84 research outputs found
Semiclassical (Quantum Field Theory) and Quantum (String) de Sitter Regimes: New Results
We compute the quantum string entropy S_s(m, H) from the microscopic string
density of states rho_s (m,H) of mass m in de Sitter space-time. We find for
high m, a {\bf new} phase transition at the critical string temperature T_s=
(1/2 pi k_B)L c^2/alpha', higher than the flat space (Hagedorn) temperature
t_s. (L = c/H, the Hubble constant H acts at the transition as producing a
smaller string constant alpha' and thus, a higher tension). T_s is the precise
quantum dual of the semiclassical (QFT Hawking-Gibbons) de Sitter temperature
T_sem = hbar c /(2\pi k_B L). We find a new formula for the full de Sitter
entropy S_sem (H), as a function of the usual Bekenstein-Hawking entropy
S_sem^(0)(H). For L << l_{Planck}, ie. for low H << c/l_Planck,
S_{sem}^{(0)}(H) is the leading term, but for high H near c/l_Planck, a new
phase transition operates and the whole entropy S_sem (H) is drastically
different from the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy S_sem^(0)(H). We compute the
string quantum emission cross section by a black hole in de Sitter (or
asymptotically de Sitter) space-time (bhdS). For T_sem ~ bhdS << T_s, (early
evaporation stage), it shows the QFT Hawking emission with temperature T_sem ~
bhdS, (semiclassical regime). For T_sem ~ bhdS near T_{s}, it exhibits a phase
transition into a string de Sitter state of size L_s = l_s^2/L}, l_s=
\sqrt{\hbar alpha'/c), and string de Sitter temperature T_s. Instead of
featuring a single pole singularity in the temperature (Carlitz transition), it
features a square root branch point (de Vega-Sanchez transition). New bounds on
the black hole radius r_g emerge in the bhdS string regime: it can become r_g =
L_s/2, or it can reach a more quantum value, r_g = 0.365 l_s.Comment: New original materia
Semiclassical (QFT) and Quantum (String) anti - de Sitter Regimes: New Results
We compute the quantum string entropy S_s(m, H) from the microscopic string
density of states of mass m in Anti de Sitter space-time. For high m, (high Hm
-->c/\alpha'), no phase transition occurs at the Anti de Sitter string
temperature T_{s} which is higher than the flat space (Hagedorn) temperature
t_{s}. (the Hubble constant H acts as producing a smaller string constant and
thus, a higher tension). T_s is the precise quantum dual of the semiclassical
(QFT) Anti de Sitter temperature scale . We compute the quantum string emission
by a black hole in Anti de Sitter space-time (bhAdS). In the early evaporation
stage, it shows the QFT Hawking emission with temperature T_{sem~bhAdS},
(semiclassical regime). For T_{sem~bhAdS}--> T_{s}, it exhibits a phase
transition into a Anti de Sitter string state. New string bounds on the black
hole emerge in the bhAdS string regime. We find a new formula for the full
(quantum regime included) Anti de Sitter entropy S_{sem}, as a function of the
usual Bekenstein-Hawking entropy S_{sem}^(0). For low H (semiclassical regime),
S_{sem}^(0) is the leading term but for high H (quantum regime), no phase
transition operates, in contrast to de Sitter space, and the entropy S_{sem} is
very different from the Bekenstein-Hawking term S_{sem}^(0).Comment: Comments 26 pages; no figure
Monitoring of Rehabilitation of Degraded Rangelands
The Algerian steppe covers an area of about 20 million ha, and is the barrier between the desert and the Mediterranean region. With more than 20 million sheep, overgrazing is an important issue resulting in continued degradation of the natural resources (Nedjraoui and Bedrani 2008). Trials of the rehabilitation of these ecosystems were undertaken in a participatory process with farmers complemented by some detailed monitoring of the responses in experimental plots (Hammouda 2009; Bouchareb 2012). This study reports on some results of the ecological monitoring and evaluation for a participatory project, in the steppe of South Algiers, conducted by a multidisciplinary team
Semiclassical (QFT) and Quantum (String) Rotating Black Holes and their Evaporation: New Results
Combination of both quantum field theory (QFT) and string theory in curved
backgrounds in a consistent framework, the string analogue model, allows us to
provide a full picture of the Kerr-Newman black hole and its evaporation going
beyond the current picture. We compute the quantum emission cross section of
strings by a Kerr-Newmann black hole (KNbh). It shows the black hole emission
at the Hawking temperature T_{sem} in the early evaporation and the new string
emission featuring a Hagedorn transition into a string state of temperature T_
s at the last stages. New bounds on the angular momentum J and charge Q emerge
in the quantum string regime. The last state of evaporation of a semiclassical
KNbh is a string state of temperature T_s, mass M_s, J = 0 = Q, decaying as a
quantum string into all kinds of particles.(There is naturally, no loss of
information, (no paradox at all)). We compute the microscopic string entropy
S_s(m, j) of mass m and spin mode j. (Besides the usual transition at T_s), we
find for high j, (extremal string states) a new phase transition at a
temperature T_{sj} higher than T_s. We find a new formula for the Kerr black
hole entropy S_{sem}, as a function of the usual Bekenstein-Hawking entropy .
For high angular momentum, (extremal J = GM^2/c), a gravitational phase
transition operates and the whole entropy S_{sem} is drastically different from
the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. This new extremal black hole transition occurs
at a temperature T_{sem J} higher than the Hawking temperature T_{sem}.Comment: New articl
Uniqueness Theorem for Black Hole Space-Times with Multiple Disconnected Horizons
We show uniqueness of stationary and asymptotically flat black hole
space-times with multiple disconnected horizons and with two rotational Killing
vector fields in the context of five-dimensional minimal supergravity
(Einstein-Maxwell-Chern-Simons gravity). The novelty in this work is the
introduction in the uniqueness theorem of intrinsic local charges measured near
each horizon as well as the measurement of local fluxes besides the asymptotic
charges that characterize a particular solution. A systematic method of
defining the boundary conditions on the fields that specify a black hole
space-time is given based on the study of its rod structure (domain structure).
Also, an analysis of known solutions with disconnected horizons is carried out
as an example of an application of this theorem.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures. v3: Further improvements on uniqueness theorem,
Lemma introduced for clarity of derivation, new quantities introduced to
treat special case with zero flux, refs. added, typos fixe
Uniqueness and nonuniqueness of the stationary black holes in 5D Einstein-Maxwell and Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity
In the present paper we investigate the general problem of uniqueness of the
stationary black solutions in 5D Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity with
arbitrary dilaton coupling parameter containing the Einstein-Maxwell gravity as
a particular case. We formulate and prove uniqueness theorems classifying the
stationary black hole solutions in terms of their interval structure, electric
and magnetic charges and the magnetic fluxes. The proofs are based on the
nonpositivity of the Riemann curvature operator on the space of the potentials
which imposes restrictions on the dilaton coupling parameter.Comment: 21 pages, LaTe
Black hole mass and angular momentum in topologically massive gravity
We extend the Abbott-Deser-Tekin approach to the computation of the Killing
charge for a solution of topologically massive gravity (TMG) linearized around
an arbitrary background. This is then applied to evaluate the mass and angular
momentum of black hole solutions of TMG with non-constant curvature
asymptotics. The resulting values, together with the appropriate black hole
entropy, fit nicely into the first law of black hole thermodynamics.Comment: 20 pages, references added, version to appear in Classical and
Quantum Gravit
A General Black String and its Microscopics
Using G2(2) dualities we construct the most general black string solution of
minimal five-dimensional ungauged supergravity. The black string has five
independent parameters, namely, the magnetic one-brane charge, smeared electric
zero-brane charge, boost along the string direction, energy above the BPS
bound, and rotation in the transverse space. In one extremal limit it reduces
to the three parameter supersymmetric string of five-dimensional minimal
supergravity; in another extremal limit it reduces to the three parameter
non-supersymmetric extremal string of five-dimensional minimal supergravity. It
also admits an extremal limit when it has maximal rotation in the
four-dimensional transverse space. The decoupling limit of our general black
string is a BTZ black hole times a two sphere. The macroscopic entropy of the
string is reproduced by the Maldacena-Strominger-Witten CFT in appropriate
ranges of the parameters. When the pressureless condition is imposed, our
string describes the infinite radius limit of the most general class of black
rings of minimal supergravity. We discuss implications our solution has for
extremal and non-extremal black rings of minimal supergravity.Comment: 35 pages; 3 figures; v2 section 4.1.1 rewritten + minor changes + ref
All Vacuum Near-Horizon Geometries in -dimensions with Commuting Rotational Symmetries
We explicitly construct all stationary, non-static, extremal near horizon
geometries in dimensions that satisfy the vacuum Einstein equations, and
that have commuting rotational symmetries. Our work generalizes
[arXiv:0806.2051] by Kunduri and Lucietti, where such a classification had been
given in . But our method is different from theirs and relies on a
matrix formulation of the Einstein equations. Unlike their method, this matrix
formulation works for any dimension. The metrics that we find come in three
families, with horizon topology , or ,
or quotients thereof. Our metrics depend on two discrete parameters specifying
the topology type, as well as continuous parameters. Not all of
our metrics in seem to arise as the near horizon limits of known
black hole solutions.Comment: 22 pages, Latex, no figures, title changed, references added,
discussion of the parameters specifying solutions corrected, amended to match
published versio
G2 Dualities in D=5 Supergravity and Black Strings
Five dimensional minimal supergravity dimensionally reduced on two commuting
Killing directions gives rise to a G2 coset model. The symmetry group of the
coset model can be used to generate new solutions by applying group
transformations on a seed solution. We show that on a general solution the
generators belonging to the Cartan and nilpotent subalgebras of G2 act as
scaling and gauge transformations, respectively. The remaining generators of G2
form a sl(2,R)+sl(2,R) subalgebra that can be used to generate non-trivial
charges. We use these generators to generalize the five dimensional Kerr string
in a number of ways. In particular, we construct the spinning electric and
spinning magnetic black strings of five dimensional minimal supergravity. We
analyze physical properties of these black strings and study their
thermodynamics. We also explore their relation to black rings.Comment: typos corrected (26 pages + appendices, 2 figures
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