10 research outputs found

    Male-Produced Aggregation Pheromones of the Cerambycid Beetles Xylotrechus colonus and Sarosesthes fulminans

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    Adults of both sexes of the cerambycid beetles Xylotrechus colonus (F.) and Sarosesthes fulminans (F.) were attracted to odors produced by male conspecifics in olfactometer bioassays. Analyses of headspace volatiles from adults revealed that male X. colonus produced a blend of (R)- and (S)-3-hydroxyhexan-2-one and (2 S,3 S)- and (2R,3R)-2,3-hexanediol, whereas male S. fulminans produced (R)-3-hydroxyhexan-2-one and (2 S,3R)-2,3-hexanediol. All of these compounds were absent in the headspace of females. Two field bioassays were conducted to confirm the biological activity of the synthesized pheromones: (1) enantiomerically enriched pheromone components were tested singly and in species-specific blends and (2) four-component mixture of racemic 3-hydroxyhexan-2-one plus racemic 2-hydroxyhexan-3-one and the four-component blend of the stereoisomers of 2,3-hexanediols were tested separately and as a combined eight-component blend. In these experiments, adult male and female X. colonus were captured in greatest numbers in traps baited with the reconstructed blend of components produced by males, although significant numbers were also captured in traps baited with (R)-3-hydroxyhexan-2-one alone or in blends with other compounds. Too few adult S. fulminans were captured for a statistical comparison among treatments, but all were caught in traps baited with lures containing (R)-3-hydroxyhexan-2-one. In addition to these two species, adults of two other species of cerambycid beetles, for which pheromones had previously been identified, were caught: Neoclytus a. acuminatus (F.) and its congener Neoclytus m. mucronatus (F.). Cross-attraction of beetles to pheromone blends of other species, and to individual pheromone components that are shared by two or more sympatric species, may facilitate location of larval hosts by species that compete for the same host species

    Identification of components of male-produced pheromone of coffee white stemborer, Xylotrechus quadripes

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    The coffee white stem borer, Xylotrechus quadripes Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), is the foremost pest of arabica coffee in India,Sri Lanka, China, Vietnam, and Thailand. Previous work showed that female beetles were attracted to traps baited with male beetles. Analyses of volatiles from male X. quadripes of Indian origin by gas chromatography (GC) linked to electroantennographic (EAG) recording from a female beetle antenna showed three male-specific components comprising more than 90% of the volatiles, two of which elicited EAG responses. The major EAG-active component was produced at up to 2 mg hrj1 insectj1 and was identified as (S )-2-hydroxy-3-decanone (I) by comparison of GC data, and mass (MS), infrared, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra with those of synthetic standards. The second component was identified as 3-hydroxy-2-decanone (II) produced in part by isomerization of I under the conditions of the GC analysis, although the NMR spectrum suggested it is naturally produced at up to 7% of I. The minor component that elicited an EAG response,present at 7% of the amount of I, was identified as (S,S)-2,3-dihydroxyoctane (III) from GC and MS data. 2-Hydroxy-3-octanone (0.2– 0.5% of I), 2,3-decanedione (2% of I), 2-phenylethanol (3% of I), and octanoic acid (4% of I) were also identified in volatiles from male beetles. A general, stereospecific synthetic route to the enantiomers of 2-hydroxy-3- alkanones from the enantiomers of ethyl lactate was developed. The enantiomers of III were synthesized from (E)-2-octene by Sharpless asymmetric dihydroxylation. (S )-(I) was attractive to male X. quadripes in laboratory bioassays, but addition of (S,RS)-(III) at 10% of I reduced attractiveness. In field trials carried out in India with sticky, cross-vane traps, (S )- and (RS)-(I) attracted male X. quadripes and addition of (S,S)-(III) at 10% of I reduced attractiveness. Significant numbers of female Demonax balyi Pascoe (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) were sometimes caught in traps baited with (S )-(I) alon