7 research outputs found

    Data for: Tracing the migration of mantle CO2 in gas fields and mineral water springs in south-east Australia using noble gas and stable isotopes

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    Table 1. Details of the geographic location, bulk gas composition, δ13(CO2) values of 3 well gases and 10 CO2 springs; pH, temperature and TDS measured in water from 10 mineral water bores.Table 2. Noble gas concentrations and isotopic ratios for 3 well gas samples and 10 CO2 springs

    Data for: Tracing the migration of mantle CO2 in gas fields and mineral water springs in south-east Australia using noble gas and stable isotopes

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    Table 1. Details of the geographic location, bulk gas composition, δ13(CO2) values of 3 well gases and 10 CO2 springs; pH, temperature and TDS measured in water from 10 mineral water bores.Table 2. Noble gas concentrations and isotopic ratios for 3 well gas samples and 10 CO2 springs.THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

    Investigating the effect of enhanced oil recovery on the noble gas signature of casing gases and produced waters from selected California oil fields

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    In regions where water resources are scarce and in high demand, it is important to safeguard against contamination of groundwater aquifers by oil-field fluids (water, gas, oil). In this context, the geochemical characterisation of these fluids is critical so that anthropogenic contaminants can be readily identified. The first step is characterising pre-development geochemical fluid signatures (i.e., those unmodified by hydrocarbon resource development) and understanding how these signatures may have been perturbed by resource production, particularly in the context of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques. Here, we present noble gas isotope data in fluids produced from oil wells in several water-stressed regions in California, USA, where EOR is prevalent. In oil-field systems, only casing gases are typically collected and measured for their noble gas compositions, even when oil and/or water phases are present, due to the relative ease of gas analyses. However, this approach relies on a number of assumptions (e.g., equilibrium between phases, water-to-oil ratio (WOR) and gas-to-oil ratio (GOR) in order to reconstruct the multiphase subsurface compositions. Here, we adopt a novel, more rigorous approach, and measure noble gases in both casing gas and produced fluid (oil-water-gas mixtures) samples from the Lost Hills, Fruitvale, North and South Belridge (San Joaquin Basin, SJB) and Orcutt (Santa Maria Basin) Oil Fields. Using this method, we are able to fully characterise the distribution of noble gases within a multiphase hydrocarbon system. We find that measured concentrations in the casing gases agree with those in the gas phase in the produced fluids and thus the two sample types can be used essentially interchangeably. EOR signatures can readily be identified by their distinct air-derived noble gas elemental ratios (e.g., 20Ne/36Ar), which are elevated compared to pre-development oil-field fluids, and conspicuously trend towards air values with respect to elemental ratios and overall concentrations. We reconstruct reservoir 20Ne/36Ar values using both casing gas and produced fluids and show that noble gas ratios in the reservoir are strongly correlated (r2 = 0.88–0.98) to the amount of water injected within ~500 m of a well. We suggest that the 20Ne/36Ar increase resulting from injection is sensitive to the volume of fluid interacting with the injectate, the effective water-to-oil ratio, and the composition of the injectate. Defining both the pre-development and injection-modified hydrocarbon reservoir compositions are crucial for distinguishing the sources of hydrocarbons observed in proximal groundwaters, and for quantifying the transport mechanisms controlling this occurrence

    High helium reservoirs in the Four Corners area of the Colorado Plateau, USA

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    Radiogenic 4He is naturally produced in Earth's crust due to alpha decay of Uranium (U) and Thorium (Th). Helium has unique thermodynamic properties required for the medical imaging industry, aerospace and other fields of high-tech manufacturing, and currently is in increasingly high demand. Despite its economic value, the mechanisms of helium migration and retention in sedimentary basins remain poorly understood. Oil and gas fields with economic helium (>0.3%) concentrations have been discovered in Paleozoic intervals in the Colorado Plateau, southwestern USA. Here we report new noble gas isotope and abundance data for gas samples (n = 31), from actively producing Paleozoic formations within five fields: Ratherford, Tocito Dome, Navajo Springs, Pinta Dome, and Dineh-Bi-Keyah. Helium concentrations range from 0.01% to 7.9% with varying amounts of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons, N2, and CO2. We present multi-stage gas, water, and oil equilibration models to account for the observed noble gas elemental and isotopic signatures. Oil-dominated systems are explained by a closed system oil/water equilibration and subsequent admixture of air. He-rich dry gas samples exhibit uniform 4He/N2 ratios consistent with the regional mean values, suggesting a common crustal source and no subsequent fractionation. In contrast, air-derived 20Ne/36Ar ratios are highly fractionated. These observations are consistent with a tectonically controlled crustal gas release from the basement, groundwater saturation with 4He and N2, and subsequent degassing. Extensive gas-water interaction (i.e., migration) leads to extreme fractionation of 20Ne/36Ar, but does not affect 4He/N2 due to water saturation with crustal gases released from the basement. We show the volume of rock required to have produced helium in the reservoir to be significantly larger than the current reservoir volume immediately beneath the field. Therefore, the reservoir helium concentration cannot be sourced by in-reservoir decay of U and Th and instead requires a process to incorporate exogenous sources of helium in the reservoir without significant dilution from hydrocarbons. For helium-rich fields, excess helium is sourced from the Precambrian granitic basement likely utilizing a large area beneath the field area (i.e., crustal gas mobilization and transport via fracture zones), consistent with the degree of water contact. Deep crustal faults in the Precambrian basement are in close proximity to the high helium fields, indicating that these structures are potentially serving as primary migration conduits via advective fluid flow