598,848 research outputs found

    Frames of translates with prescribed fine structure in shift invariant spaces

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    For a given finitely generated shift invariant (FSI) subspace \cW\subset L^2(\R^k) we obtain a simple criterion for the existence of shift generated (SG) Bessel sequences E(\cF) induced by finite sequences of vectors \cF\in \cW^n that have a prescribed fine structure i.e., such that the norms of the vectors in \cF and the spectra of S_{E(\cF)} is prescribed in each fiber of \text{Spec}(\cW)\subset \T^k. We complement this result by developing an analogue of the so-called sequences of eigensteps from finite frame theory in the context of SG Bessel sequences, that allows for a detailed description of all sequences with prescribed fine structure. Then, given 0<α1≤…≤αn0<\alpha_1\leq \ldots\leq \alpha_n we characterize the finite sequences \cF\in\cW^n such that ∥fi∥2=αi\|f_i\|^2=\alpha_i, for 1≤i≤n1\leq i\leq n, and such that the fine spectral structure of the shift generated Bessel sequences E(\cF) have minimal spread (i.e. we show the existence of optimal SG Bessel sequences with prescribed norms); in this context the spread of the spectra is measured in terms of the convex potential P^\cW_\varphi induced by \cW and an arbitrary convex function φ:R+→R+\varphi:\R_+\rightarrow \R_+.Comment: 31 pages. Accepted in the JFA. This revised version has several changes in the notation and the organization of the text. There exists text overlap with arXiv:1508.01739 in the preliminary section

    Cell-like resolutions preserving cohomological dimensions

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    We prove that for every compactum X with dim_Z X = 2 there is a cell-like resolution r: Z --> X from a compactum Z onto X such that dim Z <= n and for every integer k and every abelian group G such that dim_G X = 2 we have dim_G Z <=k. The latter property implies that for every simply connected CW-complex K such that e-dim X <= K we also have e-dim Z <= K.Comment: Published by Algebraic and Geometric Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/agt/AGTVol3/agt-3-46.abs.htm

    On the cohomology algebra of a fiber

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    Let f:E-->B be a fibration of fiber F. Eilenberg and Moore have proved that there is a natural isomorphism of vector spaces between H^*(F;F_p) and Tor^{C^*(B)}(C^*(E),F_p). Generalizing the rational case proved by Sullivan, Anick [Hopf algebras up to homotopy, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 2 (1989) 417--453] proved that if X is a finite r-connected CW-complex of dimension < rp+1 then the algebra of singular cochains C^*(X;F_p) can be replaced by a commutative differential graded algebra A(X) with the same cohomology. Therefore if we suppose that f:E-->B is an inclusion of finite r-connected CW-complexes of dimension < rp+1, we obtain an isomorphism of vector spaces between the algebra H^*(F;F_p) and Tor^{A(B)}(A(E),F_p) which has also a natural structure of algebra. Extending the rational case proved by Grivel-Thomas-Halperin [PP Grivel, Formes differentielles et suites spectrales, Ann. Inst. Fourier 29 (1979) 17--37] and [S Halperin, Lectures on minimal models, Soc. Math. France 9-10 (1983)] we prove that this isomorphism is in fact an isomorphism of algebras. In particular, $H^*(F;F_p) is a divided powers algebra and p-th powers vanish in the reduced cohomology \mathaccent "707E {H}^*(F;F_p).Comment: Published by Algebraic and Geometric Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/agt/AGTVol1/agt-1-36.abs.htm

    Conformal GUT inflation, proton lifetime and non-thermal leptogenesis

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    In this paper, we generalize Coleman-Weinberg (CW) inflation in grand unified theories (GUTs) such as SU(5)\text{SU}(5) and SO(10)\text{SO}(10) by means of considering two complex singlet fields with conformal invariance. In this framework, inflation emerges from a spontaneously broken conformal symmetry. The GUT symmetry implies a potential with a CW form, as a consequence of radiative corrections. The conformal symmetry flattens the above VEV branch of the CW potential to a Starobinsky plateau. As a result, we obtain ns∼1−2Nn_{s}\sim 1-\frac{2}{N} and r∼12N2r\sim \frac{12}{N^2} for N∼50−60N\sim 50-60 e-foldings. Furthermore, this framework allow us to estimate the proton lifetime as τp≲1040\tau_{p}\lesssim 10^{40} years, whose decay is mediated by the superheavy gauge bosons. Moreover, we implement a type I seesaw mechanism by weakly coupling the complex singlet, which carries two units of lepton number, to the three generations of singlet right handed neutrinos (RHNs). The spontaneous symmetry breaking of global lepton number amounts to the generation of neutrino masses. We also consider non-thermal leptogenesis in which the inflaton dominantly decays into heavy RHNs that sources the observed baryon asymmetry. We constrain the couplings of the inflaton field to the RHNs, which gives the reheating temperature as 106 GeV≲TR<10910^{6}\text{ GeV}\lesssim T_{R}<10^{9} GeV.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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