277 research outputs found

    Alternative final steps in berberine biosynthesis in Coptis japonica cell cultures

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    In Coptis japonica cell cultures an alternative pathway has been discovered which leads from (S)-tetrahydrocolumbamine via (S)-canadine to berberine. The two enzymes involved have been partially purified. (S)-Tetrahydrocolumbamine is stereospecifically transformed into (S)-canadine under formation of the methylenedioxy bridge in ring A. This new enzyme was named (S)-canadine synthase. (S)-Canadine in turn is stereospecifically dehydrogenated to berberine by an oxidase, (S)-canadine oxidase (COX), which was partially purified (25-fold). This enzyme has many physical properties in common with the already known (S)-tetrahydroprotoberberine oxidase from Berberis but grossly differs from the latter enzyme in its cofactor requirement (Fe) and its substrate specificity. Neither (S)-norreticuline nor (S)-scoulerine serves as substrate for the Coptis enzyme, while both substrates are readily oxidized by the Berberis enzyme. The four terminal enzymes catalyzing the pathway from (S)-reticuline to berberine are housed in Berberis as well as in Coptis in smooth vesicles with a density of =1.14 g/ml. These vesicles have been enriched and characterized by electron microscopy

    Модернизация теплообменных аппаратов различной производительности на основе численного моделирования

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    Выпускная квалификационная работа 104 с., 49 рис., 10 табл., 20 источников, 3 прил. Ключевые слова: математическое моделирование, теплообменник, топливный газ, интенсификаторы теплообмена, принудительная конвекция, турбулентность, расчетная сетка, присоединительный вихрь, тепловой поток, геометрическая модель. Объектом исследования является теплообменный аппарат, применяемый для нагрева топливного газа перед подачей его на горелочные устройства. Цель работы - исследование интенсифицированного теплообмена при турбулентном течении теплоносителя в прямых круглых трубах с итенсификаторами теплообмена и анализ эффективности различных турбулизаторов.Final qualifying work 104 p., 49 fig., 10 tab., 20 sources, 3 application. Keywords: mathematical modeling, heat exchanger, fuel gas, to vary the heat transfer, forced convection, turbulence, computational grid, connecting a whirlwind, heat flow, the geometric model. The object of research is the heat exchanger that is used to heat the fuel gas before it is fed to the burners. Objective - research intensified heat exchange in turbulent flow of coolant in straight circular pipes with itensifikatorami heat exchange and analysis of the effectiveness of different turbulence. The study was carried out mathematical modeling of the object of study with the use of ANSYS package applications, analysis of the results and evaluation of the effectiveness of different types of turbulence

    Evolution of structure and local magnetic fields during crystallization of HITPERM glassy alloys studied by in situ diffraction and nuclear forward scattering of synchrotron radiation

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    Evolution of structure and local magnetic fields in Fe1 xCox 76Mo8Cu1B15 HITPERM metallic glass ribbons with various amounts of Co x 0, 0.25, 0.5 were studied in situ using diffraction and nuclear forward scattering of synchrotron radiation. It was found that crystallization for all three glasses proceeds in two stages. In the first stage, bcc Fe,Co nanocrystals are formed, while in the second stage additional crystalline phases evolve. For all three glasses, the crystallization temperatures at the wheel side were found to be lower than at the air side of the ribbon. The crystallization temperatures were found to decrease with increasing Co content. The lattice parameters of the bcc nanocrystals decrease up to about 550 C and then increase pointing to squeezing Mo atoms out of the nanograins or to interface effects between the nanocrystals and the glassy matrix. Nuclear forward scattering enabled separate evaluation of the contributions that stem from structurally different regions within the investigated samples including the newly formed nanocrystals and the residual amorphous matrix. Even minor Co content x 0.25 has a substantial effect not only upon the magnetic behaviour of the alloy but also upon its structure. Making use of hyperfine magnetic fields, it was possible to unveil structurally diverse positions of Fe atoms that reside in a nanocrystalline lattice with different number of Co nearest neighbour

    Nonlinear motion and mechanical mixing in as-grown GaAs nanowires

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    We report nonlinear behavior in the motion of driven nanowire cantilevers. The nonlinearity can be described by the Duffing equation and is used to demonstrate mechanical mixing of two distinct excitation frequencies. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the nonlinearity can be used to amplify a signal at a frequency close to the mechanical resonance of the nanowire oscillator. Up to 26 dB of amplitude gain are demonstrated in this way

    Observation of insulator-metal transition in EuNiO3_{3} under high pressure

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    The charge transfer antiferromagnetic (TN_{N} =220 K) insulator EuNiO3_{3} undergoes, at ambient pressure, a temperature-induced metal insulator MI transition at TMI_{MI}=463 K. We have investigated the effect of pressure (up to p~20 GPa) on the electronic, magnetic and structural properties of EuNiO3_{3} using electrical resistance measurements, {151}^Eu nuclear resonance scattering of synchrotron radiation and x-ray diffraction, respectively. With increasing pressure we find at pc_{c} =5.8 GPa a transition from the insulating state to a metallic state, while the orthorhombic structure remains unchanged up to 20 GPa. The results are explained in terms of a gradual increase of the electronic bandwidth with increasing pressure, which results in a closing of the charge transfer gap. It is further shown that the pressure-induced metallic state exhibits magnetic order with a lowervalue of TN_{N} (TN_{N} ~120 K at 9.4 GPa) which disappears between 9.4 and 14.4 GPa.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetization reversal of an individual exchange biased permalloy nanotube

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    We investigate the magnetization reversal mechanism in an individual permalloy (Py) nanotube (NT) using a hybrid magnetometer consisting of a nanometer-scale SQUID (nanoSQUID) and a cantilever torque sensor. The Py NT is affixed to the tip of a Si cantilever and positioned in order to optimally couple its stray flux into a Nb nanoSQUID. We are thus able to measure both the NT's volume magnetization by dynamic cantilever magnetometry and its stray flux using the nanoSQUID. We observe a training effect and temperature dependence in the magnetic hysteresis, suggesting an exchange bias. We find a low blocking temperature TB=18±2T_B = 18 \pm 2 K, indicating the presence of a thin antiferromagnetic native oxide, as confirmed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy on similar samples. Furthermore, we measure changes in the shape of the magnetic hysteresis as a function of temperature and increased training. These observations show that the presence of a thin exchange-coupled native oxide modifies the magnetization reversal process at low temperatures. Complementary information obtained via cantilever and nanoSQUID magnetometry allows us to conclude that, in the absence of exchange coupling, this reversal process is nucleated at the NT's ends and propagates along its length as predicted by theory.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure