2,284 research outputs found

    Improving human development through design education: the Osasco Design Studio (SP, Brazil) 2006-2009

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    The Research and Documentation Centre in Technology, Architecture and Town in Developing Countries (CRD-PVS) at Politecnico di Torino promotes research addressing habitat improvement under conditions that can be regarded as borderline in terms of climate or social emergence. It coordinates the post-graduate course in Habitat, Technology and Development, which trains architects and engineers to be capable of working with an integrated approach to design in different cultural, political and economic settings and identifying all available resources. Starting in academic year 2006/07, thanks to a framework agreement with the Municipality of Osasco (San Paolo, Brazil), the CRD-PVS organizes design workshops as part of the post-graduate course

    Planning for real: ICT as a tool in urban regeneration

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    One of the major worldwide issues in the informal settlements has been spotted in the absence or weakness of community awareness. The problem can be analysed through different perspectives, related to security and social behaviours, environmental care and energy consumption. In such a complex scenario, it has been considered that one of the biggest difficulties for the planning units of municipalities in metropolitan areas, who deal with illegal and marginal settlements upgrading projects, is to face with frictions and resistances in some degree to their decisions, projects and actions. In order to increase the awareness of citizenship, ICT can be considered as a revolutionary support in this context. Low cost and friendly tools could help to upgrade the educational level of low incoming people, opening the communities and increasing the sense of belonging to a urban context as well as a neighbourhood. Digital democracy through digital inclusion and e-learning can be aimed in order to let citizen know, participate, share, improve or criticise projects and actions

    Quantificação das mudanças hormonais promovidas por produtos químicos e microorganismos em arroz (Oryza sativa L.).

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    utilização de microorganismos em arroz com dupla ação, promoção do crescimento e proteção contra doenças vem sendo extensivamente estudada. Objetivou-se quantificar as mudanças hormonais promovidas por produtos químicos comerciais, duas bactérias e um fungo na cultura do arroz, isolados e em combinação um com o outro

    Manual de biossegurança em instalações com certificado de qualidade em biossegurança na Embrapa Arroz e Feijão.

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    Foi produzido o presente manual de biossegurança para a orientação nas diversas atividades desenvolvidas nas dependências regidas pelo Certificado de Qualidade em Biossegurança (CQB). Esclarece o significado de termos técnicos úteis empregados e apresenta um conjunto de normas e procedimentos que certamente minimizarão os riscos de trabalho e de uma possível liberação acidental de organismos geneticamente modificados.bitstream/CNPAF/26693/1/doc_216.pd

    Qualidade microbiológica do arroz comercializado em Goiânia, Goiás.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar a qualidade sanitária de vários tipos e marcas de arroz, consumidos e comercializados em Goiânia, GO, por meio da quantificação de fungos totais e de bactérias mesófilas presentes nas amostras; verificar se existe diferença entre os tipos de arroz quanto à presença de microrganismos; verificar se a carga microbiana nas amostras de arroz aumenta com o tempo de armazenamento e identificar, em nível de gênero, os fungos desenvolvidos nas amostras, tanto pelo método blotter test quanto pelo plaqueamento em profundidade.bitstream/item/28999/1/doc261.pd

    Variabilidade antagônica in vitro de isolados de Sarocladium oryzae aos principais patógenos do arroz.

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o antagonismo entre isolados de Sarocladium oryzae x Pyricularia oryzae, Sarocladium oryzae x Bipolaris oryzae e Sarocladium oryzae x M. oryzae.Pôster - pós-graduação

    Avaliação da variabilidade patogênica de Magnaporthe oryzae em duas séries diferenciadoras.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar a diversidade e a complexidade dos patótipos de M. oryzae oriundos de sistemas de cultivos de várzeas (irrigado) e de terras altas (sequeiro), utilizando-se a série diferenciadora internacional e a série de linhagens isogênicas

    Efeito de indutores de resistência contra brusone em arroz

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    Objetivou-se comparar o efeito do ácido-acetilsalicílico e do acibenzolar-s-metílico (Bion®) em diferentes concentrações como indutores de resistência contra o patógeno Pyricularia oryzae, aplicados sete dias antes da inoculação.Pôster - pós-graduação

    T2 lesion location really matters: a 10 year follow-up study in primary progressive multiple sclerosis

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    Objectives: Prediction of long term clinical outcome in patients with primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS) using imaging has important clinical implications, but remains challenging. We aimed to determine whether spatial location of T2 and T1 brain lesions predicts clinical progression during a 10-year follow-up in PPMS. Methods: Lesion probability maps of the T2 and T1 brain lesions were generated using the baseline scans of 80 patients with PPMS who were clinically assessed at baseline and then after 1, 2, 5 and 10 years. For each patient, the time (in years) taken before bilateral support was required to walk (time to event (TTE)) was used as a measure of progression rate. The probability of each voxel being ‘lesional’ was correlated with TTE, adjusting for age, gender, disease duration, centre and spinal cord cross sectional area, using a multiple linear regression model. To identify the best, independent predictor of progression, a Cox regression model was used. Results: A significant correlation between a shorter TTE and a higher probability of a voxel being lesional on T2 scans was found in the bilateral corticospinal tract and superior longitudinal fasciculus, and in the right inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (p<0.05). The best predictor of progression rate was the T2 lesion load measured along the right inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (p=0.016, hazard ratio 1.00652, 95% CI 1.00121 to 1.01186). Conclusion: Our results suggest that the location of T2 brain lesions in the motor and associative tracts is an important contributor to the progression of disability in PPMS, and is independent of spinal cord involvement

    Screening of bacterial isolates antagonists and suppressors of blast in rice plants.

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    Grain yields of rice (Oryza sativa) are affected globally by rice blast (Magnaporthe oryzae). The main objective of this study was to identify isolates of rhizobacterial antagonists of M. oryzae (BRM10781) and screen the most effective isolates for suppressing rice blast under greenhouse conditions. Two assays (E1 and E2) were performed with 22 treatments in a completely randomized design with three replicates. E1 investigated in vitro antagonism between 21 isolates and M. oryzae under laboratory conditions. The E2 experiments were conducted under greenhouse conditions, with rice cultivar BRS Primavera seeds in plastic trays containing 3 kg of fertilized soil. After 21 days, the rice leaves were spray-inoculated with a bacterial cell suspension (1 × 108 CFU) and M. oryzae (3 × 105 conidia.mL-1) or with water (absolute control). Seven isolates, Serratia marcescens (BRM65918, BRM65923, BRM65926, and BRM63532), Bacillus cereus (BRM65919), Stenotrophomonas nitritireducens (BRM65917), and Priestia megaterium (BRM65929), reduced radial growth of M. oryzae colonies from 80.26 to 77.33%. The best leaf blast severity reducers were Pseudomonas nitroreducens (BRM32112), B. thuringiensis (BRM65928), P. megaterium (BRM65916), S. marcescens (BRM65918), S. nematodiphila (BRM63522), and Enterobacter hormaechei (BRM65925), varying from 97 to 95% respectively. The isolate BRM65918 (S. marcescens) showed the best efficiency for both antagonism and disease suppression, indicating its potential as a bioproduct for the biocontrol of rice blast in rice plants