37,865 research outputs found

    Prior elicitation in Bayesian quantile regression for longitudinal data

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    © 2011 Alhamzawi R, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original auhor and source are credited.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.In this paper, we introduce Bayesian quantile regression for longitudinal data in terms of informative priors and Gibbs sampling. We develop methods for eliciting prior distribution to incorporate historical data gathered from similar previous studies. The methods can be used either with no prior data or with complete prior data. The advantage of the methods is that the prior distribution is changing automatically when we change the quantile. We propose Gibbs sampling methods which are computationally efficient and easy to implement. The methods are illustrated with both simulation and real data.This article is made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund

    The Impact of Type Ia Supernova Ejecta on Binary Companions

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    We present adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) hydrodynamical simulations of the interaction between Type Ia supernovae and their companion stars within the context of the single-degenerate model. Results for 3D red-giant companions without binary evolution agree with previous 2D results by Marietta et al. We also consider evolved helium-star companions in 2D. For a range of helium-star masses and initial binary separations, we examine the mass unbound by the interaction and the kick velocity delivered to the companion star. We find that unbound mass versus separation obeys a power law with index between -3.1 and -4.0, consistent with previous results for hydrogen-rich companions. Kick velocity also obeys a power-law relationship with binary separation, but the slope differs from those found for hydrogen-rich companions. Assuming accretion via Roche-lobe overflow, we find that the unbound helium mass is consistent with observational limits. Ablation (shock heating) appears to be more important in removing gas from helium-star companions than from hydrogen-rich ones, though stripping (momentum transfer) dominates in both cases.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the conference "Binary Star Evolution: Mass Loss, Accretion, and Mergers" at Mykonos, Greece, June 22-25, 201

    Density Variations over Subparsec Scales in Diffuse Molecular Gas

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    We present high-resolution observations of interstellar CN, CH, CH^{+}, \ion{Ca}{1}, and \ion{Ca}{2} absorption lines toward the multiple star systems HD206267 and HD217035. Substantial variations in CN absorption are observed among three sight lines of HD206267, which are separated by distances of order 10,000 AU; smaller differences are seen for CH, CH^{+}, and \ion{Ca}{1}. Gas densities for individual velocity components are inferred from a chemical model, independent of assumptions about cloud shape. While the component densities can differ by factors of 5.0 between adjacent sightlines, the densities are always less than 5000 cm^{-3}. Calculations show that the derived density contrasts are not sensitive to the temperature or reaction rates used in the chemical model. A large difference in the CH^{+} profiles (a factor of 2 in column density) is seen in the lower density gas toward HD217035.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Embedding impedance approximations in the analysis of SIS mixers

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    Future millimeter-wave radio astronomy instruments will use arrays of many SIS receivers, either as focal plane arrays on individual radio telescopes, or as individual receivers on the many antennas of radio interferometers. Such applications will require broadband integrated mixers without mechanical tuners. To produce such mixers, it will be necessary to improve present mixer design techniques, most of which use the three-frequency approximation to Tucker's quantum mixer theory. This paper examines the adequacy of three approximations to Tucker's theory: (1) the usual three-frequency approximation which assumes a sinusoidal LO voltage at the junction, and a short-circuit at all frequencies above the upper sideband; (2) a five-frequency approximation which allows two LO voltage harmonics and five small-signal sidebands; and (3) a quasi five-frequency approximation in which five small-signal sidebands are allowed, but the LO voltage is assumed sinusoidal. These are compared with a full harmonic-Newton solution of Tucker's equations, including eight LO harmonics and their corresponding sidebands, for realistic SIS mixer circuits. It is shown that the accuracy of the three approximations depends strongly on the value of omega R(sub N)C for the SIS junctions used. For large omega R(sub N)C, all three approximations approach the eight-harmonic solution. For omega R(sub N)C values in the range 0.5 to 10, the range of most practical interest, the quasi five-frequency approximation is a considerable improvement over the three-frequency approximation, and should be suitable for much design work. For the realistic SIS mixers considered here, the five-frequency approximation gives results very close to those of the eight-harmonic solution. Use of these approximations, where appropriate, considerably reduces the computational effort needed to analyze an SIS mixer, and allows the design and optimization of mixers using a personal computer

    Analysis, design, and prototype development of squeeze-film bearings for AB-5 gyro Final report phase 2, design, fabrication and evaluation of prototypes

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    Squeeze-film bearing transducers with piezoceramic cylinders for AB-5 gyro - design, fabrication, and testing of cylindrical journal and annular bearing prototype

    Chimera order in spin systems

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    Homogeneous populations of oscillators have recently been shown to exhibit stable coexistence of coherent and incoherent regions. Generalizing the concept of chimera states to the context of order-disorder transition in systems at thermal equilibrium, we show analytically that such complex ordering can appear in a system of Ising spins, possibly the simplest physical system exhibiting this phenomenon. We also show numerically the existence of chimera ordering in 3-dimensional spin systems that model layered magnetic materials, suggesting possible means of experimentally observing such states.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Integer quantum Hall effect on a six valley hydrogen-passivated silicon (111) surface

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    We report magneto-transport studies of a two-dimensional electron system formed in an inversion layer at the interface between a hydrogen-passivated Si(111) surface and vacuum. Measurements in the integer quantum Hall regime demonstrate the expected sixfold valley degeneracy for these surfaces is broken, resulting in an unequal occupation of the six valleys and anisotropy in the resistance. We hypothesize the misorientation of Si surface breaks the valley states into three unequally spaced pairs, but the observation of odd filling factors, is difficult to reconcile with non-interacting electron theory.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Physical Review Letter

    A New Young Diagrammatic Method For Kronecker Products of O(n) and Sp(2m)

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    A new simple Young diagrammatic method for Kronecker products of O(n) and Sp(2m) is proposed based on representation theory of Brauer algebras. A general procedure for the decomposition of tensor products of representations for O(n) and Sp(2m) is outlined, which is similar to that for U(n) known as the Littlewood rules together with trace contractions from a Brauer algebra and some modification rules given by King.Comment: Latex, 11 pages, no figure

    Large-N limit of a magnetic impurity in unconventional density waves

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    We investigate the effect of unconventional density wave (UDW) condensate on an Anderson impurity using large-N technique at T=0. In accordance with previous treatments of a Kondo impurity in pseudogap phases, we find that Kondo effect occurs only in a certain range of parameters. The f-electron density of states reflects the influence of UDW at low energies and around the maximum of the density wave gap. The static spin susceptibility diverges at the critical coupling, indicating the transition from strong to weak coupling. In the dynamic spin susceptibility an additional peak appears showing the presence the UDW gap. Predictions concerning non-linear density of states are made. Our results apply to other unconventional condensates such as d-wave superconductors and d-density waves as well.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Fluctuation Dominated Josephson Tunneling with a Scanning Tunneling Microscope

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    We demonstrate Josephson tunneling in vacuum tunnel junctions formed between a superconducting scanning tunneling microscope tip and a Pb film, for junction resistances in the range 50-300 kΩ\Omega. We show that the superconducting phase dynamics is dominated by thermal fluctuations, and that the Josephson current appears as a peak centered at small finite voltages. In the presence of microwave fields (f=15.0 GHz) the peak decreases in magnitude and shifts to higher voltages with increasing rf power, in agreement with theory.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX, submitted to PR
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