10 research outputs found

    Bauern und Landwirtschaft im Paderborner und Corveyer Land: 1350 - 1600

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    Lienen BH, Rüthing H. Bauern und Landwirtschaft im Paderborner und Corveyer Land: 1350 - 1600. Heimatkundliche Schriftenreihe, 12. Volksbank Paderborn; 1981

    A Fresh Look at PRE as a Maximum Flow Problem

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    We show that classic PRE is also a maximum flow problem, thereby revealing the missing link between classic and speculative PRE, and more importantly, establishing a common high-level conceptual basis for this important compiler optimisation. To demonstrate this, we formulate a new, simple unidirectional bit-vector algorithm for classic PRE based only on the well-known concepts of availability and anticipatability. Designed to find a unique minimum cut in a flow network derived from a CFG, which is proved simply but rigorously, our algorithm is simple and intuitive, and its optimality is self-evident. This conceptual simplicity also translates into efficiency, as validated by experiments

    Path-Sensitive Analysis for Linear Arithmetic and Uninterpreted Functions

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    We describe data structures and algorithms for performing a path-sensitive program analysis to discover equivalences of expressions involving linear arithmetic or uninterpreted functions. We assume that conditionals are abstracted as boolean variables, which may be repeated to reflect equivalent conditionals. We introduce free conditional expression diagrams (FCEDs), which extend binary decision diagrams (BDDs) with internal nodes corresponding to linear arithmetic operators or uninterpreted functions. FCEDs can represent values of expressions in a program involving conditionals and linear arithmetic (or uninterpreted functions). We show how to construct them easily from a program, and give a randomized linear time algorithm (or quadratic time for uninterpreted functions) for comparing FCEDs for equality. FCEDs are compact due to maximal representation sharing for portions of the program with independent conditionals. They inherit from BDDs the precise reasoning about boolean expressions needed to handle dependent conditionals