637 research outputs found

    Instanton representation of Plebanski gravity. Application to gravitons about DeSitter spacetime

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    Using the instanton representation method, we re-construct graviton solutions about DeSitter spacetime. We have used this example as a testing arena to expose the internal structure of the method and to establish that it works for known solutions. This paper is a precursor for its application to the construction of new General Relativity solutions in future work.Comment: 16 pages. Accepted by the International Journal of Modern Physics

    Finite states in four dimensional quantized gravity

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    This is the first in a series of papers outlining an algorithm to explicitly construct finite quantum states of the full theory of gravity in Ashtekar variables. The algorithm is based upon extending some properties of a special state, the Kodama state for pure gravity with cosmological term, to matter-coupled models. We then illustrate a presciption for nonperturbatively constructing the generalized Kodama states, in preparation for subsequent works in this series. We also introduce the concept of the semiclassical-quantum correspondence (SQC). We express the quantum constraints of the full theory as a system of equations to be solved for the constituents of the `phase' of the wavefunction. Additionally, we provide a variety of representations of the generalized Kodama states including a generalization of the topological instanton term to include matter fields, for which we present arguments for the field-theoretical analogue of cohomology on infinite dimensional spaces. We demonstrate that the Dirac, reduced phase space and geometric quantization procedures are all equivalent for these generalized Kodama states as a natural consequence of the SQC. We relegate the method of the solution to the constraints and other associated ramifications of the generalized Kodama states to separate works.Comment: 42 pages: Accepted for publication by Class. Quantum Grav. journa

    Oscillatory convective modes in red giants: a possible explanation of the long secondary periods

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    We discuss properties of oscillatory convective modes in low-mass red giants, and compare them with observed properties of the long secondary periods (LSPs) of semi-regular red giant variables. Oscillatory convective modes are very nonadiabatic g−^{-} modes and they are present in luminous stars, such as red giants with \log L/{\rm L}_\odot \ga 3. Finite amplitudes for these modes are confined to the outermost nonadiabatic layers, where the radiative energy flux is more important than the convective energy flux. The periods of oscillatory convection modes increase with luminosity, and the growth times are comparable to the oscillation periods. The LSPs of red giants in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) are observed to lie on a distinct period-luminosity sequence called sequence D. This sequence D period-luminosity relation is roughly consistent with the predictions for dipole oscillatory convective modes in AGB models if we adopt a mixing length of 1.2 pressure scale height (α=1.2\alpha = 1.2). However, the effective temperature of the red-giant sequence of the LMC is consistent to models with α=1.9\alpha=1.9, which predict periods too short by a factor of two.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Dakwah Khalifah Ali Dalam Konteks Politik

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    Dibandingkan dengan masa khalifah Abu Bakar, Umar dan Usman, masa All bin Abi Thalib adalah masa paling berat dan sulit. Pada masa Abu Bakar dan Umar para sahabat senior masih banyak, mereka mengerti dan menghayati betul ajaran dan teladan yang ditinggalkan Rasulullah. Sedangkan pada masa Usman unsur-unsur luar mulai masuk dan para sahabat yang ada adalah para sahabat yang baru masuk Islam setelah Rasulullah wafat. Sebagian besar perpecahan dalam Islam disebabkan oleh soal-soal politik dan dinasti serta perselisihan suku dan rasa cemburu kabilah Qurays yang lain terhadap keluarga Hasyim. Untuk pertama kalinya dalam sejarah Islam, persatuan yang dibina oleh Rasulullah, pada masa pemerintahan Ali persatuan itu hancur berantakan. Permusuhan kabilah dengan kabilah dan peperangan saudara antara suatu kaum dengan kaum lainnya yang terjadi pada jaman jahiliyah dulu hidup kembali dengan dahsyatnya pada masa Ali

    Kekuatan Hukum Pembuktian Peralihan Hak Ganti Rugi (Phgr) Notaris sebagai Syarat untuk Pendaftaran Haknya

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    In conclusion, Notary's PHGR Deed also has proving legal force as the ground of the right when the title is to be registered for receiving the land ownership right and also having legal force to prove as evidence in court of justice. This is proven in a decision of the rulling of district court No.76/Pdt//2014/PT-Mdn dated April 16, which has won PHGR deed as the land owner. This showing that even the right of land certificate is a letter evidence of right that happened as a strong and perfect, but if physical date and or judicial date on it has wrong, so will be a weak evidence. In this case the officer which is issued proof of the right do not pay attention to the principle of accuracy to the ground object, in the issueance of the certificate. The principle of the negative publicity that is practiced in our country open opportunities to do the rebuttal although the land who has registered his rights in the national land agency. So with the notarial deed which is the authentic deed that has been set by law. There is a good Notaries still act professional, by using the principle of awareness with first make sure that the PHGR deed have legal certainty before making it. Notary PHGR deed has the strength of evidence and can be used as the pedestal of the right to be registered to the National Land Agency

    Analisis Ketahanan Pangan Rumah Tangga Petani di Sub Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Keduang Kabupaten Wonogiri

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    :The purpose of this study had aims to analyze proportion of food expenditure and consumption of farmer household, to analyze energy and protein consumtion of farmer household , to analyse factors affected in household expenditure farmers level and to analyse food security of farmer household in the watershed Keduang Wonogiri. This research used descriptive analysis with survey technique. The samples in this study using purposive sampling method to obtain 90 respondents. Data collection techniques were observation, interviewing, recording, Recall. The data used in this research were primary and secondary data. The results of research showed that the average households on farm income was Rp. 690,080.556/ year,average off-farm income was Rp 1,540,974.074/ year. Average household expenditure for food Rp 899,602.19 /month or 57.3% of total expenditures and for non-food expenditure of Rp 670,497.26/month or 42.7%. The average of energy and protein consumption were 1946,93 kkal/cap/day and 52,13 gram/cap/day. Therefore, nutritional edaquency level 79,98% for energy, that is included in thin devisit edaquency level, and 81,58% for protein and included in thin devisit edaquency level. The number of food expenditure in Sub Watershed Keduang influenced by farmers' income, member of famili, and land held. While the upstream and downstream areas individually didn't significantly affected with the number of food expenditure. The number of non-food expenditure in Sub Watershed Keduang influenced by farmers' income and number of famili farmer household. While the land area and the upstream and downstream areas individually didn't significantly affected with the number of non-food expenditure. The number of total spending in Sub Watershed Keduang influenced by farmers' income, member of famili, and land held. While the upstream and downstream areas individually didn't significantly affected the number of total expenditure. Food security condition of farmer household are less in food (30%

    Gravitational F-terms of N=1 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

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    We consider four-dimensional N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories in a supergravity background. We use generalized Konishi anomaly equations and R-symmetry anomaly to compute the exact perturbative and non-perturbative gravitational F-terms. We study two types of theories: The first model breaks supersymmetry dynamically, and the second is based on a G2G_2 gauge group. The results are compared with the corresponding vector models. We discuss the diagrammatic expansion of the G2G_2 theory.Comment: LaTeX2e, 23 pages, 2 figures. Added a reference and converted into JHEP styl

    Komposisi Anggrek Tanah Dan Vegetasi Lantai Hutan Di Jalur Pendakian Utama Gunung Andong, Magelang, Jawa Tengah

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    Due to the risk ofwildtype orchids extinction, studies on the diversity of orchid species are important. Generally, floral checklist can be used to describe plant diversity such as terrestrial orchid species and forest floor vegetation.This research was aimed to know terrestrial orchid species & forest floor vegetation at Gunung Andong, Magelang, Jawa Tengah. Field research was done by exploration method using purpossive sampling at main tracking route of Gunung Andong and data analysis was calculated based on vegetation parameters i.e. plant density and frequency. The result showed that there are 24 species of terrestrial plants belongs to 4 subfamilia: Orchidoideae, Epidendroideae, Cypripedioideae, and Spiranthoideae. Also, this research has found 52 species of 24 familia of forest floor vegetation. Based on the composition of terrestrial orchids and forest floor vegetation, we assume that the plant diversity at Gunung Andong, Magelang, Jawa Tengah is relatively high and routine monitoring is needed
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