullтАЩs equation to determine average service life. Sample TY exhibited the highest hardness value (29.09) and sample SN the lowest (10.05). The determined coefficients of friction ranged between 0.3тАУ0.36, with sample AU exhibiting the lowest value and sample SM the highest. Sample SN showed the lowest wear rate of 3.53 ├Ч 109 g/min, while the wear rates of samples TY, AU, and SM were 5.64 ├Ч 108, 8.19 ├Ч 109, and 2.10 ├Ч 108 g/min, respectively. The relative service life of samples SN, TY, and AU were similar, with average values of 2778.09, 2725.41, and 2717.34 min, respectively, and SM had a relatively low service life (2017.82 min). We conclude that the overall performances of Nigerian brake pads do not meet all the specifications for friction materials used in road vehicle brake linings and pads

    Varicella-zoster virus transverse myelitis in an immunocompetent patient

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    Transverse myelitis is one of the rare neurological complications of Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV) infection in immuno-competent. We report a 26-year-old immuno-competent gentleman who developed virologically confirmed myelopathy caused by VZV which improved with steroids and acyclovir leaving no residual neurological deficits

    CMFRI establishes a Pilot Farm in the outfall channel of the Coastal Gujarat Powers Ltd., Mundra, Kutch District, Gujarat

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    A customized sea cage for the running waters of the outfall channel was designed and fabricated by the scientists of the Regional Centre, Veraval. Two square cages of 5m size made of Galvanised Iron pipes of 1.5" size, with base collars and hand rails was fabricated at the site and mounted with the square shape culture nets of suitable size procured

    Rough triggerfish, Canthidermis maculata from Gujarat coast

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    A specimen of the Rough triggerfish, Canthidermis maculata (Bloch, 1786) was landed by a multiday trawler on 25th November 2015 at Mangrol Fisheries Harbour, Gujarat. The specimen was brownish grey in colour with characteristic white spots all over the body including the head. It measured 309 mm and 256 mm in Total length and Standard length respectively with a weight of 580 g (Fig. 1). The fish is usually found in areas having sandy, muddy or rocky bottoms at a depth range of 50-100 m and is reported from the Western Indian Ocean

    тАШPakshi PittiтАЩ: a robust haven for pelagic birds in the Indian Ocean

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    India, a land of distinct climatic and geographic zones, supports a remarkable diversity of avian fauna within both its mainland and its seas. There are over 1200 species of birds recorded in India, with the majority occurring in the mainland (Praveen et al., 2016). Surrounded by extensive marine zones on its three sides, territorial waters and marginal seas around India form seamless habitats for a significant number of marine avian species. Seventy species of marine birds are observed in the region (BirdLife International 2015). These include predominantly open oceanic species like frigate birds, tropicbirds, shearwaters and petrels which are winter visitors or vagrants, but birds like gulls and terns are more commonly found along the coastal waters of India

    Ring seine fishery of Kerala: An overview

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    Among the various fishing gears employed for pelagic schooling fishes along the Kerala coast, seines are the most efficient. Contribution of ring seine to total marine fish landings of Kerala has steadily increased since its introduction during the early eighties. It was 21.4 % in the nineties rising to 36.7 % during the period 2000-2004 and contributing more than 50 % since then. In recent years, about 90 % of the oil sardine and about 60 % of the mackerel landed in Kerala were caught in ring seines. Ring seines were introduced during the early eighties by traditional fishers of Alappuzha District which became highly successful
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