109 research outputs found

    Metabolic and endocrine profiles and reproductive parameters in dairy cows under grazing conditions: effect of polymorphisms in somatotropic axis genes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The present study hypothesized that GH-AluI and IGF-I-SnabI polymorphisms do change the metabolic/endocrine profiles in Holstein cows during the transition period, which in turn are associated with productive and reproductive parameters.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Holstein cows (Farm 1, primiparous cows, n = 110, and Farm 2, multiparous cows, n = 76) under grazing conditions were selected and GH and IGF-I genotypes were determined. Blood samples for metabolic/endocrine determinations were taken during the transition period and early lactation in both farms. Data was analyzed by farm using a repeated measures analyses including GH and IGF-I genotypes, days and interactions as fixed effects, sire and cow as random effects and calving date as covariate.</p> <p>Results and Discussion</p> <p>Frequencies of GH and IGF-I alleles were L:0.84, V:0.16 and A:0.60, B:0.40, respectively. The GH genotype was not associated with productive or reproductive variables, but interaction with days affected FCM yield in multiparous (farm 2) cows (LL yielded more than LV cows) in early lactation. The GH genotype affected NEFA and IGF-I concentrations in farm 1 (LV had higher NEFA and lower IGF-I than LL cows) suggesting a better energy status of LL cows.</p> <p>There was no effect of IGF-I genotype on productive variables, but a trend was found for FCM in farm 2 (AB cows yielded more than AA cows). IGF-I genotype affected calving first service interval in farm 1, and the interaction with days tended to affect FCM yield (AB cows had a shorter interval and yielded more FCM than BB cows). IGF-I genotype affected BHB, NEFA, and insulin concentrations in farm 1: primiparous BB cows had lower NEFA and BHB and higher insulin concentrations. In farm 2, there was no effect of IGF-I genotype, but there was an interaction with days on IGF-I concentration, suggesting a greater uncoupling somatropic axis in AB and BB than AA cows, being in accordance with greater FCM yield in AB cows.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The GH and IGF-I genotypes had no substantial effect on productive parameters, although IGF-I genotype affected calving-first service interval in primiparous cows. Besides, these genotypes may modify the endocrine/metabolic profiles of the transition dairy cow under grazing conditions.</p

    Heterogeneous clinical phenotypes and cerebral malformations reflected by rotatin cellular dynamics

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    Recessive mutations in RTTN, encoding the protein rotatin, were originally identified as cause of polymicrogyria, a cortical malformation. With time, a wide variety of other brain malformations has been ascribed to RTTN mutations, including primary microcephaly. Rotatin is a centrosomal protein possibly involved in centriolar elongation and ciliogenesis. However, the function of rotatin in brain development is largely unknown and the molecular disease mechanism underlying cortical malformations has not yet been elucidated. We performed both clinical and cell biological studies, aimed at clarifying rotatin function and pathogenesis. Review of the 23 published and five unpublished clinical cases and genomic mutations, including the effect of novel deep intronic pathogenic mutations on RTTN transcripts, allowed us to extrapolate the core phenotype, consisting of intellectual disability, short stature, microcephaly, lissencephaly, periventricular heterotopia, polymicrogyria and other malformations. We show that the severity of the phenotype is related to residual function of the protein, not only the level of mRNA expression. Skin fibroblasts from eight affected individuals were studied by high resolution immunomicroscopy and flow cytometry, in parallel with in vitro expression of RTTN in HEK293T cells. We demonstrate that rotatin regulates different phases of the cell cycle and is mislocalized in affected individuals. Mutant cells showed consistent and severe mitotic failure with centrosome amplification and multipolar spindle formation, leading to aneuploidy and apoptosis, which could relate to depletion of neuronal progenitors often observed in microcephaly. We confirmed the role of rotatin in functional and structural maintenance of primary cilia and determined that the protein localized not only to the basal body, but also to the axoneme, proving the functional interconnectivity between ciliogenesis and cell cycle progression. Proteomics analysis of both native and exogenous rotatin uncovered that rotatin interacts with the neuronal (non-muscle) myosin heavy chain subunits, motors of nucleokinesis during neuronal migration, and in human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived bipolar mature neurons rotatin localizes at the centrosome in the leading edge. This illustrates the role of rotatin in neuronal migration. These different functions of rotatin explain why RTTN mutations can lead to heterogeneous cerebral malformations, both related to proliferation and migration defects.Genetics of disease, diagnosis and treatmen

    Agri-business development on the EU and global markets in long-term perspective

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    Innovation partnerships as a new concept for implementation of innovations in the polish agricultural sector

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    Celem pracy była wstępna ocena proponowanych rozwiązań wdrożenia partnerstw innowacyjnych w rolnictwie polskim oraz próba określenia ich skuteczności w perspektywie lat 2014-2020. Analizę przeprowadzono na podstawie dokumentów unijnych i krajowych poświęconych poprawie innowacyjności w UE, a w szczególności na bazie polskiego PROW 2014-2020. Potwierdzono, że nowa koncepcja nieliniowego modelu wdrażania innowacji oparta na sieci powiązań pozwala lepiej wykorzystać wiedzę wszystkich uczestników tworzących sieć. Nie należy jednak oczekiwać, że partnerstwa innowacyjne zrewolucjonizują polskie rolnictwo i uczynią je bardziej innowacyjnym. Zarówno niska pula przeznaczonych środków finansowych, jak i przyjęte założenia w PROW, nie będą sprzyjać istotnym zmianom.The paper discussed a new approach of European Innovation Partnerships in the Polish agricultural sector based on strategic documents of the European Union and of Poland, particularly the Polish Rural Development Program for the years 2014-2020. The aim was to assess governmental interventions for boosting innovations in order to increase effectiveness of the Polish agriculture. It was found that a concept of nonlinear model for implementing innovations based on networking seems to be more efficient than linear model and give better opportunities to bring all actors together. However, there are some doubts if innovation partnerships can achieve their targets in the Polish agriculture due to a low funding level and regulations set up in the Polish Rural Development Plan 2014-2020

    Bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe w dyskursie politycznym wspólnej polityki rolnej

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    The aim of the article is to show how the term food security evolved in the political discourse of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and how it was interpreted by actors of the decision-making process to achieve the objectives pursued. For this purpose the critical discourse analysis is used. It can be concluded that soft skills, the ability to use words are increasingly important in politics. Politicians use specific types of organisations and institutions to make ideological beliefs and discourses – they need to achieve their objectives – come true. The message, which is read in a specific way to produce very specific reactions, is thus manipulated through the media and other ideological apparatuses. The evolution of theoretical concepts in the political discourse of the CAP presented in the article indicates a high dependence on path dependency. The neo-mercantilist approach to agriculture has been present from the beginning of its existence. The concepts of multifunctionality and neo-liberalism were promoted as a result of pressure from existing external and internal conditions, but they were always to legitimise maintaining high agricultural funding from the EU budget. The food crisis of 2007–2008 and food security became a fundamental elements of the political agenda, which allowed for the return of neo-productivism, in order to defend agricultural subsidies and continue the role of the state in their maintenance.</jats:p

    The "greening" concept of the Common Agricultural Policy in strategy of the UE agricultural development

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    Kształt strategii dalszego rozwoju rolnictwa unijnego nabiera coraz większego znaczenia w dobie wyzwań stojących przed UE oraz dynamicznie rozwijających się krajów azjatyckich i Płd. Ameryki. Obecna debata o przyszłości Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej oraz decyzje dotyczące struktury i priorytetów budżetu unijnego w kolejnej perspektywie fi nansowej na lata 2014-2020 zdecydują o tym, czy rolnictwo unijne będzie w stanie konkurować na rynkach globalnych w nadchodzących dekadach. W artykule podjęto próbę analizy wybranych uwarunkowań, które wpływają na stanowiska Komisji Europejskiej i krajów członkowskich w zakresie przyszłości polityki rolnej UE po 2013 r. oraz przedstawiono skutki koncepcji „zazieleniania” tej polityki dla konkurencyjności rolnictwa unijnego na arenie międzynarodowej.The strategy shaping of the EU agricultural development is currently a very demanding task. New global challenges ahead and dynamic economic growth of emerging markets need to fi nd solutions within the framework of the EU priorities and transform challenges into opportunities. The current decisions on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2013 and the EU budget in the new fi nancial perspective 2014-2020 can decide on competitiveness of the EU agriculture at global markets in the future. The aim of the study is to provide a picture of main drivers infl uencing the European Commission and Member States’ position on the CAP after 2013 and to examine possible implications of the “greening” CAP’ concept for EU agricultural strategy

    Specificity of the concept of food security as a "Problem without a solution"

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    Prospects for EU agricultural development as a result of post-2013 CAP changes

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    Przeprowadzono analizę kierunków zmian Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej (WPR), ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem propozycji Komisji Europejskiej z 2011 roku, oraz ich wpływu na pozycję rolnictwa unijnego na rynkach globalnych w nadchodzących latach. Stwierdzono, że planowane reformy WPR po 2013 roku nie sprzyjają wzmocnieniu rolnictwa unijnego w perspektywie długookresowej. Koncentrują się bowiem na osiągnięciu celów krótkoterminowych, wynikających z kryzysowej sytuacji gospodarczej i finansowej wielu państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej. Zdaniem autorki zmiany WPR powinny iść w kierunku redukcji płatności bezpośrednich na korzyść instrumentów skierowanych na określone programy i zdefiniowanych beneficjentów. Wśród nich wiodącą rolę należy przypisać instrumentom wspomagającym rolników w sytuacjach kryzysowych oraz zapewniającym wprowadzanie innowacyjnych rozwiązań do rolnictwa.Effects of changes in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) beyond 2013 and their impact on the position of EU agriculture in global markets ares discussed.. The key question arises as to whether the next CAP reform can support development of the EU agriculture in the long-term perspective. It was concluded that a pressure of current challenges, such as the economic crisis and the deficit of public finances, has shaped last proposals of the European Commission regarding the future of CAP. Thus, it is of interest to explore the possible new solutions in the CAP towards targeting the policy to specific programmes and beneficiaries. Instruments of crisis management as well as those of research & development seem to be the most preferable for the EU agriculture in the long-term perspective

    Selected aspects of protectionism of EU member states in the EU agri-food market

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