287 research outputs found

    Quantum work relations and response theory

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    A universal quantum work relation is proved for isolated time-dependent Hamiltonian systems in a magnetic field as the consequence of microreversibility. This relation involves a functional of an arbitrary observable. The quantum Jarzynski equality is recovered in the case this observable vanishes. The Green-Kubo formula and the Casimir-Onsager reciprocity relations are deduced thereof in the linear response regime

    Geometric magnetism in open quantum systems

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    An isolated classical chaotic system, when driven by the slow change of several parameters, responds with two reaction forces: geometric friction and geometric magnetism. By using the theory of quantum fluctuation relations we show that this holds true also for open quantum systems, and provide explicit expressions for those forces in this case. This extends the concept of Berry curvature to the realm of open quantum systems. We illustrate our findings by calculating the geometric magnetism of a damped charged quantum harmonic oscillator transported along a path in physical space in presence of a magnetic field and a thermal environment. We find that in this case the geometric magnetism is unaffected by the presence of the heat bath.Comment: 7 pages. Signs corrected. v3 Accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Symmetry Relations for Trajectories of a Brownian Motor

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    A Brownian Motor is a nanoscale or molecular device that combines the effects of thermal noise, spatial or temporal asymmetry, and directionless input energy to drive directed motion. Because of the input energy, Brownian motors function away from thermodynamic equilibrium and concepts such as linear response theory, fluctuation dissipation relations, and detailed balance do not apply. The {\em generalized} fluctuation-dissipation relation, however, states that even under strongly thermodynamically non-equilibrium conditions the ratio of the probability of a transition to the probability of the time-reverse of that transition is the exponent of the change in the internal energy of the system due to the transition. Here, we derive an extension of the generalized fluctuation dissipation theorem for a Brownian motor for the ratio between the probability for the motor to take a forward step and the probability to take a backward step

    Comparison of work fluctuation relations

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    We compare two predictions regarding the microscopic fluctuations of a system that is driven away from equilibrium: one due to Crooks [J. Stat. Phys. 90, 1481 (1998)] which has gained recent attention in the context of nonequilibrium work and fluctuation theorems, and an earlier, analogous result obtained by Bochkov and Kuzovlev [Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 72(1), 238247 (1977)]. Both results quantify irreversible behavior by comparing probabilities of observing particular microscopic trajectories during thermodynamic processes related by time-reversal, and both are expressed in terms of the work performed when driving the system away from equilibrium. By deriving these two predictions within a single, Hamiltonian framework, we clarify the precise relationship between them, and discuss how the different definitions of work used by the two sets of authors gives rise to different physical interpretations. We then obtain a extended fluctuation relation that contains both the Crooks and the Bochkov-Kuzovlev results as special cases.Comment: 14 pages with 1 figure, accepted for publication in the Journal of Statistical Mechanic

    Lower bounds on dissipation upon coarse graining

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    By different coarse-graining procedures we derive lower bounds on the total mean work dissipated in Brownian systems driven out of equilibrium. With several analytically solvable examples we illustrate how, when, and where the information on the dissipation is captured.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Work extraction in the spin-boson model

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    We show that work can be extracted from a two-level system (spin) coupled to a bosonic thermal bath. This is possible due to different initial temperatures of the spin and the bath, both positive (no spin population inversion) and is realized by means of a suitable sequence of sharp pulses applied to the spin. The extracted work can be of the order of the response energy of the bath, therefore much larger than the energy of the spin. Moreover, the efficiency of extraction can be very close to its maximum, given by the Carnot bound, at the same time the overall amount of the extracted work is maximal. Therefore, we get a finite power at efficiency close to the Carnot bound. The effect comes from the backreaction of the spin on the bath, and it survives for a strongly disordered (inhomogeneously broadened) ensemble of spins. It is connected with generation of coherences during the work-extraction process, and we derived it in an exactly solvable model. All the necessary general thermodynamical relations are derived from the first principles of quantum mechanics and connections are made with processes of lasing without inversion and with quantum heat engines.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figure

    Random paths and current fluctuations in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics

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    An overview is given of recent advances in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics about the statistics of random paths and current fluctuations. Although statistics is carried out in space for equilibrium statistical mechanics, statistics is considered in time or spacetime for nonequilibrium systems. In this approach, relationships have been established between nonequilibrium properties such as the transport coefficients, the thermodynamic entropy production, or the affinities, and quantities characterizing the microscopic Hamiltonian dynamics and the chaos or fluctuations it may generate. This overview presents results for classical systems in the escape-rate formalism, stochastic processes, and open quantum systems

    Non-equilibrium work relations

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    This is a brief review of recently derived relations describing the behaviour of systems far from equilibrium. They include the Fluctuation Theorem, Jarzynski's and Crooks' equalities, and an extended form of the Second Principle for general steady states. They are very general and their proofs are, in most cases, disconcertingly simple.Comment: Brief Summer School Lecture Note

    Fluctuation theorems and atypical trajectories

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    In this work, we have studied simple models that can be solved analytically to illustrate various fluctuation theorems. These fluctuation theorems provide symmetries individually to the distributions of physical quantities like the classical work (WcW_c), thermodynamic work (WW), total entropy (Δstot\Delta s_{tot}) and dissipated heat (QQ), when the system is driven arbitrarily out of equilibrium. All these quantities can be defined for individual trajectories. We have studied the number of trajectories which exhibit behaviour unexpected at the macroscopic level. As the time of observation increases, the fraction of such atypical trajectories decreases, as expected at macroscale. Nature of distributions for the thermodynamic work and the entropy production in nonlinear models may exhibit peak (most probable value) in the atypical regime without violating the expected average behaviour. However, dissipated heat and classical work exhibit peak in the regime of typical behaviour only.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure
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