390 research outputs found

    On the dispersionless Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation in n+1 dimensions: exact solutions, the Cauchy problem for small initial data and wave breaking

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    We study the (n+1)-dimensional generalization of the dispersionless Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (dKP) equation, a universal equation describing the propagation of weakly nonlinear, quasi one dimensional waves in n+1 dimensions, and arising in several physical contexts, like acoustics, plasma physics and hydrodynamics. For n=2, this equation is integrable, and it has been recently shown to be a prototype model equation in the description of the two dimensional wave breaking of localized initial data. We construct an exact solution of the n+1 dimensional model containing an arbitrary function of one variable, corresponding to its parabolic invariance, describing waves, constant on their paraboloidal wave front, breaking simultaneously in all points of it. Then we use such solution to build a uniform approximation of the solution of the Cauchy problem, for small and localized initial data, showing that such a small and localized initial data evolving according to the (n+1)-dimensional dKP equation break, in the long time regime, if and only if n=1,2,3; i.e., in physical space. Such a wave breaking takes place, generically, in a point of the paraboloidal wave front, and the analytic aspects of it are given explicitly in terms of the small initial data.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, few formulas adde

    Nekhoroshev theorem for the periodic Toda lattice

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    The periodic Toda lattice with NN sites is globally symplectomorphic to a two parameter family of N1N-1 coupled harmonic oscillators. The action variables fill out the whole positive quadrant of RN1\R^{N-1}. We prove that in the interior of the positive quadrant as well as in a neighborhood of the origin, the Toda Hamiltonian is strictly convex and therefore Nekhoroshev's theorem applies on (almost) all parts of phase space.Comment: 28 page

    Ground-state hyperfine structure of H-, Li-, and B-like ions in middle-Z region

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    The hyperfine splitting of the ground state of H-, Li-, and B-like ions is investigated in details within the range of nuclear numbers Z = 7-28. The rigorous QED approach together with the large-scale configuration-interaction Dirac-Fock-Sturm method are employed for the evaluation of the interelectronic-interaction contributions of first and higher orders in 1/Z. The screened QED corrections are evaluated to all orders in (\alpha Z) utilizing an effective potential approach. The influence of nuclear magnetization distribution is taken into account within the single-particle nuclear model. The specific differences between the hyperfine-structure level shifts of H- and Li-like ions, where the uncertainties associated with the nuclear structure corrections are significantly reduced, are also calculated.Comment: 22 pages, 11 tables, 2 figure

    Solvable vector nonlinear Riemann problems, exact implicit solutions of dispersionless PDEs and wave breaking

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    We have recently solved the inverse spectral problem for integrable PDEs in arbitrary dimensions arising as commutation of multidimensional vector fields depending on a spectral parameter λ\lambda. The associated inverse problem, in particular, can be formulated as a non linear Riemann Hilbert (NRH) problem on a given contour of the complex λ\lambda plane. The most distinguished examples of integrable PDEs of this type, like the dispersionless Kadomtsev-Petviashivili (dKP), the heavenly and the 2 dimensional dispersionless Toda equations, are real PDEs associated with Hamiltonian vector fields. The corresponding NRH data satisfy suitable reality and symplectic constraints. In this paper, generalizing the examples of solvable NRH problems illustrated in \cite{MS4,MS5,MS6}, we present a general procedure to construct solvable NRH problems for integrable real PDEs associated with Hamiltonian vector fields, allowing one to construct implicit solutions of such PDEs parametrized by an arbitrary number of real functions of a single variable. Then we illustrate this theory on few distinguished examples for the dKP and heavenly equations. For the dKP case, we characterize a class of similarity solutions, a class of solutions constant on their parabolic wave front and breaking simultaneously on it, and a class of localized solutions breaking in a point of the (x,y)(x,y) plane. For the heavenly equation, we characterize two classes of symmetry reductions.Comment: 29 page

    Symmetric and asymmetric solitons in linearly coupled Bose-Einstein condensates trapped in optical lattices

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    We study spontaneous symmetry breaking in a system of two parallel quasi-one-dimensional traps, equipped with optical lattices (OLs) and filled with a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). The cores are linearly coupled by tunneling. Analysis of the corresponding system of linearly coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations (GPEs) reveals that spectral bandgaps of the single GPE split into subgaps. Symmetry breaking in two-component BEC solitons is studied in cases of the attractive (AA) and repulsive (RR) nonlinearity in both traps; the mixed situation, with repulsion in one trap and attraction in the other (RA), is considered too. In all the cases, stable asymmetric solitons are found, bifurcating from symmetric or antisymmetric ones (and destabilizing them), in the AA and RR systems, respectively. In either case, bi-stability is predicted, with a nonbifurcating stable branch, either antisymmetric or symmetric, coexisting with asymmetric ones. Solitons destabilized by the bifurcation tend to rearrange themselves into their stable asymmetric counterparts. The impact of a phase mismatch, between the OLs in the two cores is also studied. Also considered is a related model, for a binary BEC in a single-core trap with the OL, assuming that the two species (representing different spin states of the same atom) are coupled by linear interconversion. In that case, the symmetry-breaking bifurcations in the AA and RR models switch their character, if the inter-species nonlinear interaction becomes stronger than the intra-species nonlinearity.Comment: 21 pages + 24 figs, accepted to Phys. Rev.

    Stochastic Pulse Switching in a Degenerate Resonant Optical Medium

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    Using the idealized integrable Maxwell-Bloch model, we describe random optical-pulse polarization switching along an active optical medium in the Lambda-configuration with disordered occupation numbers of its lower energy sub-level pair. The description combines complete integrability and stochastic dynamics. For the single-soliton pulse, we derive the statistics of the electric-field polarization ellipse at a given point along the medium in closed form. If the average initial population difference of the two lower sub-levels vanishes, we show that the pulse polarization will switch intermittently between the two circular polarizations as it travels along the medium. If this difference does not vanish, the pulse will eventually forever remain in the circular polarization determined by which sub-level is more occupied on average. We also derive the exact expressions for the statistics of the polarization-switching dynamics, such as the probability distribution of the distance between two consecutive switches and the percentage of the distance along the medium the pulse spends in the elliptical polarization of a given orientation in the case of vanishing average initial population difference. We find that the latter distribution is given in terms of the well-known arcsine law

    Bright-Dark Soliton Complexes in Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We present bright-dark vector solitons in quasi-one-dimensional spinor (F=1) Bose-Einstein condensates. Using a multiscale expansion technique, we reduce the corresponding nonintegrable system of three coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations (GPEs) to a completely integrable Yajima-Oikawa system. In this way, we obtain approximate solutions for small-amplitude vector solitons of dark-dark-bright and bright-bright-dark types, in terms of the mF=+1,1,0m_{F}=+1,-1,0 spinor components, respectively. By means of numerical simulations of the full GPE system, we demonstrate that these states indeed feature soliton properties, i.e., they propagate undistorted and undergo quasi-elastic collisions. It is also shown that, in the presence of a parabolic trap of strength ω\omega , the bright component(s) is (are) guided by the dark one(s), and, as a result, the small-amplitude vector soliton as a whole performs harmonic oscillations of frequency ω/2\omega/ \sqrt{2} in the shallow soliton limit. We investigate numerically deviations from this prediction, as the depth of the solitons is increased, as well as when the strength of the spin-dependent interaction is modified.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to PRA, May 200

    Time and temperature dependent correlation functions of the 1D impenetrable electron gas

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    We consider the one-dimensional delta-interacting electron gas in the case of infinite repulsion. We use determinant representations to study the long time, large distance asymptotics of correlation functions of local fields in the gas phase. We derive differential equations which drive the correlation functions. Using a related Riemann-Hilbert problem we obtain formulae for the asymptotics of the correlation functions, which are valid at all finite temperatures. At low temperatures these formulae lead to explicit asymptotic expressions for the correlation functions, which describe power law behavior and exponential decay as functions of temperature, magnetic field and chemical potential.Comment: minor changes, to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Electron shielding of the nuclear magnetic moment in hydrogen-like atom

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    The correction to the wave function of the ground state in a hydrogen-like atom due to an external homogenous magnetic field is found exactly in the parameter ZαZ\alpha. The j=1/2j=1/2 projection of the correction to the wave function of the ns1/2ns_{1/2} state due to the external homogeneous magnetic field is found for arbitrary nn. The j=3/2j=3/2 projection of the correction to the wave function of the ns1/2ns_{1/2} state due to the nuclear magnetic moment is also found for arbitrary nn. Using these results, we have calculated the shielding of the nuclear magnetic moment by the ns1/2ns_{1/2} electron.Comment: 15 page

    Discrete Lagrangian systems on the Virasoro group and Camassa-Holm family

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    We show that the continuous limit of a wide natural class of the right-invariant discrete Lagrangian systems on the Virasoro group gives the family of integrable PDE's containing Camassa-Holm, Hunter-Saxton and Korteweg-de Vries equations. This family has been recently derived by Khesin and Misiolek as Euler equations on the Virasoro algebra for Hα,β1H^1_{\alpha,\beta}-metrics. Our result demonstrates a universal nature of these equations.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, AMS-LaTeX. Version 2: minor changes. Version 3: minor change