164 research outputs found

    Static Safety for an Actor Dedicated Process Calculus by Abstract Interpretation

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    The actor model eases the definition of concurrent programs with non uniform behaviors. Static analysis of such a model was previously done in a data-flow oriented way, with type systems. This approach was based on constraint set resolution and was not able to deal with precise properties for communications of behaviors. We present here a new approach, control-flow oriented, based on the abstract interpretation framework, able to deal with communication of behaviors. Within our new analyses, we are able to verify most of the previous properties we observed as well as new ones, principally based on occurrence counting

    Automatic Verification of Erlang-Style Concurrency

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    This paper presents an approach to verify safety properties of Erlang-style, higher-order concurrent programs automatically. Inspired by Core Erlang, we introduce Lambda-Actor, a prototypical functional language with pattern-matching algebraic data types, augmented with process creation and asynchronous message-passing primitives. We formalise an abstract model of Lambda-Actor programs called Actor Communicating System (ACS) which has a natural interpretation as a vector addition system, for which some verification problems are decidable. We give a parametric abstract interpretation framework for Lambda-Actor and use it to build a polytime computable, flow-based, abstract semantics of Lambda-Actor programs, which we then use to bootstrap the ACS construction, thus deriving a more accurate abstract model of the input program. We have constructed Soter, a tool implementation of the verification method, thereby obtaining the first fully-automatic, infinite-state model checker for a core fragment of Erlang. We find that in practice our abstraction technique is accurate enough to verify an interesting range of safety properties. Though the ACS coverability problem is Expspace-complete, Soter can analyse these verification problems surprisingly efficiently.Comment: 12 pages plus appendix, 4 figures, 1 table. The tool is available at http://mjolnir.cs.ox.ac.uk/soter

    Rate Equations for Graphs

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    In this paper, we combine ideas from two different scientific traditions: 1) graph transformation systems (GTSs) stemming from the theory of formal languages and concurrency, and 2) mean field approximations (MFAs), a collection of approximation techniques ubiquitous in the study of complex dynamics. Using existing tools from algebraic graph rewriting, as well as new ones, we build a framework which generates rate equations for stochastic GTSs and from which one can derive MFAs of any order (no longer limited to the humanly computable). The procedure for deriving rate equations and their approximations can be automated. An implementation and example models are available online at https://rhz.github.io/fragger. We apply our techniques and tools to derive an expression for the mean velocity of a two-legged walker protein on DNA.Comment: to be presented at the 18th International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology (CMSB 2020

    Toward a comprehensive language for biological systems

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    Rule-based modeling has become a powerful approach for modeling intracellular networks, which are characterized by rich molecular diversity. Truly comprehensive models of cell behavior, however, must address spatial complexity at both the intracellular level and at the level of interacting populations of cells, and will require richer modeling languages and tools. A recent paper in BMC Systems Biology represents a signifcant step toward the development of a unified modeling language and software platform for the development of multi-level, multiscale biological models

    Coarse-grained brownian dynamics simulation of rule-based models

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    International audienceStudying spatial effects in signal transduction, such as co-localization along scaffold molecules, comes at a cost of complexity. In this paper, we propose a coarse-grained, particle-based spatial simulator, suited for large signal transduction models. Our approach is to combine the particle-based reaction and diffusion method, and (non-spatial) rule-based modeling: the location of each molecular complex is abstracted by a spheric particle, while its internal structure in terms of a site-graph is maintained explicit. The particles diffuse inside the cellular compartment and the colliding complexes stochastically interact according to a rule-based scheme. Since rules operate over molecular motifs (instead of full complexes), the rule set compactly describes a combinatorial or even infinite number of reactions. The method is tested on a model of Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK) cascade of yeast pheromone response signaling. Results demonstrate that the molecules of the MAPK cascade co-localize along scaffold molecules, while the scaffold binds to a plasma membrane bound upstream component, localizing the whole signaling complex to the plasma membrane. Especially we show, how rings stabilize the resulting molecular complexes and derive the effective dissociation rate constant for it

    Syntactic Markovian Bisimulation for Chemical Reaction Networks

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    In chemical reaction networks (CRNs) with stochastic semantics based on continuous-time Markov chains (CTMCs), the typically large populations of species cause combinatorially large state spaces. This makes the analysis very difficult in practice and represents the major bottleneck for the applicability of minimization techniques based, for instance, on lumpability. In this paper we present syntactic Markovian bisimulation (SMB), a notion of bisimulation developed in the Larsen-Skou style of probabilistic bisimulation, defined over the structure of a CRN rather than over its underlying CTMC. SMB identifies a lumpable partition of the CTMC state space a priori, in the sense that it is an equivalence relation over species implying that two CTMC states are lumpable when they are invariant with respect to the total population of species within the same equivalence class. We develop an efficient partition-refinement algorithm which computes the largest SMB of a CRN in polynomial time in the number of species and reactions. We also provide an algorithm for obtaining a quotient network from an SMB that induces the lumped CTMC directly, thus avoiding the generation of the state space of the original CRN altogether. In practice, we show that SMB allows significant reductions in a number of models from the literature. Finally, we study SMB with respect to the deterministic semantics of CRNs based on ordinary differential equations (ODEs), where each equation gives the time-course evolution of the concentration of a species. SMB implies forward CRN bisimulation, a recently developed behavioral notion of equivalence for the ODE semantics, in an analogous sense: it yields a smaller ODE system that keeps track of the sums of the solutions for equivalent species.Comment: Extended version (with proofs), of the corresponding paper published at KimFest 2017 (http://kimfest.cs.aau.dk/

    Rate Equations for Graphs

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    International audienceIn this paper, we combine ideas from two different scientifictraditions: 1) graph transformation systems (GTSs) stemming from thetheory of formal languages and concurrency, and 2) mean field approx-imations (MFAs), a collection of approximation techniques ubiquitousin the study of complex dynamics. Using existing tools from algebraicgraph rewriting, as well as new ones, we build a framework which gener-ates rate equations for stochastic GTSs and from which one can deriveMFAs of any order (no longer limited to the humanly computable). Theprocedure for deriving rate equations and their approximations can beautomated. An implementation and example models are available onlineat https://rhz.github.io/fragger. We apply our techniques and tools toderive an expression for the mean velocity of a two-legged walker proteinon DNA

    Sharing Ghost Variables in a Collection of Abstract Domains

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    International audienceWe propose a framework in which we share ghost variables across a collection of abstract domains allowing precise proofs of complex properties. In abstract interpretation, it is often necessary to be able to express complex properties while doing a precise analysis. A way to achieve that is to combine a collection of domains, each handling some kind of properties, using a reduced product. Separating domains allows an easier and more modular implementation, and eases soundness and termination proofs. This way, we can add a domain for any kind of property that is interesting. The reduced product, or an approximation of it, is in charge of refining abstract states, making the analysis precise. In program verification, ghost variables can be used to ease proofs of properties by storing intermediate values that do not appear directly in the execution. We propose a reduced product of abstract domains that allows domains to use ghost variables to ease the representation of their internal state. Domains must be totally agnostic with respect to other existing domains. In particular the handling of ghost variables must be entirely decentralized while still ensuring soundness and termination of the analysis
