1,285 research outputs found

    Anomalous phonon behavior in the high temperature shape memory alloy: TiPd:Cr

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    Ti50 Pd50-xCrx is a high temperature shape memory alloy with a martensitic transformation temperature strongly dependent on the Cr composition. Prior to the transformation a premartensitic phase is present with an incommensurate modulated cubic lattice with wave vector of q0=(0.22, 0.22, 0). The temperature dependence of the diffuse scattering in the cubic phase is measured as a function temperature for x=6.5, 8.5, and 10 at. %. The lattice dynamics has been studied and reveals anomalous temperature and q-dependence of the [110]-TA2 transverse phonon branch. The phonon linewidth is broad over the entire Brillouin zone and increases with decreasing temperature, contrary to the behavior expected for anharmonicity. No anomaly is observed at q0. The results are compared with first principles calculation of the phonon structure.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figure

    Magnetic properties and magnetostructural phase transitions in Ni2+xMn1-xGa shape memory alloys

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    A systematic study of magnetic properties of Ni2+xMn1-xGa (0 \le x \le 0.19) Heusler alloys undergoing structural martensite-austenite transformations while in ferromagnetic state has been performed. From measurements of spontaneous magnetization, Ms(T), jumps \Delta M at structural phase transitions were determined. Virtual Curie temperatures of the martensite were estimated from the comparison of magnetization in martensitic and austenitic phases. Both saturation magnetic moments in ferromagnetic state and effective magnetic moments in paramagnetic state of Mn and Ni atoms were estimated and the influence of delocalization effects on magnetism in these alloys was discussed. The experimental results obtained show that the shift of martensitic transition temperature depends weakly on composition. The values of this shift are in good correspondence with Clapeyron-Clausius formalism taking into account the experimental data on latent heat at martensite-austenite transformations.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Homogenization in magnetic-shape-memory polymer composites

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    Magnetic-shape-memory materials (e.g. specific NiMnGa alloys) react with a large change of shape to the presence of an external magnetic field. As an alternative for the difficult to manifacture single crystal of these alloys we study composite materials in which small magnetic-shape-memory particles are embedded in a polymer matrix. The macroscopic properties of the composite depend strongly on the geometry of the microstructure and on the characteristics of the particles and the polymer. We present a variational model based on micromagnetism and elasticity, and derive via homogenization an effective macroscopic model under the assumption that the microstructure is periodic. We then study numerically the resulting cell problem, and discuss the effect of the microstructure on the macroscopic material behavior. Our results may be used to optimize the shape of the particles and the microstructure.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Measurements of the gate tuned superfluid density in superconducting LaAlO3/SrTiO3

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    The interface between the insulating oxides LaAlO3 and SrTiO3 exhibits a superconducting two-dimensional electron system that can be modulated by a gate voltage. While gating of the conductivity has been probed extensively and gating of the superconducting critical temperature has been demonstrated, the question whether, and if so how, the gate tunes the superfluid density and superconducting order parameter is unanswered. We present local magnetic susceptibility, related to the superfluid density, as a function of temperature, gate voltage and location. We show that the temperature dependence of the superfluid density at different gate voltages collapse to a single curve characteristic of a full superconducting gap. Further, we show that the dipole moments observed in this system are not modulated by the gate voltage
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