572 research outputs found

    Two-Time Physics with gravitational and gauge field backgrounds

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    It is shown that all possible gravitational, gauge and other interactions experienced by particles in ordinary d-dimensions (one-time) can be described in the language of two-time physics in a spacetime with d+2 dimensions. This is obtained by generalizing the worldline formulation of two-time physics by including background fields. A given two-time model, with a fixed set of background fields, can be gauged fixed from d+2 dimensions to (d-1) +1 dimensions to produce diverse one-time dynamical models, all of which are dually related to each other under the underlying gauge symmetry of the unified two-time theory. To satisfy the gauge symmetry of the two-time theory the background fields must obey certain coupled differential equations that are generally covariant and gauge invariant in the target d+2 dimensional spacetime. The gravitational background obeys a null homothety condition while the gauge field obeys a differential equation that generalizes a similar equation derived by Dirac in 1936. Explicit solutions to these coupled equations show that the usual gravitational, gauge, and other interactions in d dimensions may be viewed as embedded in the higher d+2 dimensional space, thus displaying higher spacetime symmetries that otherwise remain hidden.Comment: Latex, 19 pages, references adde

    Noncommutative Sp(2,R) Gauge Theories - A Field Theory Approach to Two-Time Physics

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    Phase-space and its relativistic extension is a natural space for realizing Sp(2,R) symmetry through canonical transformations. On a Dx2 dimensional covariant phase-space, we formulate noncommutative field theories, where Sp(2,R) plays a role as either a global or a gauge symmetry group. In both cases these field theories have potential applications, including certain aspects of string theories, M-theory, as well as quantum field theories. If interpreted as living in lower dimensions, these theories realize Poincare' symmetry linearly in a way consistent with causality and unitarity. In case Sp(2,R) is a gauge symmetry, we show that the spacetime signature is determined dynamically as (D-2,2). The resulting noncommutative Sp(2,R) gauge theory is proposed as a field theoretical formulation of two-time physics: classical field dynamics contains all known results of `two-time physics', including the reduction of physical spacetime from D to (D-2) dimensions, with the associated `holography' and `duality' properties. In particular, we show that the solution space of classical noncommutative field equations put all massless scalar, gauge, gravitational, and higher-spin fields in (D-2) dimensions on equal-footing, reminiscent of string excitations at zero and infinite tension limits.Comment: 32 pages, LaTe

    Black hole entropy reveals a 12th "dimension"

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    The Beckenstein-Hawking black hole entropy in string theory and its extensions, as expressed in terms of charges that correspond to central extensions of the supersymmetry algebra, has more symmetries than U-duality. It is invariant under transformations of the charges, involving a 12th (or 13th) ``dimension''. This is an indication that the secret theory behind string theory has a superalgebra involving Lorentz non-scalar extensions (that are not strictly central), as suggested in S-theory, and which could be hidden in M- or F- theories. It is suggested that the idea of spacetime is broader than usual, and that a larger ``spacetime" is partially present in black holes.Comment: Latex, 20 pages, minor formatting correction

    Global Analysis of New Gravitational Singularities in String and Particle Theories

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    We present a global analysis of the geometries that arise in non-compact current algebra (or gauged WZW) coset models of strings and particles propagating in curved space-time. The simplest case is the 2d black hole. In higher dimensions these geometries describe new and much more complex singularities. For string and particle theories (defined in the text) we introduce general methods for identifying global coordinates and give the general exact solution for the geodesics for any gauged WZW model for any number of dimensions. We then specialize to the 3d geometries associated with SO(2,2)/SO(2,1)SO(2,2)/SO(2,1) (and also SO(3,1)/SO(2,1)SO(3,1)/SO(2,1)) and discuss in detail the global space, geodesics, curvature singularities and duality properties of this space. The large-small (or mirror) type duality property is reformulated as an inversion in group parameter space. The 3d global space has two topologically distinct sectors, with patches of different sectors related by duality. The first sector has a singularity surface with the topology of ``pinched double trousers". It can be pictured as the world sheet of two closed strings that join into a single closed string and then split into two closed strings, but with a pinch in each leg of the trousers. The second sector has a singularity surface with the topology of ``double saddle", pictured as the world sheets of two infinite open strings that come close but do not touch. We discuss the geodesicaly complete spaces on each side of these surfaces and interpret the motion of particles in physical terms. A cosmological interpretation is suggested and comments are mode on possible physical applications.Comment: 31 pages, plus 4 figure

    Gravitational instantons and black plane solutions in 4-d string theory

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    We consider gauged Wess-Zumino models based on the non compact group SU(2,1)SU(2,1). It is shown that by vector gauging the maximal compact subgroup U(2)U(2) the resulting backgrounds obey the gravity-dilaton one loop string vacuum equations of motion in four dimensional euclidean space. The torsionless solution is then interpreted as a pseudo-instanton of the d=4d=4 Liouville theory coupled to gravity. The presence of a traslational isometry in the model allows to get another string vacuum backgrounds by using target duality that we identify with those corresponding to the axial gauging. We also compute the exact backgrounds. Depending on the value of kk, they may be interpreted as instantons connecting a highly singular big bang like universe with a static singular or regular black plane geometry.Comment: 29 page

    Breakdown of large-N quenched reduction in SU(N) lattice gauge theories

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    We study the validity of the large-N equivalence between four-dimensional SU(N) lattice gauge theory and its momentum quenched version--the Quenched Eguchi-Kawai (QEK) model. We find that the assumptions needed for the proofs of equivalence do not automatically follow from the quenching prescription. We use weak-coupling arguments to show that large-N equivalence is in fact likely to break down in the QEK model, and that this is due to dynamically generated correlations between different Euclidean components of the gauge fields. We then use Monte-Carlo simulations at intermediate couplings with 20 <= N <= 200 to provide strong evidence for the presence of these correlations and for the consequent breakdown of reduction. This evidence includes a large discrepancy between the transition coupling of the "bulk" transition in lattice gauge theories and the coupling at which the QEK model goes through a strongly first-order transition. To accurately measure this discrepancy we adapt the recently introduced Wang-Landau algorithm to gauge theories.Comment: 51 pages, 16 figures, Published verion. Historical inaccuracies in the review of the quenched Eguchi-Kawai model are corrected, discussion on reduction at strong-coupling added, references updated, typos corrected. No changes to results or conclusion

    U*(1,1) Noncommutative Gauge Theory As The Foundation of 2T-Physics in Field Theory

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    A very simple field theory in noncommutative phase space X^{M},P^{M} in d+2 dimensions, with a gauge symmetry based on noncommutative u*(1,1), furnishes the foundation for the field theoretic formulation of Two-Time Physics. This leads to a remarkable unification of several gauge principles in d dimensions, including Maxwell, Einstein and high spin gauge principles, packaged together into one of the simplest fundamental gauge symmetries in noncommutative quantum phase space in d+2 dimensions. A gauge invariant action is constructed and its nonlinear equations of motion are analyzed. Besides elegantly reproducing the first quantized worldline theory with all background fields, the field theory prescribes unique interactions among the gauge fields. A matrix version of the theory, with a large N limit, is also outlinedComment: 24 pages, LaTe

    Non-Singularity of the Exact Two-Dimensional String Black Hole

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    We study the global structure of the exact two-dimensional space-time which emerges from string theory. Previous work has shown that in the semi-classical limit, this is a black hole similar to the Schwarzschild solution. However, we find that in the exact case, a new Euclidean region appears "between" the singularity and black hole interior. However the boundary between the Lorentzian and Euclidean regions is a coordinate singularity, which turns out to be a surface of time reflection symmetry in an extended space-time. Thus strings having fallen through the black hole horizon would eventually emerge through another one into a new asymptotically flat region. The maximally extended space-time consists of an infinite number of universes connected by wormholes. There are no singularities present in this geometry. We also calculate the mass and temperature associated with the space-time.Comment: 9 pages, latex, DAMTP R93/

    Antisymmetric tensor coupling and conformal invariance in sigma models corresponding to gauged WZNW theories

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    String backgrounds associated with gauged G/HG/H WZNW models generically depend on α′\alpha' or 1/k1/k. The exact expressions for the corresponding metric G_{\m\n}, antisymmetric tensor B_{\m\n}, and dilaton ϕ\phi can be obtained by eliminating the 2d2d gauge field from the local part of the effective action of the gauged WZNW model. We show that there exists a manifestly gauge-invariant prescription for the derivation of the antisymmetric tensor coupling. When the subgroup HH is one-dimensional and GG is simple the antisymmetric tensor is given by the semiclassical (α′\alpha'-independent) expression. We consider in detail the simplest non-trivial example with non-trivial B_{\m\n} -- the D=3 sigma model corresponding to the [SL(2,R)xR]/R[SL(2,R) x R]/R gauged WZNW theory (`charged black string') and show that the exact expressions for G_{\m\n}, B_{\m\n} and ϕ\phi solve the Weyl invariance conditions in the two-loop approximation. Similar conclusion is reached for the closely related SL(2,R)/RSL(2,R)/R chiral gauged WZNW model. We find that there exists a scheme in which the semiclassical background is also a solution of the two-loop conformal invariance equations (but the tachyon equation takes a non-canonical form). We discuss in detail the role of field redefinitions (scheme dependence) in establishing a correspondence between the sigma model and conformal field theory results.Comment: 55 pages, harvmac, CERN-TH.6969/93, THU-93/25, Imperial/TP/92-93/59. (Another prescription for extracting the exact antisymmetric tensor is described leading to a purely semiclassical expression for it

    Relativistic quantum model of confinement and the current quark masses

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    We consider a relativistic quantum model of confined massive spinning quarks and antiquarks which describes leading Regge trajectories of mesons. The quarks are described by the Dirac equations and the gluon contribution is approximated by the Nambu-Goto straight-line string. The string tension and the current quark masses are the main parameters of the model. Additional parameters are phenomenological constants which approximate nonstring short-range contributions. Comparison of the measured meson masses with the model predictions allows one to determine the current quark masses (in MeV) to be ms=227±5, mc=1440±10, mb=4715±20m_s = 227 \pm 5,~ m_c = 1440 \pm 10,~ m_b = 4715 \pm 20. The chiral SU3SU_3 model[23] makes it possible to estimate from here the uu- and dd-quark masses to be mu=6.2±0.2m_u = 6.2 \pm 0.2~ Mev and md=11.1±0.4m_d = 11.1 \pm 0.4 Mev.Comment: 15 pages, LATEX, 2 tables. (submitted to Phys.Rev.D
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