13,369 research outputs found

    The demand for meat in South Africa: An almost ideal estimation

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    A Linear Approximated Almost Ideal Demand System (LA/AIDS), estimated in first differences, was used to anticipate the demand relations for meat (beef, chicken, pork and mutton) in South Africa from 1970 – 2000. Two tests for weak separability, including an F and Likelihood ratio version, failed to reject the null hypothesis of weak separability, confirming that the four meat products are separable, and should be modelled together. According to the Hausman exogeneity test, the expenditure term in the South African meat demand model is exogenous. As a result, a Restricted Seemingly Unrelated Regression (RSUR) was used to estimate the model, whereafter the parameters were used as to calculate compensated, uncompensated and expenditure elasticities.Demand and Price Analysis,

    A Linearized Almost Ideal Demand System (LA/AIDS) Estimation of the Demand for Meat in South Africa

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    A linear approximated Almost Ideal Demand System (LA/AIDS), estimated in first differences, were used to estimate the demand relations for meat (beef, chicken, pork and mutton) in South Africa from 1970 2000. Two tests for weak separability, including an F and Likelihood ratio version, failed to reject the null hypothesis of weak seperability, confirming that the four meat products are separable, and should be modelled together. According to the Hausman exogeneity test, the expenditure term in the South African meat demand model is exogenous. As a result, a Restricted Seemingly Unrelated Regression (RSUR) was used to estimate the model, whereafter the estimated parameters were used to estimate compensated, uncompensated and expenditure elasticities.Consumer/Household Economics,

    Choosing between the AIDS and Rotterdam models: A meat demand analysis case study

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    Due to the inability of economic theory to choose ex ante between the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) and the Rotterdam model, a non-nested test was used. The results of the non-nested test points to the Linearized-AIDS model applied to 31 years of meat consumption data in South Africa. When comparing the estimated demand relations of the two models, the LA/AIDS model also proved to be better fit for South African meat demand.Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Sifat Optik Film Disperse Red-1 Yang Dibuat Dengan Metode Efa-pvd

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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji efek permukaan substrat ITO dan medan listrik luar dalam mengatur orientasi molekul film DR-1; dan juga mengkaji sifat optik film DR-1 untuk aplikasi divais fotonik. Metode fabrikasi yang digunakan adalah metode EFA-PVD (Electric Field Assisted Physical Vapor Deposition,). Metode tersebut adalah modifikasi dari metodekonvensional PVD (Physical Vapor Deposition) yang dilengkapi dengan penambahan medan listrik luar (E) dalam chamber. Film dibuat di atas permukaan substrat ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) dengan deposisi molekul-molekul DR-1 oleh variasi medan listrik luar. Film dianalisis dan dikarakterisasidengan menggunakan spektroskopi SEM, difraksi sinar-X, dan reflektometer. Hasil analisis pengukuran SEM, dan difraksi sinar-X memperlihatkan bahwa molekul-molekul DR-1 tersusun teratur (stacking) tegak lurus permukaan substrat, yang menunjukkan suatu indikasi efek permukaan (surfactant effect) substrat yang kuat dari ikatan hidrogen (hydrogen bonding) molekul DR-1 dengan substrat. Hasil pengukuran sifat optik menunjukkan bahwa dengan peningkatan medan listrik luar, terjadi peningkatan konsentrasi molekul-molekul DR-1 yang terdeposisi teratur paralel (stacking) tegak lurus permukaan substrat yang ditandai dengan peningkatan indeks bias film
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