8,496 research outputs found

    Sustainability of small reservoirs and large scale water availability under current conditions and climate change

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    Semi-arid river basins often rely on reservoirs for water supply. Small reservoirs may impact on large-scale water availability both by enhancing availability in a distributed sense and by subtracting water for large downstream user communities, e.g. served by large reservoirs. Both of these impacts of small reservoirs are subject to climate change. Using a case-study on North-East Brazil, this paper shows that climate change impacts on water availability may be severe, and impacts on distributed water availability from small reservoirs may exceed impacts on centralised water availability from large reservoirs. Next, the paper shows that the effect of small reservoirs on water availability from large reservoirs may be significant, and increase both in relative and absolute sense under unfavourable climate change

    Neutron Charge Radius: Relativistic Effects and the Foldy Term

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    The neutron charge radius is studied within a light-front model with different spin coupling schemes and wave functions. The cancellation of the contributions from the Foldy term and Dirac form factor to the neutron charge form factor is verified for large nucleon sizes and it is independent of the detailed form of quark spin coupling and wave function. For the physical nucleon our results for the contribution of the Dirac form factor to the neutron radius are insensitive to the form of the wave function while they strongly depend on the quark spin coupling scheme.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, Latex, Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Genetic variation and correlation of agronomic traits in meadow bromegrass (Bromus riparius Rehm) clones.

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    Meadow bromegrass (Bromus riparius Rehm.) is a recently introduced pasture grass in western Canada. Its leafy production and rapid regrowth have made it a major grass species for pasturing beef animals in this region. As relatively little breeding work kas been done on this species, there is little information on its breeding behaviour. The main objective of this study was to estimate total genetic variability, broad-sense heritability, phenotypic and genetic correlations. Forty-four meadow bromegrass clones were evaluated for agronomic characters. Genetic variation for dry matter yield, seed yield, fertility index, harvest index, plant height, plant spread, crude protein, neutral de ter gent fiber and acid de ter gent fiber, was significant. Broad-sense heritability estimates exceeded 50% for all characters. Heritability estimates were at least 3.5 times greater than their standard errors. Phenotypic and genetic correlation between all possible characters were measured There was general agreement in both sign and magnitude between genetic and phenotypic correlations. Correlations between the different characters demonstrated that it is possible to simultaneously improve seed and forage yield. Based on the results, it appears that the development of higher yielding cultivars with higher crude protein, and lower acid and neutral detergent fibers concentration should be possible

    Implications of CO2 pooling on δ13C of ecosystem respiration and leaves in Amazonian forest

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    Journal ArticleThe carbon isotope of a leaf (δ13Cleaf) is generally more negative in riparian zones than in areas with low soil moisture content or rainfall input. In Central Amazonia, the small-scale topography is composed of plateaus and valleys, with plateaus generally having a lower soil moisture status than the valley edges in the dry season

    MANEJO de caprinos leiteiros na agricultura familiar.

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    Manejo das crias; Manejo das matrizes; Manejo sanitário; Escolha das raças. Equipe Técnica: Adriana Mello de Araújo, Tânia Maria Leal, Raimundo Bezerra de Araújo Neto, Robério dos Santos Sobreira, Francisco das Chagas Monteiro.bitstream/item/104135/1/Manejo-de-caprinos0001.pd

    Desempenho produtivo de ovinos em pastagem cultivada.

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    Gramíneas forrageiras para uso de caprinos e ovinos em pastejo.

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