16 research outputs found

    Approaches and Peculiarities of Modern Stem Education

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    У статті розглянуто основні особливості сучасної STEM-освіти: інтегроване навчання, розвиток навичок критичного мислення та вирішення проблем, активна комунікація і командна робота, креативні та інноваційні підходи до створення проектів, підготовка дітей до технологічних інновацій життя, застосування науково-технічних знань у реальному житті. Проаналізовано теоретико-методологічні засади створення моделі STEM-освіти, що полягають у переході від традиційного навчання до інноваційного шляхом використання проектного, практико орієнтованого навчання, перевернутого та змішаного навчання, хмарних технологій та технології WEB 2.0, мейкерства. Визначено перспективні кроки впровадження STEM-навчання у Тернопільському національному педагогічному університеті, одним із яких було створення STEM-центру «Цифрові ерудити» при кафедрі інформатики та методики її викладання. Завдяки роботі STEM-центру стало можливим поширення інноваційного педагогічного досвіду та освітніх технологій в галузі STEM; формування професійного самовизначення і професійного вибору в учнів; популяризація STEM-професій, підтримка обдарованих учнів, залучення молоді до творчої та дослідної діяльності.The article describes the main features of modern STEM education: integrated learning, development of critical thinking skills and problem solving, active communication and teamwork, creative and innovative approaches to create projects, preparing children for the technological innovation of life, the application of scientific and technological knowledge in real life. Analyzed theoretical-methodological bases of creation of model of STEM education, namely the transition from traditional teaching to innovative by using design, practice-based learning, flipped and blended learning, cloud computing and WEB 2.0 technology, making. Identified promising steps of introducing STEM education in the Ternopil national pedagogical University, one of which was the creation of a STEM center, "Digital scholars" at the Department of Informatics and its teaching methods. Thanks to the work of the STEM center, made possible the dissemination of innovative teaching practices and educational technologies in STEM; formation of professional identity and professional choices of students; promotion of STEM-based professions, support for gifted students, attracting young people to creative and research activities

    Methodology of Digital Competence Formation in the Context of Digital Content Development

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    У статті розглянуто проблему підготовки педагогів у контексті Нової української школи, підвищення якості їх знань шляхом формування сучасних цифрових компетентностей. На основі аналізу науковометодичної літератури досліджено поняття компетентності та цифрової компетентності. Відзначено, що цифрова компетентність включає в себе впевнене, критичне, ідповідальне використання, взаємодію з цифровими технологіями для навчання, роботи та участі у суспільстві. Особливу увагу приділено аналізу рамкових документів щодо цифрових компетентностей, концептуальних еталонних моделей цифрових компетентностей, їх основних дескрипторів. Рамка цифрової компетентності учителів (DigCompEdu) містить 23 навчальних результати у 6 галузях, а національний формат містить п’ять галузей та 28 дескрипторів цифрової компетентності. Авторами було співставлено кожну з них із метою виокремлення змісту цифрової компетентності у контексті створення цифрового контенту. У статті описано теоретичні та практичні аспекти формування цифрових компетентностей розробки цифрового контенту з точки зору теоретико-методологічного, концептуального, формувально-діяльнісного та результативно-корекційного аспектів. Авторами розкрито особливості створеної моделі формування компетентності розробки цифрового контенту. Модель включає такі взаємопов’язані складові: когнітивноінформаційну, технологічну та соціально-мотиваційну. Основну увагу в роботі акцентовано на теоретикометодологічних засадах формування цифрових компетентностей та специфіці навчання інформатичних дисциплін майбутніх учителів. У якості дослідницької задачі авторами було оцінено ефективність запропонованої моделі. З цією метою визначено компоненти, критерії, показники та рівні сформованості цифрової компетентності розробки цифрового контенту та проведено експериментальне дослідження. Воно свідчить про наявність взаємозв’язку між знаннями студентів у галузі цифрових технологій та їх уміннями створювати цифровий контент за допомогою відповідних цифрових інструментів.The article deals with the problem of training teachers in the context of the New Ukrainian School, improving the quality of their knowledge by means of the formation of modern digital competence. Based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, the concepts of competence and digital competence were researched. It was found that digital competence involves confident, critical and responsible use, interaction with digital technologies for learning, work and participation in society. Particular attention was paid to the analysis of framework documents on digital competence, conceptual reference models of digital competence, and their main descriptors. The Digital Competence Framework for Educators (DigCompEdu) contains 23 learning outcomes in six industries, and the national format contains five branches and 28 descriptors of digital competence. The authors compared each of them in order to distinguish the content of digital competence in the context of developing digital content. The article describes the theoretical and practical aspects of digital competence formation in the context of digital content development from the point of view of theoretical, methodological, conceptual, formative activity and result correction aspects. The authors reveal the peculiarities of the developed model of forming the competence of digital content development. The model includes such interconnected components: cognitive-information, technological and social-motivation. The primary focus in the work was on theoretical and methodological principles of the formation of digital competence and on specific character of training informational disciplines. As a research task, the authors evaluated the effectiveness of the proposed model. For this purpose, the components, criteria, indicators and levels of digital competence of digital content development have been identified and an experimental study has been carried out. It demonstrates the interconnection between digital knowledge of students and their ability to create digital content with the help of relevant digital tools

    An Evaluation of the Responsiveness and Discriminant Validity of Shoulder Questionnaires among Patients Receiving Surgical Correction of Shoulder Instability

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    Health-related quality-of-life (HRQL) measures must detect clinically important changes over time and between different patient subgroups. Forty-three patients (32 M, 13 F; mean age  =  26.00  ±  8.19 years) undergoing arthroscopic Bankart repair completed three validated shoulder questionnaires (Western Ontario Shoulder Instability index (WOSI), American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Standardized Shoulder Assessment form (ASES), Constant score) preoperatively, and at 6, 12, and 24 months postoperatively. Responsiveness and discriminant validity was assessed between those with a satisfactory outcome and those with (1) a major recurrence of instability, (2) a single episode of subluxation, (3) any postoperative episode of instability. Eight (20%) patients reported recurrent instability. Compared to baseline, the WOSI detected improvement at the 6- (P<0.001) and 12-month (P=0.011) evaluations. The ASES showed improvement at 6 months (P=0.003), while the Constant score did not report significant improvement until 12 months postoperatively (P=0.001). Only the WOSI detected differential shoulder function related to shoulder instability. Those experiencing even a single episode of subluxation reported a 10% drop in their WOSI score, attaining the previously established minimal clinically important difference (MCID). Those experiencing a frank dislocation or multiple episodes of subluxation reported a 20% decline. The WOSI allows better discrimination of the severity of postoperative instability symptoms following arthroscopic Bankart repair

    Carrying out a multi-model integrated assessment of European energy transition pathways: Challenges and benefits

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    With the publication of the European Green Deal, the European Union has committed to reaching carbon neutrality by 2050. The envisaged reductions of direct greenhouse gases emissions are seen as technically feasible, but if a wrong path is pursued, significant unintended impacts across borders, sectors, societies and ecosystems may follow. Without the insights gained from an impact assessment framework reaching beyond the techno-economic perspective, the pursuit of direct emission reductions may lead to counterproductive outcomes in the long run. We discuss the opportunities and challenges related to the creation and use of an integrated assessment framework built to inform the European Commission on the path to decarbonisation. The framework is peculiar in that it goes beyond existing ones in its scope, depth and cross-scale coverage, by use of numerous specialised models and case studies. We find challenges of consistency that can be overcome by linking modelling tools iteratively in some cases, harmonising modelling assumptions in others, comparing model outputs in others. We find the highest added value of the framework in additional insights it provides on the technical feasibility of decarbonisation pathways, on vulnerability aspects and on unintended environmental and health impacts on national and sub-national scale.(c) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    Validation of the western ontario rotator cuff index in patients with arthroscopic rotator cuff repair: A study protocol

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair is described as being a successful procedure. These results are often derived from clinical general shoulder examinations, which are then classified as 'excellent', 'good', 'fair' or 'poor'. However, the cut-off points for these classifications vary and sometimes modified scores are used.</p> <p>Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair is performed to improve quality of life. Therefore, disease specific health-related quality of life patient-administered questionnaires are needed. The WORC is a quality of life questionnaire designed for patients with disorders of the rotator cuff. The score is validated for rotator cuff disease, but not for rotator cuff repair specifically.</p> <p>The aim of this study is to investigate reliability, validity and responsiveness of WORC in patients undergoing arthroscopic rotator cuff repair.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>An approved translation of the WORC into Dutch is used. In this prospective study three groups of patients are used: 1. Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair; 2. Disorders of the rotator cuff without rupture; 3. Shoulder instability.</p> <p>The WORC, SF-36 and the Constant Score are obtained twice before therapy is started to measure reliability and validity. Responsiveness is tested by obtaining the same tests after therapy.</p

    Some experience in maintenance of an academic cloud

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    The article is devoted to the systematization of experience in the deployment, maintenance and servicing of the private academic cloud. The article contains model of the authors’ cloud infrastructure. It was developed at Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University (Ukraine) on the basis of the Apache CloudStack platform. The authors identify the main tasks for maintaining a private academic cloud. Here they are making changes to the cloud infrastructure; maintenance of virtual machines (VM) to determine the performance and migration of VM instances; work with VMs; backup of all cloud infrastructure. The analysis of productivity and providing students with computing resources is carried out. The main types of VM used in training are given. The number and characteristics of VM that can be served by a private academic cloud are calculated. Approaches and schemes for performing backup are analysed. Some theoretical and practical experience of using cloud services to perform backup has been studied. Several scripts have been developed for archiving the platform database and its repositories. They allow you to upload backups to the Google Drive cloud service. The performance of these scripts for the author’s deployment of private cloud infrastructure was evaluated

    Exploring modern trends in developing a digital educational environment for university: A case study of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University

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    This article delves into the contemporary tendencies shaping the development of digital educational environments in universities and proposes a model for their implementation in pedagogical institutions. The study analyzes the concept of educational environments, explores their components, and highlights the distinctive structural features. Additionally, it introduces the notion of a digital educational environment and elucidates its essential components for teachers’ professional training at Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University (TNPU): technological, didactic, and social aspects. Notably, the article discusses the characteristics of this environment, such as its information-rich and open nature, digital transformation, and emphasis on social practices and collaboration. To evaluate the efficacy of the digital educational environment for teachers’ professional training, a comprehensive study was conducted with the participation of 432 master’s students across various disciplines at TNPU. Expert assessments were employed for statistical analysis, aiming to determine the significance level of each component’s indicators within the digital educational environment. The results highlight substantial changes observed in the technological and social dimensions of the university’s digital educational environment, which significantly influence the quality of teachers’ professional training

    Carrying out a multi-model integrated assessment of European energy transition pathways : Challenges and benefits

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    | openaire: EC/H2020/691739/EU//REEEM Funding Information: This research has received funding through the REEEM project from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 691739. This publication reflects only the views of its authors, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for its content. The authors would also like to thank all the contributors to the REEEM project and those who prepared the proposal. Francesco Gardumi would like to thank the division of Energy Systems Analysis for all the support and feedback provided through the duration of the REEEM project. Funding Information: With the publication of the European Green Deal, the European Union ratcheted its ambition on climate change and committed to carbon-neutrality by 2050 [ 1 ]. Though supported by many Member States, the transformational change mandated by the Green Deal also raised concerns from some. For instance, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from Poland reacted tothe announcement by stating the need for the European Commission to work with member states [ 2 ]. MEPs from Italy highlighted the need to look at the social and economic impact of achieving climate neutrality and MEPs from France echoed the Italian proposal for a more humane social and ecological transition. Such concerns stem from specific social, economic and environmental pressures, and are often not captured explicitly by the analysis supporting emission mitigation plans. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s)With the publication of the European Green Deal, the European Union has committed to reaching carbon neutrality by 2050. The envisaged reductions of direct greenhouse gases emissions are seen as technically feasible, but if a wrong path is pursued, significant unintended impacts across borders, sectors, societies and ecosystems may follow. Without the insights gained from an impact assessment framework reaching beyond the techno-economic perspective, the pursuit of direct emission reductions may lead to counterproductive outcomes in the long run. We discuss the opportunities and challenges related to the creation and use of an integrated assessment framework built to inform the European Commission on the path to decarbonisation. The framework is peculiar in that it goes beyond existing ones in its scope, depth and cross-scale coverage, by use of numerous specialised models and case studies. We find challenges of consistency that can be overcome by linking modelling tools iteratively in some cases, harmonisingmodelling assumptions in others, comparing model outputs in others. We find the highest added value of the framework in additional insights it provides on the technical feasibility of decarbonisation pathways, on vulnerability aspects and on unintended environmental and health impacts on national and sub-national scale.Peer reviewe