66 research outputs found

    Integrable boundaries for the q-Hahn process

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    Taking inspiration from the harmonic process with reservoirs introduced by Frassek, Giardinà and Kurchan in (2020 J. Stat. Phys. 180 135-71), we propose integrable boundary conditions for its trigonometric deformation, which is known as the q-Hahn process. Following the formalism established by Mangazeev and Lu in (2019 Nucl. Phys. B 945 114665) using the stochastic R-matrix, we argue that the proposed boundary conditions can be derived from a transfer matrix constructed in the framework of Sklyanin’s extension of the quantum inverse scattering method and consequently preserve the integrable structure of the model. The approach avoids the explicit construction of the K-matrix

    Oscillator realisations associated to the D-type Yangian: Towards the operatorial Q-system of orthogonal spin chains

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    We present a family of novel Lax operators corresponding to representations of the RTT-realisation of the Yangian associated with D-type Lie algebras. These Lax operators are of oscillator type, i.e. one space of the operators is infinite-dimensional while the other is in the first fundamental representation of so(2r). We use the isomorphism between the first fundamental representation of D3 and the 6 of A3, for which the degenerate oscillator type Lax matrices are known, to derive the Lax operators for r=3. The results are used to generalise the Lax matrices to arbitrary rank for representations corresponding to the extremal nodes of the simply laced Dynkin diagram of Dr. The multiplicity of independent solutions at each extremal node is given by the dimension of the fundamental representation. We further derive certain factorisation formulas among these solutions and build transfer matrices with oscillators in the auxiliary space from the introduced degenerate Lax matrices. Finally, we provide some evidence that the constructed transfer matrices are Baxter Q-operators for so(2r) spin chains by verifying certain QQ-relations for D4 at low lengths

    From Baxter Q-operators to local charges

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    We discuss how the shift operator and the Hamiltonian enter the hierarchy of Baxter Q-operators in the example of gl(n) homogeneous spin-chains. Building on the construction that was recently carried out by the authors and their collaborators, we find that a reduced set of Q-operators can be used to obtain local charges. The mechanism relies on projection properties of the corresponding -operators on a highest/lowest weight state of the quantum space. It is intimately related to the ordering of the oscillators in the auxiliary space. Furthermore, we introduce a diagrammatic language that makes these properties manifest and the results transparent. Our approach circumvents the paradigm of constructing the transfer matrix with equal representations in quantum and auxiliary space and underlines the strength of the Q-operator construction. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd and SISSA Medialab srl

    Duality in quantum transport models

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    We develop the \u2018duality approach\u2019, that has been extensively studied for classical models of transport, for quantum systems in contact with a thermal \u2018Lindbladian\u2019 bath. The method provides (a) a mapping of the original model to a simpler one, containing only a few particles and (b) shows that any dynamic process of this kind with generic baths may be mapped onto one with equilibrium baths. We exemplify this through the study of a particular model: the quantum symmetric exclusion process introduced in [1]. As in the classical case, the whole construction becomes intelligible by considering the dynamical symmetries of the problem

    Non-compact quantum spin chains as integrable stochastic particle processes

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    In this paper we discuss a family of models of particle and energy diffusion on a one-dimensional lattice, related to those studied previously in Sasamoto and Wadati (Phys Rev E 58:4181\u20134190, 1998), Barraquand and Corwin (Probab Theory Relat Fields 167(3\u20134):1057\u20131116, 2017) and Povolotsky (J Phys A 46(46):465205, 2013) in the context of KPZ universality class. We show that they may be mapped onto an integrable (2) Heisenberg spin chain whose Hamiltonian density in the bulk has been already studied in the AdS/CFT and the integrable system literature. Using the quantum inverse scattering method, we study various new aspects, in particular we identify boundary terms, modeling reservoirs in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics models, for which the spin chain (and thus also the stochastic process) continues to be integrable. We also show how the construction of a \u201cdual model\u201d of probability theory is possible and useful. The fluctuating hydrodynamics of our stochastic model corresponds to the semiclassical evolution of a string that derives from correlation functions of local gauge invariant operators of \ue23a=4 super Yang\u2013Mills theory (SYM), in imaginary-time. As any stochastic system, it has a supersymmetric completion that encodes for the thermal equilibrium theorems: we show that in this case it is equivalent to the (2|1) superstring that has been derived directly from \ue23a=4 SYM

    Oscillator construction of su(n|m) Q-operators

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    We generalize our recent explicit construction of the full hierarchy of Baxter Q-operators of compact spin chains with su(n) symmetry to the supersymmetric case su(n|m). The method is based on novel degenerate solutions of the graded Yang-Baxter equation, leading to an amalgam of bosonic and fermionic oscillator algebras. Our approach is fully algebraic, and leads to the exact solution of the associated compact spin chains while avoiding Bethe ansatz techniques. It furthermore elucidates the algebraic and combinatorial structures underlying the system of nested Bethe equations. Finally, our construction naturally reproduces the representation, due to Z. Tsuboi, of the hierarchy of Baxter Q-operators in terms of hypercubic Hasse diagrams. © 2011 Elsevier B.V

    Baxter Operators and Hamiltonians for "nearly all" Integrable Closed gl(n) Spin Chains

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    We continue our systematic construction of Baxter Q-operators for spin chains, which is based on certain degenerate solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation. Here we generalize our approach from the fundamental representation of gl(n) to generic finite-dimensional representations in quantum space. The results equally apply to non-compact representations of highest or lowest weight type. We furthermore fill an apparent gap in the literature, and provide the nearest-neighbor Hamiltonians of the spin chains in question for all cases where the gl(n) representations are described by rectangular Young diagrams, as well as for their infinite-dimensional generalizations. They take the form of digamma functions depending on operator-valued shifted weights

    Baxter q-operators and representations of yangians

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    We develop a new approach to Baxter Q-operators by relating them to the theory of Yangians, which are the simplest examples for quantum groups. Here we open up a new chapter in this theory and study certain degenerate solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation connected with harmonic oscillator algebras. These infinite-state solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation serve as elementary, "partonic" building blocks for other solutions via the standard fusion procedure. As a first example of the method we consider gl(n) compact spin chains and derive the full hierarchy of operatorial functional equations for all related commuting transfer matrices and Q-operators. This leads to a systematic and transparent solution of these chains, where the nested Bethe equations are derived in an entirely algebraic fashion, without any reference to the traditional Bethe Ansatz techniques. © 2011

    Towards the Amplituhedron Volume

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    21 pages; v2: version published in JHEPIt has been recently conjectured that scattering amplitudes in planar N=4 super Yang-Mills are given by the volume of the (dual) amplituhedron. In this paper we show some interesting connections between the tree-level amplituhedron and a special class of differential equations. In particular we demonstrate how the amplituhedron volume for NMHV amplitudes is determined by these differential equations. The new formulation allows for a straightforward geometric description, without any reference to triangulations. Finally we discuss possible implications for volumes related to generic N^kMHV amplitudes.Peer reviewe