42 research outputs found

    Noble gas and carbon isotope systematics at the seemingly inactive Ciomadul volcano (Eastern‐Central Europe, Romania): evidence for volcanic degassing

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    Ciomadul is the youngest volcano in the Carpathian-Pannonian Region, Eastern-Central Europe, which last erupted 30 ka. This volcano is considered to be inactive, however, combined evidence from petrologic and magnetotelluric data, as well as seismic tomography studies suggest the existence of a subvolcanic crystal mush with variable melt content. The volcanic area is characterized by high CO2 gas output rate, with a minimum of 8.7 × 103 t yr-1. We investigated 31 gas emissions at Ciomadul to constrain the origin of the volatiles. The δ13C-CO2 and 3He/4He compositions suggest the outgassing of a significant component of mantle-derived fluids. The He isotope signature in the outgassing fluids (up to 3.10 Ra) is lower than the values in the peridotite xenoliths of the nearby alkaline basalt volcanic field (R/Ra 5.95Ra±0.01) which are representative of a continental lithospheric mantle and significantly lower than MORB values. Considering the chemical characteristics of the Ciomadul dacite, including trace element and Sr- Nd and O isotope compositions, an upper crustal contamination is less probable, whereas the primary magmas could have been derived from an enriched mantle source. The low He isotopic ratios could indicate a strongly metasomatized mantle lithosphere. This could be due to infiltration of subduction-related fluids and postmetasomatic ingrowth of radiogenic He. The metasomatic fluids are inferred to have contained subducted carbonate material resulting in a heavier carbon isotope composition (13C is in the range of -1.4 to -4.6 ‰) and an increase of CO2/3He ratio. Our study shows the magmatic contribution to the emitted gases

    Prototype with the basic architecture for the CBM-TOF inner wall tested in close to real conditions

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    Two dimensional position sensitive timing MGMSRPC prototypes were developed for the low polar angles of the CBM - TOF wall. Four MGMSRPC counters were arranged in a staggered geometrical configuration along the z direction, with overlap along and across the strips, in order to define a basic architecture for the inner zone of the CBM-TOF wall. This configuration was tested with mixed electron-pion beam at CERN-PS and with reaction products resulted from the heavy ion induced reactions at SIS18 - GSI Darmstadt and SPS - CERN. The performance of the basic architecture in conditions close to the ones expected for their operation in the inner zone o the CBM - TOF wall at SIS100/FAIR will be presented