12 research outputs found

    A Lattice-based Provably Secure Multisignature Scheme in Quantum Random Oracle Model

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    The multisignature schemes are attracted to utilize in some cryptographic applications such as the blockchain. Though the lattice-based constructions of multisignature schemes exist as quantum-secure multisignature, a multisignature scheme whose security is proven in the quantum random oracle model (QROM), rather than the classical random oracle model (CROM), is not known. In this paper, we propose a first lattice-based multisignature scheme whose security is proven in QROM. Although our proposed scheme is based on the Dilithium-QROM signature, whose security is proven in QROM, their proof technique cannot be directly applied to the multisignature setting. The difficulty of proving the security in QROM is how to program the random oracle in the security proof. To solve the problems in the security proof, we develop several proof techniques in QROM. First, we employ the searching query technique by Targi and Unruh to convert the Dilithium-QROM into the multisignature setting. For the second, we develop a new programming technique in QROM since the conventional programming techniques seem not to work in the multisignature setting of QROM. We combine the programming technique by Unruh with the one by Liu and Zhandry. The new technique enables us to program the random oracle in QROM and construct the signing oracle in the security proof

    Fast Authentication from Aggregate Signatures with Improved Security

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    An attempt to derive signer-efficient digital signatures from aggregate signatures was made in a signature scheme referred to as Structure-free Compact Rapid Authentication (SCRA) (IEEE TIFS 2017). In this paper, we first mount a practical universal forgery attack against the NTRU instantiation of SCRA by observing only 8161 signatures. Second, we propose a new signature scheme (FAAS), which transforms any single-signer aggregate signature scheme into a signer-efficient scheme. We show two efficient instantiations of FAAS, namely, FAAS-NTRU and FAAS-RSA, both of which achieve high computational efficiency. Our experiments confirmed that FAAS schemes achieve up to 100x faster signature generation compared to their underlying schemes. Moreover, FAAS schemes eliminate some of the costly operations such as Gaussian sampling, rejection sampling, and exponentiation at the signature generation that are shown to be susceptible to side-channel attacks. This enables FAAS schemes to enhance the security and efficiency of their underlying schemes. Finally, we prove that FAAS schemes are secure (in random oracle model), and open-source both our attack and FAAS implementations for public testing purposes

    Approximate Trapdoors for Lattices and Smaller Hash-and-Sign Signatures

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    We study a relaxed notion of lattice trapdoor called approximate trapdoor, which is defined to be able to invert Ajtai\u27s one-way function approximately instead of exactly. The primary motivation of our study is to improve the efficiency of the cryptosystems built from lattice trapdoors, including the hash-and-sign signatures. Our main contribution is to construct an approximate trapdoor by modifying the gadget trapdoor proposed by Micciancio and Peikert. In particular, we show how to use the approximate gadget trapdoor to sample short preimages from a distribution that is simulatable without knowing the trapdoor. The analysis of the distribution uses a theorem (implicitly used in past works) regarding linear transformations of discrete Gaussians on lattices. Our approximate gadget trapdoor can be used together with the existing optimization techniques to improve the concrete performance of the hash-and-sign signature in the random oracle model under (Ring-)LWE and (Ring-)SIS assumptions. Our implementation shows that the sizes of the public-key and signature can be reduced by half from those in schemes built from exact trapdoors

    Synchronized Aggregate Signatures from the RSA Assumption

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    In this work we construct efficient aggregate signatures from the RSA assumption in the synchronized setting. In this setting, the signing algorithm takes as input a (time) period tt as well the secret key and message. A signer should sign at most once for each tt. A set of signatures can be aggregated so long as they were all created for the same period tt. Synchronized aggregate signatures are useful in systems where there is a natural reporting period such as log and sensor data, or for signatures embedded in a blockchain protocol where the creation of an additional block is a natural synchronization event. We design a synchronized aggregate signature scheme that works for a bounded number of periods TT that is given as a parameter to a global system setup. The big technical question is whether we can create solutions that will perform well with the large TT values that we might use in practice. For instance, if one wanted signing keys to last up to ten years and be able to issue signatures every second, then we would need to support a period bound of upwards of 2282^{28}. We build our solution in stages where we start with an initial solution that establishes feasibility, but has an impractically large signing time where the number of exponentiations and prime searches grows linearly with TT. We prove this scheme secure in the standard model under the RSA assumption with respect to honestly-generated keys. We then provide a tradeoff method where one can tradeoff the time to create signatures with the space required to store private keys. One point in the tradeoff is where each scales with T\sqrt{T}. Finally, we reach our main innovation which is a scheme where both the signing time and storage scale with lg⁥T\lg{T} which allows for us to keep both computation and storage costs modest even for large values of TT. Conveniently, our final scheme uses the same verification algorithm, and has the same distribution of public keys and signatures as the first scheme. Thus we are able to recycle the existing security proof for the new scheme. We also show how to extend our results to the identity-based setting in the random oracle model, which can further reduce the overall cryptographic overhead. We conclude with a detailed evaluation of the signing time and storage requirements for various practical settings of the system parameters

    LARA - A Design Concept for Lattice-based Encryption

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    Lattice-based encryption schemes still suffer from a low message throughput per ciphertext and inefficient solutions towards realizing enhanced security properties such as CCA1- or CCA2-security. This is mainly due to the fact that the underlying schemes still follow a traditional design concept and do not tap the full potentials of LWE. Furthermore, the desired security features are also often achieved by costly approaches or less efficient generic transformations. Recently, a novel encryption scheme based on the A-LWE assumption (relying on the hardness of LWE) has been proposed, where data is embedded into the error term without changing its target distributions. By this novelty it is possible to encrypt much more data as compared to the classical approach. In this paper we revisit this approach and propose several techniques in order to improve the message throughput per ciphertext. Furthermore, we present a very efficient trapdoor construction of reduced storage size. More precisely, the secret and public key sizes are reduced to just 1 polynomial, as opposed to O(logq) polynomials following previous constructions. Finally, we give an efficient implementation of the scheme instantiated with the new trapdoor construction. In particular, we attest high message throughputs and low ciphertext expansion factors at efficient running times. Our scheme even ensures CCA (or RCCA) security, while entailing a great deal of flexibility to encrypt arbitrary large messages or signatures by use of the same secret key

    LARA - A Design Concept for Lattice-based Encryption

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    Lattice-based encryption schemes still suffer from a low message throughput per ciphertext and inefficient solutions towards realizing enhanced security characteristics such as CCA1- or CCA2-security. This is mainly due to the fact that the underlying schemes still follow a traditional design concept and do not tap the full potentials of LWE. In particular, many constructions still encrypt data in an one-time-pad manner considering LWE instances as random vectors added to a message, most often encoded bit vectors. The desired security features are also often achieved by costly approaches or less efficient generic transformations.\\ Recently, a novel encryption scheme based on the A-LWE assumption (relying on the hardness of LWE) has been proposed, where data is embedded into the error term without changing its target distributions. By this novelty it is possible to encrypt much more data as compared to the classical approach. Combinations of both concepts are also possible. In this paper we revisit this approach and propose amongst others a standard model variant of the scheme as well as several techniques in order to improve the message throughput per ciphertext. Furthermore, we introduce a new discrete Gaussian sampler, that is inherently induced by the encryption scheme itself, and present a very efficient trapdoor construction of reduced storage size. More precisely, the secret and public key sizes are reduced to just 1 polynomial, as opposed to O(logq) polynomials following previous constructions. Finally, we give a security analysis as well as an efficient implementation of the scheme instantiated with the new trapdoor construction. In particular, we attest high message throughputs (message expansion factors close to 1-2) at running times comparable to the CPA-secure encryption scheme from Lindner and Peikert (CT-RSA 2011). Our scheme even ensures CCA (or RCCA) security, while entailing a great deal of flexibility to encrypt arbitrary large messages or signatures by use of the same secret key. This feature is naturally induced by the characteristics of LWE

    Post-quantum adaptor signatures and payment channel networks

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    Adaptor signatures, also known as scriptless scripts, have recently become an important tool in addressing the scalability and interoperability issues of blockchain applications such as cryptocurrencies. An adaptor signature extends a digital signature in a way that a complete signature reveals a secret based on a cryptographic condition. It brings about various advantages such as (i) low on-chain cost, (ii) improved fungibility of transactions, and (iii) advanced functionality beyond the limitation of the blockchain’s scripting language. In this work, we introduce the first post-quantum adaptor signature, named LAS{\mathsf {LAS}}. Our construction relies on the standard lattice assumptions, namely Module-SIS and Module-LWE. There are certain challenges specific to the lattice setting, arising mainly from the so-called knowledge gap in lattice-based proof systems, that makes the realization of an adaptor signature and its applications difficult. We show how to overcome these technical difficulties without introducing additional on-chain costs. Our evaluation demonstrates that LAS{\mathsf {LAS}} is essentially as efficient as an ordinary lattice-based signature in terms of both communication and computation. We further show how to achieve post-quantum atomic swaps and payment channel networks using LAS{\mathsf {LAS}}.Accepted author manuscriptCyber Securit

    On Lattice-Based Interactive Protocols: An Approach with Less or No Aborts

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    A canonical identification (CID) scheme is a 3-move protocol consisting of a commitment, challenge, and response. It constitutes the core design of many cryptographic constructions such as zero-knowledge proof systems and various types of signature schemes. Unlike number-theoretic constructions, CID in the lattice setting usually forces provers to abort and repeat the whole authentication process once the distribution of the computed response does not follow a target distribution independent from the secret key. This concept has been realized by means of rejection sampling, which makes sure that the secrets involved in a protocol are concealed after a certain number of repetitions. This however has a negative impact on the efficiency of interactive protocols because it leads to a number of communication rounds that is multiplicative in the number of aborting participants (or rejection sampling procedures). In this work we show how the CID scheme underlying many lattice-based protocols can be designed with smaller number of aborts or even without aborts. Our new technique exploits (unbalanced) binary hash trees and thus significantly reduces the communication complexity. We show how to apply this new method within interactive zero-knowledge proofs. We also present BLAZE+: a further application of our technique to the recently proposed lattice-based blind signature scheme BLAZE (FC\u2720). We show that BLAZE+ has an improved performance and communication complexity compared to BLAZE while preserving the size of keys and signatures

    Efficient Identity-Based Encryption from LWR

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    The Learning with Rounding (LWR) problem is a deterministic variant of the classical Learning with Errors (LWE) problem, for which sampling an instance does not involve discrete Gaussian sampling. We propose the first probabilistic Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) from the LWR problem which is secure in the standard model. The encryption of our IBE scheme does not require discrete Gaussian sampling as it is based on the LWR problem, and hence it is simpler and faster than that of LWE-based IBEs such as ABB scheme. We also present an efficient instantiation employing algebraic ring structure and MP12 trapdoor sampling algorithms with an implementation result. With our proposed parameter sets, the ciphertext sizes can be reduced in a large extent compared to the ABB scheme with the same security level.N