78 research outputs found

    Literature review on the information system for digitization of royal history and Waqf

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    There has been a significant increase in the study of the history and culture of historical artifacts, whether they take the form of cultural heritage or Waqf. A literature review of web-based information systems was conducted for digitizing historical preservation and Waqf. Papers were sourced from various databases, including Publish or Perish, which produced 1043 journals, 370 articles, and 673 items from reputable sources, Google Scholar, and Crossref, respectively. The focus of the literature review was the information system for digitizing history and Waqf and integrating ontology databases. This literature review study aims to trace the evolution of study objects related to history and endowments. The results showed that most studies emphasized the user-understanding aspect of digitization, while the technical aspect was focused on using cutting-edge technology, such as 3D and virtual reality

    Perlindungan TKI Pada Masa Pra Penempatan, Selama Selama Penempatan dan Purna Penempatan

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    Pembangunan sektor ketenagakerjaan sebagai bagian integral dari pembangunan berdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia 1945, dilaksanakan dalam rangka pembangunan manusia Indonesia seutuhnya dan pembangunan masyarakat Indonesia seluruhnya untuk meningkatkan harkat, martabat, dan harga diri tenaga kerja serta mewujudkan masyarakat sejahtera, adil, dan makmur baik material maupun spiritual. Masalah ketenagakerjaan Indonesia dari tahun ke tahun dihadapkan pada pertumbuhan angkatan kerja yang tinggi di satu sisi, sementara tingkat pendidikan dan keahlian yang masih belum memadai dan lapangan kerja yang terbatas di sisi lain. Pemerintah berusaha untuk mengurangi angka pengangguran dan juga meningkatkan kualitas hidup tenaga kerja di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu penempatan tenaga kerja ke luar negeri merupakan salah satu alternatif/ pilihan dalam menyelesaikan masalah tersebut

    Are the Institutions of the Stock Market and the Market for Corporate Control Evolutionary Advances for Developing Countries?

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    This paper explores the question of whether the institution of the stock market is likely to be helpful to developing countries in promoting their real economy and ensuring fast industrial growth. The case for and against the stock market inevitably involves a discussion of the important related subjects of corporate finance and corporate governance. Contrary to the literature the paper arrives at a negative overall assessment of the institution of the stock market in relation to economic development. It also contributes by its policy proposals concerning the markets for corporate control, which again are in conflict with much of the conventional wisdom on the subject

    Corporate social responsibility policy in Indonesia: A critical assessment

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    Raymond Atje and Andrew Rosse

    Macroeconomic Developments and Public Finances

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    Indonesia-China Relations: The Politics of Reengagement

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