253 research outputs found

    Barber\u27s pole worm : a new solution

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    Barber\u27s pole worm (Haemonchus contortus) has been a major problem to the sheep industry for many years. About ten million sheep graze in Western Australia\u27s high rainfall areas where barber\u27s pole worm is prevalent, and the annual cost of losses and control totals millions of dollars each year. Research in progress in Albany now offers the prospect of prolomged and reliable control of barber\u27s pole worm, by means of few drench treatments

    The bush tick

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    A newly discovered livestock parasite has focused attention on farms in the Walpole district in the south-west of Western Australia. Ticks submitted to the Department of Agriculture in December 983 were identified as the bush tick, Haemaphysalis longicornis. An intensive campaign to locate areas of infestation and to limit spread was started in January 1984. The bush tick is a pest of livestock in some areas of New South Wales and Queensland. It is important in a narrow coastal strip from Sydney to Brisbane where total summer rainfall can exceed 1000 mm. In this area heavy tick infestation causes anaemia and ill thrift in cattle. Occasionally, massive numbers of ticks, from 10,000 to 20,000 per beast, may cause death. Fortunately the bush tick does not carry tick fever or any other stock disease. However, in areas with drier summers such as the south-west of Western Australia, the tick is rarely found in large numbers and control measures are seldom necessary. Before a decision is taken to limit or contain the tick\u27s spreadin this State, information is needed on: How far has the tick spread? How far it is likely to spread? How important it is likely to be in Western Australia? How can it be controlle


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    The purpose of this study was to simulate dynamic trapeze sailing to determine the stress placed on the musculoskeletal system. Muscle activations from the erector spinae and external oblique musculature were measured using electromyography and combined with joint kinematics to analyse several dynamic trapeze sailing postures. Dynamic trapeze sailing involved stresses to the musculoskeletal system that previous studies failed to indicate. These stresses included constant use of external oblique and erector spinae musculature to stabilise the trunk, rapid extensionfrotation of the trunk coupled with eccentric muscle contraction during dynamic body pumping techniques, and increases in muscle activations owing to asymmetrical body positions. These results have implications for trapeze harness design and injury prevention

    Farmers\u27 estimations of sheep weights to calculate drench dose

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    Undersosing with drenches is a mojor cause of anthelmintic (drench) resistance in worm parasites of sheep. When farmers use a drench at less than the recommended dose rate, some worms may survive, and their ability to resist treatment with the chemical involved is passed to their offspring. Over a period of time, matings between worms with different degrees of resistance can produce individuals able to resist the drench at the recommended dose rate or even higher. Farmers must use adequate dose rates so that worms do not have a chance to survive treatment

    Computer modelling of anthelmintic resistance and worm control outcomes for refugia-based nematode control strategies in Merino ewes in Western Australia

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    This study utilised computer simulation modelling (Risk Management Model for Nematodes) to investigate the impact of different parasite refugia scenarios on the development of anthelmintic resistance and worm control effectiveness. The simulations were conducted for adult ewe flocks in a Mediterranean climatic region over a 20 year time period. Factors explored in the simulation exercise were environment (different weather conditions), drug efficacy, the percentage of the flock left untreated, the timing of anthelmintic treatments, the initial worm egg count, and the number of drenches per annum. The model was run with variable proportions of the flock untreated (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50%), with ewes selected at random so that reductions in the mean worm burden or egg count were proportional to the treated section of the flock. Treatments to ewes were given either in summer (December; low refugia potential, hence highly selective) or autumn (March; less selective due to a greater refugia potential), and the use of different anthelmintics was simulated to indicate the difference between active ingredients of different efficacy. Each model scenario was run for two environments, specifically a lower rainfall area (more selective) and a higher rainfall area (less selective) within a Mediterranean climatic zone, characterised by hot, dry summers and cool, wet winters. Univariate general linear models with least square difference post-hoc tests were used to examine differences between means of factors. The results confirmed that leaving a proportion of sheep in a flock untreated was effective in delaying the development of anthelmintic resistance, with as low as 10% of a flock untreated sufficient to significantly delay resistance, although this strategy was associated with a small reduction in worm control. Administering anthelmintics in autumn rather than summer was also effective in delaying the development of anthelmintic resistance in the lower rainfall environment where all sheep were treated, although the effect of treatment timing on worm control effectiveness varied between the environments and the proportion of ewes left untreated. The use of anthelmintics with higher efficacy delayed the development of resistance, but the initial worm egg count or number of annual treatments had no effect on either the time to resistance development or worm control effectiveness. In conclusion, the modelling study suggests that leaving a small proportion of ewes untreated, or changing the time of treatment, can delay the onset of anthelmintic resistance in a highly selective environmen

    Survey of parasite control practices in sheep and cattle

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    Farms in the Albany, Esperance, Jerramungup and Katanning districts were surveyed to determine parasite control strategies currently used, to evaluate the adoption of recommended control practices and to detect areas of ineffective parasite control. For cattle, the number of drenches given in the low rainfall zone was higher than the number given in the high rainfall zone

    A survey of drench resistance in sheep worms

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    Sheep worms which are resistant to chemical drenches have been detected with increasing freuency is Western Australia\u27s south-western farming areas between 977 and 1980. These worms have anthelmintic resistance and such genetis resistance puts essential internal parasite control practices at risk. This prompted veterinarians in the Esperance, Albany, Bunbury, Geraldton and Northam areas to survey farms to determine the prevalence of resistance to drenches and to define those sheep management practices which encourage its development. This article describes the survey which was conducted to assess the extent of drench resistance, what causes its build-up and how it can be controlled by using a combination of drenching programme changes and sheep management practices. It has been estimated that drench resistance alone could cost the State\u27s sheep industry 4millionto4 million to 6 million a year in lost production, and, as shis survey shows, there is potential for far greater costs if resistance continues to increase

    Novel approaches for the serodiagnosis of louse-borne relapsing fever

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    Louse-borne relapsing fever (LBRF) caused by B. recurrentis is a poverty-related and neglected infectious disease with an endemic focus in the Horn of Africa. Re-emergence of the disease occurred in Europe during the refugee crisis in 2015 and sporadic outbreaks were frequently reported in Eastern Africa where poor settings lack affordable diagnostics. Currently, there are no validated in vitro assays available for the serodiagnosis of LBRF. The aim of this study was to develop novel and reliable immunoassays by investigating clinically suspected and culture-confirmed serum samples from LBRF patients and a broad panel of serum samples from patients with other spirochetal, bacterial, and parasitic diseases. We identified two immunoreactive antigens (complement-inhibiting protein CihC and the glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase GlpQ of B. recurrentis) as the most promising target candidates leading to the evaluation of two immunoassays (line immunoblot and ELISA) for IgM and IgG. To optimize the IgM immunoassay, we conducted a bioinformatic approach to localize the relevant immunogenic regions within CihC. By utilizing a N-terminal CihC fragment, the sensitivity and specificity of both immunoassays (CihC and GlpQ) were high (IgM: sensitivity 100%, specificity of 89.9%, IgG: sensitivity 100%, specificity 99.2%). In conclusion, our findings indicate the diagnostic potential of CihC and GlpQ as valuable markers for the serodiagnosis of LBRF even at early time points of infection. Here, we provide strong evidence for the utilization of these immunoassays as reliable tools in clinical practice

    Wearable Haptic Devices for Gait Re-education by Rhythmic Haptic Cueing

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    This research explores the development and evaluation of wearable haptic devices for gait sensing and rhythmic haptic cueing in the context of gait re-education for people with neurological and neurodegenerative conditions. Many people with long-term neurological and neurodegenerative conditions such as Stroke, Brain Injury, Multiple Sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease suffer from impaired walking gait pattern. Gait improvement can lead to better fluidity in walking, improved health outcomes, greater independence, and enhanced quality of life. Existing lab-based studies with wearable devices have shown that rhythmic haptic cueing can cause immediate improvements to gait features such as temporal symmetry, stride length, and walking speed. However, current wearable systems are unsuitable for self-managed use for in-the-wild applications with people having such conditions. This work aims to investigate the research question of how wearable haptic devices can help in long-term gait re-education using rhythmic haptic cueing. A longitudinal pilot study has been conducted with a brain trauma survivor, providing rhythmic haptic cueing using a wearable haptic device as a therapeutic intervention for a two-week period. Preliminary results comparing pre and post-intervention gait measurements have shown improvements in walking speed, temporal asymmetry, and stride length. The pilot study has raised an array of issues that require further study. This work aims to develop and evaluate prototype systems through an iterative design process to make possible the self-managed use of such devices in-the-wild. These systems will directly provide therapeutic intervention for gait re-education, offer enhanced information for therapists, remotely monitor dosage adherence and inform treatment and prognoses over the long-term. This research will evaluate the use of technology from the perspective of multiple stakeholders, including clinicians, carers and patients. This work has the potential to impact clinical practice nationwide and worldwide in neuro-physiotherapy
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