82 research outputs found

    Using Simulated Annealing to Solve the Daily Drayage Problem with Hard Time Windows

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    Drayage is the stage of the intermodal transport that deals with transport of freight on trucks among the intermodal terminal, and customers and suppliers that are located in its hinterland. This work proposes an algorithm based on simulated annealing heuristics to solve the operations of drayage. This algorithm has been used to solve battery problems, demonstrating the validity and suitability of its results, which were compared with exact method

    Rapid Emergence of Free-Riding Behavior in New Pediatric Immunization Programs

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    BACKGROUND: Mathematical models have formalized how free-rider effects can threaten the stability of high vaccine coverage levels under established voluntary vaccination programs. However, little research has addressed the question of when free-riding begins to develop when a new vaccine is first introduced in a population. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here, we combine a game theoretical model of vaccinating behavior with an age-structured compartmental model to analyze rational vaccinating behavior in the first years of a universal immunization program, where a new vaccine is free to all children of a specified age. The model captures how successive birth cohorts face different epidemiological landscapes that have been shaped by the vaccinating decisions of previous birth cohorts, resulting in a strategic interaction between individuals in different birth cohorts. The model predicts a Nash equilibrium coverage level of for the first few birth cohorts under the new program. However, free-riding behavior emerges very quickly, with the Nash equilibrium vaccine coverage dropping significantly within 2-5 years after program initiation. Subsequently, a rich set of coupled dynamics between infection prevalence and vaccinating behaviors is possible, ranging from relatively stable (but reduced) coverage in later birth cohorts to wide fluctuations in vaccine coverage from one birth cohort to the next. Individual tolerance for vaccine risk also starts out at relatively high levels before dropping significantly within a few years. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results suggest that even relatively new immunization programs can be vulnerable to drops in vaccine coverage caused by vaccine scares and exacerbated by herd immunity effects, necessitating vigilance from the start

    The relationship between vehicle routing and scheduling and green logistics - a literature survey

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    The basic Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problem (VRSP) is described followed by an outline of solution approaches. Different variations of the basic VRSP are examined that involve the consideration of additional constraints or other changes in the structure of the appropriate model. An introduction is provided to Green Logistics issues that are relevant to vehicle routing and scheduling including discussion of the environmental objectives that should be considered. Particular consideration is given to VRSP models that relate to environmental issues including the timedependent VRSP, the transportation of hazardous materials and dynamic VRSP models. Finally some conclusions are drawn about further research needs in this area and the relation to road pricing

    A deterministic tabu search algorithm for the capacitated arc routing problem

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    The capacitated arc routing problem (CARP) is a difficult optimisation problem in vehicle routing with applications where a service must be provided by a set of vehicles on specified roads. A heuristic algorithm based on tabu search is proposed and tested on various sets of benchmark instances. The computational results show that the proposed algorithm produces high quality results within a reasonable computing time. Some new best solutions are reported for a set of test problems used in the literature

    A Deterministic Tabu Search Algorithm for the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem (CARP)

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    The Capacitated Arc Routing Problem (CARP) is a difficult optimisation problem in vehicle routing with applications where a service must be provided by a set of vehicles on specified roads. A heuristic algorithm based on Tabu Search is proposed and tested on various sets of benchmark instances. The computational results show that the proposed algorithm produces high quality results within a reasonable computing time. Some new best solutions are reported for a set of test problems used in the literature

    Vehicle routing and scheduling with time-varying data: A case study

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    A heuristic algorithm is described for vehicle routing and scheduling problems to minimise the total travel time, where the time required for a vehicle to travel along any road in the network varies according to the time of travel. The variation is caused by congestion that is typically greatest during morning and evening rush hours. The algorithm is used to schedule a fleet of delivery vehicles operating in the South West of the United Kingdom for a sample of days. The results demonstrate how conventional methods that do not take time-varying speeds into account when planning, except for an overall contingency allowance, may still lead to some routes taking too long. The results are analysed to show that in the case study using the proposed approach can lead to savings in CO2 emissions of about 7%

    Investigating the use of metaheuristics for solving single vehicle routing problems with time-varying traversal costs

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    Metaheuristic algorithms, such as simulated annealing and tabu search, are popular solution techniques for vehicle routing problems (VRPs). These approaches rely on iterative improvements to a starting solution, involving slight alterations to the routes (i.e. neighbourhood moves), moving a node to a different part of a solution, swapping nodes or inverting sections of a tour, for example. When working with standard VRPs, where the costs of the arcs do not vary with advancing time, evaluating changes to the total cost following a neighbourhood move is a simple process: simply subtract the costs of the links removed from the solution and add the costs for the new links. When a time varying aspect (e.g. congestion) is included in the costs, these calculations become estimations rather than exact values. This paper focuses on a single vehicle VRP, similar to the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) and investigates the potential for using estimation methods on simple models with time-variant costs, mimicking the effects of road congestion


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    A unified tabu search algorithm for vehicle routing problems with soft time windows

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    The different ways of allowing time window violations lead to different types of the vehicle routing problems with soft time windows (VRPSTW). In this paper, different types of VRPSTW are analysed. A unified penalty function and a unified tabu search algorithm for the main types of VRPSTW are presented, with which different types of VRPSTW can be solved by simply changing the values of corresponding parameters in the penalty function. Computational results on benchmark problems are provided and compared with other methods in the literature. Some best known solutions for the benchmark problems in the literature have been improved with the proposed algorithm