58 research outputs found

    Impact of Electric Fields on Highly Excited Rovibrational States of Polar Dimers

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    We study the effect of a strong static homogeneous electric field on the highly excited rovibrational levels of the LiCs dimer in its electronic ground state. Our full rovibrational investigation of the system includes the interaction with the field due to the permanent electric dipole moment and the polarizability of the molecule. We explore the evolution of the states next to the dissociation threshold as the field strength is increased. The rotational and vibrational dynamics are influenced by the field; effects such as orientation, angular motion hybridization and squeezing of the vibrational motion are demonstrated and analyzed. The field also induces avoided crossings causing a strong mixing of the electrically dressed rovibrational states. Importantly, we show how some of these highly excited levels can be shifted to the continuum as the field strength is increased, and reversely how two atoms in the continuum can be brought into a bound state by lowering the electric field strength.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Giant enhancement of photodissociation of polar dimers in electric fields

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    We explore the photodissociation of polar dimers in static electric fields in the cold regime using the example of the LiCs molecule. A giant enhancement of the differential cross section is found for laboratory electric field strengths, and analyzed with varying rovibrational bound states, continuum energies as well as field strengths.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Fermionic collective excitations in a lattice gas of Rydberg atoms

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    We investigate the many-body quantum states of a laser-driven gas of Rydberg atoms confined to a large spacing ring lattice. If the laser driving is much stronger than the van-der-Waals interaction among the Rydberg sates, these many-body states are collective fermionic excitations. The first excited state is a spin-wave that extends over the entire lattice. We demonstrate that our system permits to study fermions in the presence of disorder although no external atomic motion takes place. We analyze how this disorder influences the excitation properties of the fermionic states. Our work shows a route towards the creation of complex many-particle states with atoms in lattices

    Creating collective many-body states with highly excited atoms

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    We study the collective excitation of a gas of highly excited atoms confined to a large spacing ring lattice, where the ground and the excited states are coupled resonantly via a laser field. Our attention is focused on the regime where the interaction between the highly excited atoms is very weak in comparison to the Rabi frequency of the laser. We demonstrate that in this case the many-body excitations of the system can be expressed in terms of free spinless fermions. The complex many-particle states arising in this regime are characterized and their properties, e.g. their correlation functions, are studied. In addition we investigate how one can actually experimentally access some of these many-particle states by a temporal variation of the laser parameters.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Formation of Ultracold Heteronuclear Dimers in Electric Fields

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    The formation of ultracold molecules via stimulated emission followed by a radiative deexcitation cascade in the presence of a static electric field is investigated. By analyzing the corresponding cross sections, we demonstrate the possibility to populate the lowest rotational excitations via photoassociation. The modification of the radiative cascade due to the electric field leads to narrow rotational state distributions in the vibrational ground state. External fields might therefore represent an additional valuable tool towards the ultimate goal of quantum state preparation of molecules

    Non-adiabatic effects in long-pulse mixed-field orientation of a linear polar molecule

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    We present a theoretical study of the impact of an electrostatic field combined with non-resonant linearly polarized laser pulses on the rotational dynamics of linear molecules. Within the rigid rotor approximation, we solve the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation for several field configurations. Using the OCS molecule as prototype, the field-dressed dynamics is analyzed in detail for experimentally accessible static field strengths and laser pulses. Results for directional cosines are presented and compared to the predictions of the adiabatic theory. We demonstrate that for prototypical field configuration used in current mixed-field orientation experiments, the molecular field dynamics is, in general, non-adiabatic, being mandatory a time-dependent description of these systems. We investigate several field regimes identifying the sources of non-adiabatic effects, and provide the field parameters under which the adiabatic dynamics would be achieved.Comment: 16 pages, 16 figures. Submitted to Physical Review

    High resolution photoassociation spectroscopy of the excited c3 + 1 potential of 23Na133Cs

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    We report on photoassociation spectroscopy probing the c 3 Σ + 1 potential of the bialkali NaCs molecule, identifying 11 vibrational lines between v ′ = 0 and v ′ = 25 of the excited c 3 Σ + 1 potential and fitting their rotational and hyperfine structure. The observed lines are assigned by fitting to an effective Hamiltonian model of the excited-state structure with rotational and hyperfine constants as free parameters. We discuss unexpected broadening of select vibrational lines and its possible link to strong spin-orbit coupling of the c 3 Σ + 1 potential with the nearby b 3 Π 1 and B 1 Π 1 manifolds. Finally, we report use of the v ′ = 22 line as an intermediate state for two-photon transfer of weakly bound Feshbach molecules to the rovibrational ground state of the X 1 Σ + manifold.NSF (Grant No. PHY-2110225), the AFOSR (Grant No. FA9550-19-1-0089)Grant No. TC-18-003). J.T.Z. was supported by a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship.Spanish Projects No. PID2020-113390GB-I00 (MICIN), No. PY20-00082 (Junta de Andalucía),A-FQM-52-UGR20 (ERDF–University of Granada) and Andalusian Research Group FQM-20

    A linear polar molecule in a two-color cw laser field: a symmetry analysis

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    A theoretical study of the rotational dynamics of a linear polar molecule in a two-color non-resonant cw laser field is presented. By systematically considering the interactions of this field with the electric dipole moment, polarizability and hyperpolarizability of the molecule, the effect of the symmetries of the Hamiltonian on the orientation and alignment is explored in a regime where the time-average approximation does not hold. It is shown that the alignment and orientation satisfy certain symmetries as a function of the phases and field strengths. On average a one-color cw laser field doest not orient the molecule, being necessary a two-color one having odd and even products of the laser frequency to break the head-versus-tail order confinement.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Equilibria and Dynamics of two coupled chains of interacting dipoles

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    We explore the energy transfer dynamics in an array of two chains of identical rigid interacting dipoles. A crossover between two different ground state (GS) equilibrium configurations is observed with varying distance between the two chains of the array. Linearizing around the GS configurations, we verify that interactions up to third nearest neighbors should be accounted for accurately describe the resulting dynamics. Starting with one of the GS, we excite the system by supplying it with an excess energy DK located initially on one of the dipoles. We study the time evolution of the array for different values of the system parameters b and DK. Our focus is hereby on two features of the energy propagation: the redistribution of the excess energy DK among the two chains and the energy localization along each chain. For typical parameter values, the array of dipoles reaches both the equipartition between the chains and the thermal equilibrium from the early stages of the time evolution. Nevertheless, there is a region in parameter space (b,DK) where even up to the long computation time of this study, the array does neither reach energy equipartition nor thermalization between chains. This fact is due to the existence of persistent chaotic breathers
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