125 research outputs found

    Omega 3, 6, 9 Enhanced Goat Meat (Omega-Chevon) from Flaxseed and Canola Fed Meat Goats

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    With growing obesity and cardiovascular disease concerns, the meat industry aims to reduce fat content in meat products. Currently Omega Fatty Acid (FA) enhanced beef and eggs are being marketed in the US, but Omega enhanced goat meat (Omega-Chevon) has not been developed. Meat goats were fed ground flaxseed and canola supplemented feed for 90 days. There were no palatability, weight, or health issues in meat goats fed canola and flaxseed supplemented feed. Chevon from goats fed canola and flaxseed had significant (

    Carotenoid gene expression explains the difference of carotenoid accumulation in carrot root tissues

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    The carrot root is well divided into two different tissues separated by vascular cambium: the secondary phloem and xylem. The equilibrium between these two tissues represents an important issue for carrot quality, but the knowledge about the respective carotenoid accumulation is sparse. The aim of this work was (i) to investigate if variation in carotenoid biosynthesis gene expression could explain differences in carotenoid content in phloem and xylem tissues and (ii) to investigate if this regulation is differentially modulated in the respective tissues by water-restricted growing conditions. In this work, five carrot genotypes contrasting by their root color were studied in control and water-restricted conditions. Carotenoid content and the relative expression of 13 genes along the carotenoid biosynthesis pathway were measured in the respective tissues. Results showed that in orange genotypes and the purple one, carotenoid content was higher in phloem compared to xylem. For the red one, no differences were observed. Moreover, in control condition, variations in gene expression explained the different carotenoid accumulations in both tissues, while in water-restricted condition, no clear association between gene expression pattern and variations in carotenoid content could be detected except in orange-rooted genotypes. This work shows that the structural aspect of carrot root is more important for carotenoid accumulation in relation with gene expression levels than the consequences of expression changes upon water restriction

    QTL mapping of carrot resistance to leaf blight with connected populations: stability across years and consequences for breeding

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    Combining biparental and multiparental connected population analyses was useful for the identification of 11 QTLs in two new genetic backgrounds of carrot resistance to Alternaria dauci and for breeding recommendations. Leaf blight due to the fungus Alternaria dauci is the major carrot foliar disease worldwide. Some resistance QTLs have been previously identified in one population, but the evaluation of additional genetic backgrounds with higher level of resistance would give opportunities for breeders to combine them by pyramiding. For this purpose, two segregating populations were evaluated twice across 4 years in the same environment (1) to compare the efficiency of the single vs. the connected populations approach for characterizing the new sources of carrot resistance to Alternaria dauci; (2) to evaluate the stability of QTLs over the years; and (3) to give recommendations to breeders for marker-assisted selection. Single and connected analyses were complementary; their combination allowed the detection of 11 QTLs. Connected analyses allowed the identification of common and specific QTLs among the two populations and the most favorable allele at each QTL. Important contrasts between allelic effects were observed with four and five most favorable alleles coming from the two resistant parental lines, whereas two other favorable alleles came from the susceptible parental line. While four QTLs were consistent across years, seven were detected within a single year. The heritabilities for both populations PC2 and PC3 were high (75 and 78 %, respectively), suggesting that the resistance of carrot to A. dauci was little affected by these environmental conditions, but the instability of QTL over years may be due to changing environmental conditions. The complementarity between these parental lines in terms of interesting allelic combinations is also discussed

    Effect of GA 3 and paclobutrazol on adventitious shoot regeneration of two Pelargonium sp

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    This study had two aims. The first was to improve the regeneration efficiency of Pelargonium leaf discs by adventitious budding. The second was to test the effect of gibberellic acid (GA 3) and paclobutrazol (PBZ) on callus formation and adventitious shoot regeneration in Pelargonium before using genetic transformation of this species for functional validation of genes involved in the process of GA regulation. GA 3 and paclobutrazol (an inhibitor of GA synthesis pathway) were added (together or separately) in the shoot regeneration media of two Pelargonium species, Pelargonium * hortorum \u27Panache sud\u27 (\u27P.sud\u27) and Pelargonium * domesticum \u27Autumn haze\u27 (\u27 P.dom\u27). In both cases, GA 3 applied alone, completely inhibited the bud regeneration. Moreover, the rate of callus formation decreased drastically when 5 M of GA 3 was applied to \u27 P. dom\u27 explants. Similar result was obtained with \u27P.sud\u27 explants using 20 M GA 3. Paclobutrazol (0.3 M) applied at the same time as GA 3 (10 M) could partially restore regeneration process of \u27 P. dom\u27. For \u27 P. dom\u27, the use of paclobutrazol alone increased callus formation and slightly improved the rate of regeneration. Moreover, initiated buds had a better appearance. For \u27P. sud\u27, which had an abundant callusing, paclobutrazol did not improve regeneration and led to hyperhydric shoots

    Interplay of Sugar, Light and Gibberellins in Expression of Rosa hybrida Vacuolar Invertase 1 Regulation

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    Our previous findings showed that the expression of the Rosa hybrida vacuolar invertase 1 gene (RhVI1) was tightly correlated with the ability of buds to grow out and was under sugar, gibberellin and light control. Here, we aimed to provide an insight into the mechanistic basis of this regulation. In situ hybridization showed that RhVI1 expression was localized in epidermal cells of young leaves of bursting buds. We then isolated a 895 bp fragment of the promoter of RhVI1. In silico analysis identified putative cis-elements involved in the response to sugars, light and gibberellins on its proximal part (595 bp). To carry out functional analysis of the RhVI1 promoter in a homologous system, we developed a direct method for stable transformation of rose cells. 5′ deletions of the proximal promoter fused to the uidA reporter gene were inserted into the rose cell genome to study the cell’s response to exogenous and endogenous stimuli. Deletion analysis revealed that the 468 bp promoter fragment is sufficient to trigger reporter gene activity in response to light, sugars and gibberellins. This region confers sucrose- and fructose-, but not glucose-, responsive activation in the dark. Inversely, the –595 to –468 bp region that carries the sugar-repressive element (SRE) is required to down-regulate the RhVI1 promoter in response to sucrose and fructose in the dark. We also demonstrate that sugar/light and gibberellin/light act synergistically to up-regulate β-glucuronidase (GUS) activity sharply under the control of the 595 bp pRhVI1 region. These results reveal that the 127 bp promoter fragment located between –595 and –468 bp is critical for light and sugar and light and gibberellins to act synergistically

    The Ukraine-Russia war : a symptoms network of complex posttraumatic stress disorder during continuous traumatic stress

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    Objective: This study is aimed to test the symptoms network of ICD-11 Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) symptoms, using data collected from Ukrainian civilians during the 2022 Russia-Ukraine war. Findings can inform our understanding of the stress response in individuals exposed to continuous trauma and give insight into the nature of CPTSD during war. Methods: A network analysis was conducted on CPTSD symptoms as assessed by the International Trauma Questionnaire using data from a nationally representative sample of 2000 Ukrainians. Results: While Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Disturbances in Self Organization (DSO) clusters did not enmesh, several communities within these clusters were merged. Results highlight that in terms of strength centrality, emotional dysregulation (emotional numbing) and a heightened sense of threat were most prominent. Conclusion: The results confirm the ICD-11 structure of CPTSD but suggest that continuous traumatic stress manifests in more condensed associations between CPTSD symptoms and that emotional regulation may play a vital role in activating the CPTSD network. War-exposed populations could be provided with scalable, brief self-help materials focused on fostering emotion regulation and sense of threat

    Overexpression of RoDELLA impacts the height, branching, and flowering behaviour of Pelargonium × domesticum transgenic plants

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    Key message We reported the cloning of a rose DELLA gene. We obtained transgenic Pelargonium lines overexpressing this gene which presented several phenotypes in plant growth, root growth, flowering time and number of inflorescences. Abstract Control of development is an important issue for production of ornamental plant. The plant growth regulator, gibberellins (GAs), plays a pivotal role in regulating plant growth and development. DELLA proteins are nuclear negative regulator of GA signalling. Our objective was to study the role of GA in the plant architecture and in the blooming of ornamentals. We cloned a rose DELLA homologous gene, RoDELLA, and studied its function by genetic transformation of pelargonium. Several transgenic pelargonium (Pelargonium × domesticum ‘Autum Haze’) lines were produced that ectopically expressed RoDELLA under the control of the 35S promoter. These transgenic plants exhibited a range of phenotypes which could be related to the reduction in GA response. Most of transgenic plants showed reduced growth associated to an increase of the node and branch number. Moreover, overexpression of RoDELLA blocked or delayed flowering in transgenic pelargonium and exhibited defects in the root formation. We demonstrated that pelargonium could be used to validate ornamental gene as the rose DELLA gene. RoDELLA overexpression modified many aspects of plant developmental pathways, as the plant growth, the transition of vegetative to floral stage and the ability of rooting
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