5 research outputs found

    Palynological classification of Onosma L. (Boraginaceae) species from east Mediterranean region in Turkey

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    Twenty-five Onosma (Boraginaceae) taxa belonging to two subsections Haplotricha and Asterotricha from the east Mediterranean region in Turkey were studied by palynological analysis and numerical taxonomy. Application of discriminant function analysis to raw data obtained from the acetolysis and Wodehouse methods resulted in very good allocation of species to their original groups. However the results obtained from acetolysis (99%) resulted in better discrimination than theWodehouse (97%) method. Asimilar outcome was reached in principal component analysis and UPGMA. Higher percentage of phenetic variation was explained by the acetolysis method. The utility of palynological data in taxonomic classification with the use of using numerical methods is discussed

    Onosma anatolica, a new species of Boraginaceae from Turkey

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    Onosma anatolica Binzet, is described and illustrated as a new species from Niğde province in southern Anatolia, Turkey. It belongs to sect. Onosma L. subsect. Asterotricha (Boiss.) Gürke. The new species is closely related to Onosma subulifolia Riedl from which it is distinguished. O. anatolica is readily distinguished from O. subulifolia by its sterile shoots, the green-grey stem indumentum, longer bracts, yellow and puberulous petals. The IUCN threat category of O. anatolica is determined as “CR (Critically Endangered)”. A distribution map and anidentification key for O. anatolica and O. subulifolia supplement the study

    Alyssum misirdalianum (Brassicaceae), a New Species from Southern Turkey

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    Volume: 19Start Page: 494End Page: 49

    <i>Onosma satensis</i> sp. nov. (Boraginaceae: Lithospemeae), une espèce nouvelle d’Hakkari (Anatolie orientale, Turquie)

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    Une espèce nouvelle d’Onosma L.(Boraginaceae: Lithospermeae), endémique de la province d’Hakkari en Turquie orientale, est décrite et illustrée. Elle est répartie sur une zone étroite des Monts Sat et est très proche de O. polioxantha Rech. f., également présente en Turquie, dont elle se distingue surtout par ses feuilles naviculaires – les caulinaires plus longues et réticulées –, ses pédicelle et calice plus longs, densément hérissés en surface de poils raides plus longs, sa corolle réticulée et ses nucules plus grosses. La répartition, la description de l’habitat, les noms vernaculaires, le statut UICN et une clé d’identification sont fournis, ainsi que des micrographies M.E.B. des nucules et du pollen de O. satensis sp. nov.A new species of Onosma L. (Boraginaceae: Lithospermeae), from the Hakkari province of eastern Turkey, is described and illustrated. The new species is endemic and distributed in a narrow area in the Sat Mountains. Taxonomically the closest relative of Onosma satensis sp. nov. is O. polioxantha Rech. f. which also occurs in Turkey. In addition, it is primarily distinguished from O. polioxantha by its navicular leaves, longer and reticulate cauline leaves, longer pedicels and calyx, longer and densely patent short setulose outside, reticulate corolla and bigger nutlets. The geographical distributions and map, detailed photographs, habitat description, vernacular name, an IUCN conservation status and identification key for O. satensis sp. nov. and O. polioxantha were also provided. Nutlets and pollen micrographs of O. satensis sp. nov. are presented using scanning electron microscopy.</p