13 research outputs found

    Intelligent packaging – review

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    The article presents a discussion about intelligent packaging for monitoring and providing information about the product, its quality and exposures during transportation, storage, retail and usage. Intelligent packaging is defined as any packaging containing internal or external indicator which changes its properties by external conditions (e.g. temperature) or changes inside the packaging (e.g. Presence of metabolites produced during products’ aging). The author presents the principle of operation of indicators along with different examples (quality, temperature and time (TTI), presence of gas). Introduction of new technologies of preparing intelligent elements e.g. by printing, thus lowering cost of manufacturing, will support their more common use

    Utilization of agricultural and industrial wastes for metal removal from aqueous solutions

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    In this study a possibility of obtaining sorbents from basketry wastes has been investigated. Therefore, adsorption of cadmium ions on wicker bark of Salix americana has been studied. The obtained experimental results were described by the Freundlich equation and adsorption kinetics by the pseudo-second order equation. The effect of pH on cadmium ions adsorption by S. americana was also investigated. It has been found that for the pH values ranging from 2 to 7 cadmium removal from the solution was held at almost constant level

    Utilization of cellulose and wicker bark of Salix americana for copper adsorption from aqueous solutions

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    Celuloza jest naturalnym biopolimerem występującym w przyrodzie, m.in. w korze wierzbowej. Ze względu na swoją budowę chemiczną i morfologię ma właściwości adsorpcyjne. Kora Salix americana oraz innych wierzb plecionkarskich jest odpadem powstającym podczas korowania (uszlachetniania) wikliny, który dotychczas nie znalazł praktycznego zastosowania. Zarówno celuloza, jak i kora wierzbowa mogą adsorbować jony metali, ponieważ mają ugrupowania tlenowe zdolne do wymiany jonów. Kora oprócz celulozy składa się z ligniny, pektyn i garbników, które również mogą brać udział w usuwaniu jonów metali z roztworów. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki sorpcji miedzi Cu(II) na celulozie i korze wierzby plecionkarskiej Salix americana. Ze wzrostem pH roztworów następował wzrost adsorpcji miedzi na celulozie z 9 do 61% (pH 2,5 do 6,0). Wzrost wyjściowego stężenia Cu(II) powodował wzrost jej adsorpcji na celulozie przy jednoczesnym zmniejszaniu się stopnia usuwania miedzi od 61 do 8% (stężenie od 20 do 80 mg/dm3 odpowiednio). Natomiast czas wytrząsania nie wpływał znacząco na proces adsorpcji na celulozie. Kora lepiej adsorbowała miedź z roztworów niż celuloza, co spowodowane jest jej składem chemicznym. Stopień usuwania Cu(II) na korze z roztworu o stężeniu 30 mg/dm3 wynosił około 90% i nie zmieniał się znacząco z czasem wytrząsania. Z uwagi na zróżnicowany pod względem chemicznym skład kory wierzby plecionkarskiej użytej w badaniach trudno jednoznacznie określić, która z substancji ma decydujący wpływ na jej właściwości adsorpcyjne.Cellulose is a natural biopolymer abundant in the environment and among other things in wicker bark. Because of its chemical structure and morphology it has sorption properties. Bark of Salix americana and other wickers is a by-product of decortication (gentrification) of wicker, which so far has not found practical applications. Both cellulose and wicker bark are able to adsorb metal ions, because they have oxygen units, which are able to exchange ions. Apart from cellulose, bark consists of lignin, pectin and tannins, which can also take part in metal ions removal from solutions. This paper presents results of copper(II) adsorption on cellulose and wicker bark of Salix americana. The copper(II) adsorption on cellulose increases with pH increasing from 9 to 61% for pH 2.5 and 6.0, respectively. When the initial concentration of copper(II) is increased the adsorption of metal also increased in studied systems, but the removal of copper is decreased from 61 to 8%. The time of adsorption did not have significant effect on obtained results. Bark adsorbed copper better than cellulose due to its complex chemical composition. Removal of Cu(II) on bark from the solution of 30 mg/dm3 was about 90% and has not changed significantly with shaking time. In view of the complex chemical composition of wicker bark used in the experiments it is difficult to undoubtedly determine which substance has significant effect on its sorption properties

    Utilization of agricultural and industrial wastes for metal removal from aqueous solutions

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    In this study a possibility of obtaining sorbents from basketry wastes has been investigated. Therefore, adsorption of cadmium ions on wicker bark of Salix americana has been studied. The obtained experimental results were described by the Freundlich equation and adsorption kinetics by the pseudo-second order equation. The effect of pH on cadmium ions adsorption by S. americana was also investigated. It has been found that for the pH values ranging from 2 to 7 cadmium removal from the solution was held at almost constant level

    Inteligentne opakowania - badania i rozwój

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    Packaging also fosters effective marketing of the food through distribution and sale channels. It is of the utmost importance to optimize the protection of the food, a great quality and appearance - better than typical packaged foods. In recent years, intelligent packaging became very popular. Intelligent packaging is becoming more and more widely used for food products. Application of this type of solution contributes to improvement of the quality consumer life undoubtedly. Intelligent packaging refers to a package that can sense environmental changes, and in turn, informs the users about the changes. These packaging systems contain devices that are capable of sensing and providing information about the functions and properties of the packaged foods. Also, this paper will review intelligent packaging technologies and describe different types of indicators (time-temperature indicators, freshness indicators).Opakowania umożliwiają efektywny marketing żywności przy zastosowaniu różnych kanałów sprzedaży i dystrybucji. Najważniejszym zadaniem jest optymalizacja ochrony żywności, jej jakości i wyglądu. W przeciągu ostatnich lat, wzrasta popularność opakowań inteligentnych, które zaczynają być stosowane dla coraz to większej liczby produktów żywnościowych. Zastosowania ich przyczyniają się do poprawy życia konsumenta. Określenie "opakowania inteligentne" stosuje się do opakowań wyczuwających zmiany w otoczeniu oraz będących w stanie informować o tych zmianach. Systemy opakowaniowe zawierają w sobie urządzenia wykrywające i dostarczające informacji dotyczących stanu zapakowanej żywności. Praca ta dokonuje przeglądu technologii opakowań inteligentnych oraz opisuje różnego rodzaju wskaźniki (temperatury, czasu i świeżości)

    Equilibrium and rate of iron(III) extraction from chloride solutions by individual hydrophobic extractants and their mixtures

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    The main goal of this work was to study and compare the rate of iron(III) extraction from chloride solutions by commercial extractants: Alamine 336, TOPO and LIX 54 and their mixtures. Using the interfacial tension data, obtained for mixed systems, the values of surface mole fraction and molecular interaction parameter of extractants were estimated. Determination of the extraction rates was performed by using the Lewis-type stirred transfer cell. It was found that the extraction efficiency of extractants are changed in the following order: Alamine 336>TOPO>β-diketone. The addition of a chelating extractant to the system decreases the extraction efficiency, for example the addition of β-diketone to TOPO decreases the extraction efficiency by about 50%

    Equilibrium and rate of iron(III) extraction from chloride solutions by individual hydrophobic extractants and their mixtures

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    The main goal of this work was to study and compare the rate of iron(III) extraction from chloride solutions by commercial extractants: Alamine 336, TOPO and LIX 54 and their mixtures. Using the interfacial tension data, obtained for mixed systems, the values of surface mole fraction and molecular interaction parameter of extractants were estimated. Determination of the extraction rates was performed by using the Lewis-type stirred transfer cell. It was found that the extraction efficiency of extractants are changed in the following order: Alamine 336>TOPO>β-diketone. The addition of a chelating extractant to the system decreases the extraction efficiency, for example the addition of β-diketone to TOPO decreases the extraction efficiency by about 50%

    Alternativas para o tratamento de efluentes da indústria galvânica Alternatives for the galvanic wastewater treatment

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    Os métodos de precipitação química, cristalização e extração líquido-líquido foram aplicados visando propor alternativas para o tratamento de efluentes líquidos gerados pela indústria de galvanoplastia. Efluentes de diversas empresas do setor, localizadas no estado de Minas Gerais (Brasil), foram coletados e caracterizados. O efluente estudado, proveniente de empresa de galvanização de zinco a quente, continha cerca de 90 g/L de ferro total, 35 g/L de zinco e menores quantidades de Al, Ni e Cu, em meio ácido clorídrico (pH = 0,6). A separação seletiva entre ferro e zinco não se mostrou eficiente por precipitação, sendo a técnica adequada somente no tratamento do efluente, ao contrário da cristalização e extração líquido-líquido utilizando-se TBP como agente extratante. A integração destas técnicas ainda requer estudos mais detalhados visando à otimização de custos e das condições operacionais.<br>Separation methods such as chemical precipitation, crystallization and liquid-liquid extraction have been investigated aiming to treat effluents generated by the galvanic industry. Effluent samples generated by several companies located in the state of Minas Gerais (Brazil) were collected and chemically characterized. For this work, a typical zinc hot-dip galvanizing effluent containing about 90 g/L of total iron, 35 g/L of zinc and minor amounts of Al, Ni, Cu, in HCl medium (pH = 0.6) was treated. A selective separation between metals zinc and iron was not achieved by chemical precipitation, which was found adequate to threat water only. On contrary, zinc and iron was separated very efficiently by crystallization and liquid-liquid extraction using TBP as extractant agent. The integration of these methods to recover zinc and iron from effluent still requires more detailed studies

    Kinetic amplification of the enantioselective cleavage of alpha-amino acid esters by metallomicelles

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    The enantioselective cleavages of p-nitrophenyl esters of phenylalanine (PhePNP), phenylglycine (PhgPNP), and leucine (LeuPNP) catalyzed by Cu(II) complexes of homochiral ligands have been investigated in conditions of very fast change of pH ("pH-jump") at the beginning of the reaction. Using lipophilic ligands comicellized with hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide and decreasing the pH from 9 to 5, a remarkable amplification of the enantioselectivity has been observed when compared to the same reaction performed at constant pH (from 24 to 58 for PhgPNP, as the ratios of the rate constants measured for the faster and slower reacting enantiomers). This has been correlated with the changes in the ligand/Cu(II) complex concentration induced by the change of pH. In fact, it has been established that under the conditions employed the faster enantiomer of the substrate reacts with a higher concentration of catalyst than the slower one: in the first case the reaction occurs before decomplexation takes place and in the second case after decomplexation is virtually complete