482 research outputs found

    The Observable Thermal and Kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect in Merging Galaxy Clusters

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    The advent of high-resolution imaging of galaxy clusters using the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect (SZE) provides a unique probe of the astrophysics of the intracluster medium (ICM) out to high redshifts. To investigate the effects of cluster mergers on resolved SZE images, we present a high-resolution cosmological simulation of a 1.5E15 M_sun adiabatic cluster using the TreeSPH code ChaNGa. This massive cluster undergoes a 10:3:1 ratio triple merger accompanied by a dramatic rise in its integrated Compton-Y, peaking at z = 0.05. By modeling the thermal SZE (tSZ) and kinetic SZE (kSZ) spectral distortions of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) at this redshift with relativistic corrections, we produce various mock images of the cluster at frequencies and resolutions achievable with current high-resolution SZE instruments. The two gravitationally-bound merging subclusters account for 10% and 1% of the main cluster's integrated Compton-Y, and have extended merger shock features in the background ICM visible in our mock images. We show that along certain projections and at specific frequencies, the kSZ CMB intensity distortion can dominate over the tSZ due to the large line of sight velocities of the subcluster gas and the unique frequency-dependence of these effects. We estimate that a one-velocity assumption in estimation of line of sight velocities of the merging subclusters from the kSZ induces a bias of ~10%. This velocity bias is small relative to other sources of uncertainty in observations, partially due to helpful bulk motions in the background ICM induced by the merger. Our results show that high-resolution SZE observations, which have recently detected strong kSZ signals in subclusters of merging systems, can robustly probe the dynamical as well as the thermal state of the ICM.Comment: MNRAS, accepted. 13 pages, 9 figure

    Pre-Heated Isentropic Gas in Groups of Galaxies

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    We confirm that the standard assumption of isothermal, shock-heated gas in cluster potentials is unable to reproduce the observed X-ray luminosity- temperature relation of groups of galaxies. As an alternative, we construct a physically motivated model for the adiabatic collapse of pre-heated gas into an isothermal potential that improves upon the original work of Kaiser (1991). The luminosity and temperature of the gas is calculated, assuming an appropriate distribution of halo formation times and radiation due to both bremsstrahlung and recombination processes. This model successfully reproduces the slope and dispersion of the luminosity-temperature relation of galaxy groups. We also present calculations of the temperature and luminosity functions for galaxy groups under the prescription of this model. This model makes two strong predictions for haloes with total masses M<10^13 M_sun, which are not yet testable with current data: (1) the gas mass fraction will increase in direct proportion to the halo mass; (2) the gas temperature will be larger than the virial temperature of the mass. The second effect is strong enough that group masses determined from gas temperatures will be overestimated by about an order of magnitude if it is assumed that the gas temperature is the virial temperature. The entropy required to match observations can be obtained by heating the gas at the turnaround time, for example, to about 3 X 10^6 K at z=1, which is too high to be generated by a normal rate of supernova explosions. This model breaks down on the scale of low mass clusters, but this is an acceptable limitation, as we expect accretion shocks to contribute significantly to the entropy of the gas in such objects.Comment: Final, refereed version, accepted by MNRAS. One new figure and several clarifying statements have been added. Uses mn.a4.sty (hacked mn.sty). Also available from http://astrowww.phys.uvic.ca/~balogh/entropy.ps.g

    The phase-space density distribution of dark matter halos

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    High resolution N-body simulations have all but converged on a common empirical form for the shape of the density profiles of halos, but the full understanding of the underlying physics of halo formation has eluded them so far. We investigate the formation and structure of dark matter halos using analytical and semi-analytical techniques. Our halos are formed via an extended secondary infall model (ESIM); they contain secondary perturbations and hence random tangential and radial motions which affect the halo's evolution at it undergoes shell-crossing and virialization. Even though the density profiles of NFW and ESIM halos are different their phase-space density distributions are the same: \rho/\sigma^3 ~ r^{-\alpha}, with \alpha=1.875 over ~3 decades in radius. We use two approaches to try to explain this ``universal'' slope: (1) The Jeans equation analysis yields many insights, however, does not answer why \alpha=1.875. (2) The secondary infall model of the 1960's and 1970's, augmented by ``thermal motions'' of particles does predict that halos should have \alpha=1.875. However, this relies on assumptions of spherical symmetry and slow accretion. While for ESIM halos these assumptions are justified, they most certainly break down for simulated halos which forms hierarchically. We speculate that our argument may apply to an ``on-average'' formation scenario of halos within merger-driven numerical simulations, and thereby explain why \alpha=1.875 for NFW halos. Thus, \rho/\sigma^3 ~ r^{-1.875} may be a generic feature of violent relaxation.Comment: 4 pages, 1 fig. Proceedings of Science (SISSA), "Baryons in Dark Matter Haloes", Novigrad, Croatia, 5-9 October 2004; editors: R.-J. Dettmar, U. Klein, P. Salucci. The full paper is astro-ph/0506571 (with minus sign in eq.(2.2) corrected

    On the Intracluster Medium in Cooling Flow & Non-Cooling Flow Clusters

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    Recent X-ray observations have highlighted clusters that lack entropy cores. At first glance, these results appear to invalidate the preheated ICM models. We show that a self-consistent preheating model, which factors in the effects of radiative cooling, is in excellent agreement with the observations. Moreover, the model naturally explains the intrinsic scatter in the L-T relation, with ``cooling flow'' and ``non-cooling flow'' systems corresponding to mildly and strongly preheated systems, respectively. We discuss why preheating ought to be favoured over merging as a mechanism for the origin of ``non-cooling flow'' clusters.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in the proceedings of the "Multiwavelength Cosmology" Conference held in Mykonos, Greece, June 2003, ed. M. Plionis (Kluwer

    Semi-analytical dark matter halos and the Jeans equation

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    Although N-body studies of dark matter halos show that the density profiles, rho(r), are not simple power-laws, the quantity rho/sigma^3, where sigma(r) is the velocity dispersion, is in fact a featureless power-law over ~3 decades in radius. In the first part of the paper we demonstrate, using the semi-analytic Extended Secondary Infall Model (ESIM), that the nearly scale-free nature of rho/sigma^3 is a robust feature of virialized halos in equilibrium. By examining the processes in common between numerical N-body and semi-analytic approaches, we argue that the scale-free nature of rho/sigma^3 cannot be the result of hierarchical merging, rather it must be an outcome of violent relaxation. The empirical results of the first part of the paper motivate the analytical work of the second part of the paper, where we use rho/sigma^3 proportional to r^{-alpha} as an additional constraint in the isotropic Jeans equation of hydrostatic equilibrium. Our analysis shows that the constrained Jeans equation has different types of solutions, and in particular, it admits a unique ``periodic'' solution with alpha=1.9444. We derive the analytic expression for this density profile, which asymptotes to inner and outer profiles of rho ~ r^{-0.78}, and rho ~ r^{-3.44}, respectively.Comment: 37 pg, 14 fig. Accepted to ApJ: added two figures and extended discussion. Note that an earlier related paper (conference proceedings) astro-ph/0412442 has a mistake in eq.(2.2); the correct version is eq.(5) of the present submissio

    Merging of globular clusters within inner galactic regions. II. The Nuclear Star Cluster formation

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    In this paper we present the results of two detailed N-body simulations of the interaction of a sample of four massive globular clusters in the inner region of a triaxial galaxy. A full merging of the clusters takes place, leading to a slowly evolving cluster which is quite similar to observed Nuclear Clusters. Actually, both the density and the velocity dispersion profiles match qualitatively, and quantitatively after scaling, with observed features of many nucleated galaxies. In the case of dense initial clusters, the merger remnant shows a density profile more concentrated than that of the progenitors, with a central density higher than the sum of the central progenitors central densities. These findings support the idea that a massive Nuclear Cluster may have formed in early phases of the mother galaxy evolution and lead to the formation of a nucleus, which, in many galaxies, has indeed a luminosity profile similar to that of an extended King model. A correlation with galactic nuclear activity is suggested.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables. Submitted to ApJ, main journa

    Evolution of Interstellar Clouds in Local Group Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies in the Context of Their Star Formation Histories

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    We consider evolution of interstellar clouds in Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) in the context of their observed star formation histories. The Local Group dSphs generally experienced initial bursts of star formations in their formation epochs (∌15\sim 15 Gyr ago), when hot gas originating from the supernovae can make the cold interstellar clouds evaporate. We find that the maximum size of evaporating cloud is 10 pc. Thus, clouds larger than 10 pc can survive during the initial star formation. These surviving clouds can contribute to the second star formation to produce ``intermediate-age (∌\sim 3--10 Gyr ago) stellar populations.'' Assuming that collisions between clouds induce star formation and that the timescale of the second star formation is a few Gyr, we estimate the total mass of the clouds. The total mass is about 104M⊙10^{4}M_\odot, which is 1--3 orders of magnitude smaller than the typical stellar mass of a present dSph. This implies that the initial star formation is dominant over the second star formation, which is broadly consistent with the observed star formation histories. However, the variety of the dSphs in their star formation histories suggests that the effects of environments on the dSphs may be important.Comment: 14 pages LaTeX, no figures, to appear in Ap
