9 research outputs found

    Biomedical applications of nisin

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    Nisin is a bacteriocin produced by a group of Gram-positive bacteria that belongs to Lactococcus and Streptococcus species. Nisin is classified as a Type A (I) lantibiotic that is synthesized from mRNA and the translated peptide contains several unusual amino acids due to post-translational modifications. Over the past few decades, nisin has been used widely as a food biopreservative. Since then, many natural and genetically modified variants of nisin have been identified and studied for their unique antimicrobial properties. Nisin is an FDA approved and GRAS (generally regarded as safe) peptide with recognized potential for clinical use. Over the past two decades the application of nisin has been extended to biomedical fields. Studies have reported that nisin can prevent the growth of drug-resistant bacterial strains, such as methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Enterococci and Clostridium difficile. Nisin has now been shown to have antimicrobial activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative disease-associated pathogens. Nisin has been reported to have anti-biofilm properties and can work synergistically in combination with conventional therapeutic drugs. In addition, like host defense peptides, nisin may activate the adaptive immune response and have an immunomodulatory role. Increasing evidence indicates that nisin can influence the growth of tumors and exhibit selective cytotoxicity towards cancer cells. Collectively, the application of nisin has advanced beyond its role as a food biopreservative. Thus, this review will describe and compare studies on nisin and provide insight into its future biomedical applications

    Biosynthesis and Mode of Action of Lantibiotics

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    Lipolytic enzymes and hydrolytic rancidity

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    Lipolysis, the enzymic hydrolysis of milk lipids to free fatty acids and partial glycerides, is a constant concern to the dairy industry because of the detrimental effcts it can have on the flvor and other properties of milk and milk products. However, free fatty acids also contribute to the desirable flavor of milk and milk products when present at low concentrations and, in some cheeses, when present at high concentrations. The enzymes responsible for the detrimental effects of lipolysis are of two main types: those indigenous to milk, and those of microbial origin. The major indigenous milk enzyme is lipoprotein lipase. It is active on the fat in natural milk fat globules only after their disruption by physical treatments or if certain blood serum lipoproteins are present. The major microbial lipases are produced by psychrotrophic bacteria. Many of these enzymes are heat stable and are particularly significant in stored products. Human milk differs from cows' milk in that it contains two lipases, a lipoprotein lipase and a bile salt-stimulated lipase. The ability of the latter to cause considerable hydrolysis of ingested milk lipids has important nutritional implications

    Antimicrobial Peptides Produced by Microorganisms

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