12 research outputs found

    Wpływ różnych faz dojrzałości owocu durianu Durio zibethinus na zawartość cynku w wątrobie szczurów obciążonych cholesterolem

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    The effect of different ripening stages of durian Durio zibethinus fruit on zinc content in liver of rats loaded with cholesterol. Durian Durio zibethinus is an exotic, climacteric fruit, rich in dietary fiber, polyphenols, saccharides, vitamins and minerals. Postharvest changes in durian fruit influence its physical and chemical quality, which determined its health protective effect – antioxidant and hypocholesterolemic. Durian is a good source of zinc. The aim of this study was to investigate the zinc content in lyophilisate of durian fruit and in the diets supplemented with durian fruits at different stages of maturity. The in vivo experiment was designed to determine the influence of these diets on zinc content in the liver of rats loaded with cholesterol. The zinc content in durian fruit, in the diets, and in rats livers was examined using a flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (Perkin-Elemer 1100B). The zinc content in durian fruits ranged from 8.1 to 12.3 mg/kg. The zinc content amounted 45.0, 44.2, 47.1, 47.3 and 48.0 mg/kg in C, ch, chDM, ch DR and chDOR diet, respectively. The content of zinc in the liver in all animal groups was within the normal limits and amounted from 25.0 to 33.0 mg/kg fresh weight. Diet supplemented with durian fruits at different stages of ripening increases accumulation of zinc in the liver of rats loaded with cholesterol. Durian fruits, especially ripe ones, could be used as a natural supplementation of zinc in the diet and might be helpful in prevention of diseases or disorders related to zinc deficiency.Wpływ różnych faz dojrzałości owocu durianu Durio zibethinus na zawartość cynku w wątrobie szczurów obciążonych cholesterolem. Durian Durio zibethinus to egzotyczny, klimakteryczny owoc, bogaty we włókno pokarmowe, polifenole, oligosacharydy, witaminy i minerały. Zmiany następujące po zbiorze owoców durianu wpływają na ich fizyczne i chemiczne parametry determinujące ich właściwości zdrowotne – przeciwutleniające i hypocholesterolemiczne. Durian jest cennym źródłem cynku. Celem badania było określenie zawartości cynku w owocach durianu, w dietach z dodatkiem durianu w różnych fazach jego dojrzałości. Badanie in vivo miało na celu określenie wpływu tych diet na zawartość cynku w wątrobie szczurów obciążonych cholesterolem. Zawartość cynku w owocach durianu, w dietach i wątrobach oznaczono metodą płomieniowej absorpcji atomowej (Perkin-Elmer 1100B). Zawartość cynku w liofilizacie owoców durianu mieściła się w zakresie 8,1–12,3 mg/kg. Zawartość cynku w dietach: C, ch, chDM, ch DR and chDOR wynosiła odpowiednio 45,0, 44,2, 47,1, 47,3 i 48,0 mg/kg. W wątrobie szczurów wszystkich grup zawartość cynku mieściła się w zakresie wartości referencyjnych i wynosiła od 25,0 do 33,0 mg/kg świeżej masy. Diety z dodatkiem owoców durianu w różnej fazie dojrzałości zwiększają akumulację cynku w wątrobie szczurów obciążonych cholesterolem. Owoce durianu, w szczególności dojrzałe, mogą być stosowane jako naturalny suplement cynku w diecie i być pomocne w prewencji chorób lub stanach związanych z niedoborem cynku

    Effect of Dietary Garcinia cambogia Extract on Serum Essential Minerals (Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium) and Trace Elements (Iron, Copper, Zinc) in Rats Fed with High-Lipid Diet

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of Garcinia cambogia extract on serum calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) concentrations in rats fed with the normal or the high-lipid and -cholesterol diet. Thirty 1-year-old female Sprague-Dawley rats (pathogen-free), weighing an average of 229 g, were randomly assigned to three experimental groups of ten animals each. Diets and tap water were given ad libitum for 75 days. Group 1 (control group) was fed with basal diet (2 % liquid vegetable oil, 0 % cholesterol), while the diets of groups 2 and 3 contained vegetable oil (2 % liquid vegetable oil and 5 % hydrogenated vegetable oil) and cholesterol (3 %) in high levels. 4,5 % G. cambogia extract containing 65 % HCA was added to the diet of group 3 as from day 45. Blood samples were withdrawn on days 0, 45 and 75. Serum mineral levels were analyzed using standard enzymatic colorimetric methods with a spectrophotometer. All significant differences were p < 0.05. Serum Ca levels were not significantly different between all groups on days 45 and 75. Serum P level was significantly higher in the group fed with high-lipid diet and G. cambogia extract than in the control group on day 45. Serum Mg level was significantly higher in group 2 than in the control group on day 45. Serum Fe levels were significantly lower in the control group than in the other groups on days 45 and 75. Serum Zn level of the group fed with high-lipid diet and G. cambogia extract was significantly higher than in the control group on day 75. Serum Cu levels were significantly higher in group 2 than in the control group, and in group 3 than in group 2 on day 75. In conclusion, a diet containing the high fat amounts may lead to the increase in circular levels of some minerals due to the short-chain fatty acid production lowering the luminal pH which increases mineral solubility, or serving as a fuel for mucosal cells and stimulating cell proliferation in the large intestine. G. cambogia extract may be used in the P and Cu deficiencies due to increases resulting in the present P and Cu amounts in G. cambogia extract, or the use of phytate P in diet. It was hoped that with further evidence-based study this product will enter to mainstream medicines

    Tropical fruits

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