1,274 research outputs found

    Study of underlying particle spectrum during huge X-ray flare of Mkn 421 in April 2013

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    Context: In April 2013, the nearby (z=0.031) TeV blazar, Mkn 421, showed one of the largest flares in X-rays since the past decade. Aim: To study all multiwavelength data available during MJD 56392 to 56403, with special emphasis on X-ray data, and understand the underlying particle energy distribution. Methods: We study the correlations between the UV and gamma bands with the X-ray band using the z-transformed discrete correlation function. We model the underlying particle spectrum with a single population of electrons emitting synchrotron radiation, and do a statistical fitting of the simultaneous, time-resolved data from the Swift-XRT and the NuSTAR. Results: There was rapid flux variability in the X-ray band, with a minimum doubling timescale of 1.69±0.131.69 \pm 0.13 hrs. There were no corresponding flares in UV and gamma bands. The variability in UV and gamma rays are relatively modest with ∼8% \sim 8 \% and ∼16%\sim 16 \% respectively, and no significant correlation was found with the X-ray light curve. The observed X-ray spectrum shows clear curvature which can be fit by a log parabolic spectral form. This is best explained to originate from a log parabolic electron spectrum. However, a broken power law or a power law with an exponentially falling electron distribution cannot be ruled out either. Moreover, the excellent broadband spectrum from 0.3−790.3-79 keV allows us to make predictions of the UV flux. We find that this prediction is compatible with the observed flux during the low state in X-rays. However, during the X-ray flares, the predicted flux is a factor of 2−502-50 smaller than the observed one. This suggests that the X-ray flares are plausibly caused by a separate population which does not contribute significantly to the radiation at lower energies. Alternatively, the underlying particle spectrum can be much more complex than the ones explored in this work.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, Accepted in A&

    A fit to the simultaneous broadband spectrum of Cygnus X-1 using the transition disk model

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    We have used the transition disk model to fit the simultaneous broad band (2−5002-500 keV) spectrum of Cygnus X-1 from OSSE and Ginga observations. In this model, the spectrum is produced by saturated Comptonization within the inner region of the accretion disk, where the temperature varies rapidly with radius. In an earlier attempt, we demonstrated the viability of this model by fitting the data from EXOSAT, XMPC balloon and OSSE observations, though these were not made simultaneously. Since the source is known to be variable, however, the results of this fit were not conclusive. In addition, since only once set of observations was used, the good agreement with the data could have been a chance occurrence. Here, we improve considerably upon our earlier analysis by considering four sets of simultaneous observations of Cygnus X-1, using an empirical model to obtain the disk temperature profile. The vertical structure is then obtained using this profile and we show that the analysis is self- consistent. We demonstrate conclusively that the transition disk spectrum is a better fit to the observations than that predicted by the soft photon Comptonization model. Since the temperature profile is obtained by fitting the data, the unknown viscosity mechanism need not be specified. The disk structure can then be used to infer the viscosity parameter α\alpha, which appears to vary with radius and luminosity. This behavior can be understood if α\alpha depends intrinsically on the local parameters such as density, height and temperature. However, due to uncertainties in the radiative transfer, quantitative statements regarding the variation of α\alpha cannot yet be made.Comment: 8 figures. uses aasms4.sty, accepted by ApJ (Mar 98

    Tagging single muons and other long-flying relativistic charged particles by ultra-fast timing in air Cherenkov telescopes

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    Atmospheric air Cherenkov telescopes are successfully used for ground-based, very high-energy (VHE) gamma ray astronomy. Triggers from the so-called single muon and other long-flying relativistic charged particle events are an unwanted background for the Cherenkov telescope. Because of low rate at TeV energies the muon background is unimportant. It is much more intense for telescopes with high photon sensitivity and low energy threshold. Below a few hundred GeV energy, the so-called muon background becomes so intense, that it can deteriorate the sensitivity of telescopes (the so-called muon-wall problem). From general considerations it can be anticipated that the signature of these particles should be a light pulse with a narrow time structure. In fact, simulations show that the pulses from muons have a very narrow time profile that is well below the time resolutions of nearly all currently operating telescopes. In this report we elaborate on the time profile of Cherenkov light from the so-called single muons and show that a telescope with ultra-fast time response can open a new dimension allowing one to tag and to reject those events.Comment: Accepted by Astroparticle Physic

    Broadband study of blazar 1ES 1959+650 during flaring state in 2016

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    Aim : The nearby TeV blazar 1ES 1959+650 (z=0.047) was reported to be in flaring state during June - July 2016 by Fermi-LAT, FACT, MAGIC and VERITAS collaborations. We studied the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) in different states of the flare during MJD 57530 - 57589 using simultaneous multiwaveband data to understand the possible broadband emission scenario during the flare. Methods : The UV/optical and X-ray data from UVOT and XRT respectively on board Swift and high energy γ\gamma-ray data from Fermi-LAT are used to generate multiwaveband lightcurves as well as to obtain high flux states and quiescent state SEDs. The correlation and lag between different energy bands is quantified using discrete correlation function. The synchrotron self Compton (SSC) model was used to reproduce the observed SEDs during flaring and quiescent states of the source. Results : A decent correlation is seen between X-ray and high energy γ\gamma-ray fluxes. The spectral hardening with increase in the flux is seen in X-ray band. The powerlaw index vs flux plot in γ\gamma-ray band indicates the different emission regions for 0.1 - 3 GeV and 3-300 GeV energy photons. Two zone SSC model satisfactorily fits the observed broadband SEDs. The inner zone is mainly responsible for producing synchrotron peak and high energy γ\gamma-ray part of the SED in all states. The second zone is mainly required to produce less variable optical/UV and low energy γ\gamma-ray emission. Conclusions : Conventional single zone SSC model does not satisfactorily explain broadband emission during observation period considered. There is an indication of two emission zones in the jet which are responsible for producing broadband emission from optical to high energy γ\gamma-rays.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, Accepted in A&
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